< Isaiah 28 >
1 Woe to the crown of arrogance, to the inebriated of Ephraim, and to the falling flower, the glory of his exultation, to those who were at the top of the very fat valley, staggering from wine.
Celakalah kota yang menjadi kebanggaan para pemabuk Israel! Keindahannya menjadi pudar seperti karangan bunga yang layu di atas kepala mereka. Celakalah kota yang menjulang tinggi di tengah lembah subur, kebanggaan orang-orang yang mabuk setengah mati.
2 Behold, the Lord is powerful and steadfast, like a storm of hail, like a crushing whirlwind, like the force of many waters, inundating, sent forth over a spacious land.
TUHAN akan mengutus seorang yang kuat dan perkasa. Datangnya seperti topan disertai hujan es, seperti hujan lebat dan banjir yang menghanyutkan. Dengan kekerasan ia menghempaskan mereka ke tanah.
3 The arrogant crown of the inebriated of Ephraim will be trampled underfoot.
Kebanggaan pemimpin-pemimpin yang mabuk itu akan diinjak-injak.
4 And the falling flower, the glory of his exultation, who is at the summit of the fat valley, will be like a premature fruit before the ripeness of autumn, which, when the onlooker beholds it, as soon he takes it in his hand, he will devour it.
Kemasyhuran kota mereka yang sudah mulai pudar itu akan lenyap. Nasibnya seperti nasib buah ara yang masak sebelum musimnya; begitu dilihat, terus dipetik dan dimakan.
5 In that day, the Lord of hosts will be the crown of glory and the wreath of exultation for the remnant of his people.
TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa akan menjadi karangan bunga yang indah bagi sisa umat-Nya.
6 And he will be the spirit of judgment for those who sit in judgment, and the strength of those who return from war to the gates.
TUHAN akan memberi rasa keadilan kepada para hakim, dan keberanian kepada orang-orang yang bertugas menjaga kota dari serangan.
7 Yet truly, these also have been ignorant due to wine, and they have gone astray due to inebriation. The priest and the prophet have been ignorant because of inebriation. They have been absorbed by wine. They have staggered in drunkenness. They have not known the One who sees. They have been ignorant of judgment.
Juga nabi-nabi dan imam-imam mabuk karena terlalu banyak minum anggur dan arak. Mereka berjalan terhuyung-huyung dan tersandung-sandung karena pikiran mereka kacau. Nabi-nabi tak dapat lagi memahami penglihatan-penglihatan yang diberikan Allah kepada mereka. Imam-imam tak dapat lagi memutuskan perkara-perkara yang dihadapkan kepada mereka.
8 For all the tables have been filled with vomit and filth, so much so that there was no place left.
Meja mereka penuh dengan muntah, sehingga tak ada tempat yang bersih lagi.
9 To whom will he teach knowledge? And to whom will he grant an understanding of what is heard? To those who have been weaned from the milk, who have been pulled away from the breasts.
Mereka mengeluh tentang aku, katanya, "Sangkanya dia mengajar siapa? Siapa pula yang perlu penjelasannya? Pikirnya kita ini anak kecil yang baru disapih?
10 So then: command, and command again; command, and command again; expect, and expect again; a little here, and a little there.
Masakan dia mengajar kita huruf demi huruf, kata demi kata, kalimat demi kalimat."
11 For with the speech of lips and with a different language, he will speak to this people.
Kalau kamu tak mau mendengar aku, maka TUHAN akan mengutus orang asing untuk mengajar kamu dalam logat ganjil dan bahasa asing.
12 He said to them: “This is my rest. Refresh the weary,” and, “This is my refreshment.” And yet they were unwilling to listen.
TUHAN menawarkan tempat istirahat kepada kamu semua, tetapi kamu tak mau mendengarkan Dia.
13 And so, the word of the Lord to them will be: “Command, and command again; command, and command again; expect, and expect again; a little here, and a little there,” so that they may go forward and fall backward, and so that they may be broken and ensnared and captured.
Oleh karena itu TUHAN mengajar kamu huruf demi huruf, kata demi kata dan kalimat demi kalimat. Dan waktu berjalan kamu jatuh telentang sehingga luka, terjerat dan tertawan.
14 Because of this, listen to the word of the Lord, you mocking men, who lord it over my people who are at Jerusalem.
Dengarlah apa yang dikatakan TUHAN, hai pengejek-pengejek yang memerintah rakyat di Yerusalem!
15 For you have said: “We struck a deal with death, and we formed a pact with Hell. When the inundating scourge passes through, it will not overwhelm us. For we have placed our hope in lies, and we are protected by what is false.” (Sheol )
Kamu berkata bahwa kamu sudah membuat perjanjian dengan maut dan mengadakan persetujuan dengan dunia orang mati. Kamu merasa pasti bahwa bencana yang akan datang itu tidak akan menimpa dirimu, karena kamu memakai tipu muslihat untuk melindungi dirimu. (Sheol )
16 For this reason, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will set a stone within the foundations of Zion, a tested stone, a cornerstone, a precious stone, which has been established in the foundation: whoever trusts in him need not hurry.
Oleh sebab itu, TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata begini, "Aku akan meletakkan dasar yang kuat dan kokoh di Sion; sebuah batu sendi yang berharga dengan tulisan: 'Siapa yang percaya teguh, tidak akan menyerah kalah.'
17 And I will establish judgment in weights, and justice in measures. And a hailstorm will overturn hope in what is false; and waters will inundate its protection.
Keadilan Kujadikan tali pengukur, dan kejujuran Kujadikan tali sipat." Hujan batu akan menyapu bersih semua kebohongan yang kamu andalkan. Banjir akan menghanyutkan tempat persembunyianmu.
18 And your deal with death will be abolished, and your pact with Hell will not stand. When the inundating scourge passes through, you will be trampled down by it. (Sheol )
Perjanjianmu dengan maut dan persetujuanmu dengan dunia orang mati akan dibatalkan, sehingga kalau bencana datang, kamu hancur diinjak-injak. (Sheol )
19 Whenever it passes through, it will take you away. For, at first light of morning, it will pass through, in the day and in the night, and vexation alone will make you understand what you hear.
Kamu akan ditimpa kemalangan terus-menerus dan harus menanggungnya setiap hari, pagi, siang dan malam. Kamu akan gemetar ketakutan bila kamu mengerti pesan Allah.
20 For the bed has been narrowed, so much so that one alone would fall out, and the short blanket is not able to cover two.
Kamu seperti orang yang mau tidur dalam ranjang yang kurang panjang untuk tempat membujurkan diri. Selimutnya kurang lebar untuk menyelubungi dirimu.
21 For the Lord will stand, just as at the mountain of divisions. He will be angry, just as in the valley which is in Gibeon, so that he may accomplish his work, his strange work, so that he may complete his work, his work which is foreign even to him.
TUHAN akan bangkit seperti di Gunung Perazim. Ia akan berjuang seperti di Lembah Gibeon untuk melaksanakan maksud-Nya, maksud yang aneh bagi manusia! Ia akan melaksanakan karya-Nya yang menakjubkan.
22 And now, do not be willing to mock, lest your chains be tightened. For I have heard, from the Lord, the God of hosts, about the consummation and the abridgement concerning the entire earth.
Aku telah mendengar keputusan Allah Yang Mahatinggi dan Mahakuasa untuk membinasakan seluruh negeri. Jangan mencela kata-kata peringatan yang kusampaikan ini. Nanti menjadi lebih sulit bagimu untuk meluputkan diri!
23 Pay close attention, and listen to my voice! Attend and hear my eloquence!
Dengarkanlah kata-kataku, perhatikanlah pesanku.
24 Would the plowman, after plowing all day so that he may sow, instead cut open and hoe his soil?
Seorang petani tak akan terus-menerus membajak, mencangkul dan menggaruk tanahnya untuk ditanami.
25 Will he not, when he has made the surface level, sow coriander, and scatter cumin, and plant wheat in rows, and barley, and millet, and vetch in their places?
Kalau tanahnya itu sudah siap, ia menaburkan benih, misalnya jintan hitam dan jintan putih. Ia menanam dua macam gandum berderet-deret, dan di pinggirnya tanaman lain.
26 For he will be instructed in judgment; his God will teach him.
Ia tahu cara mengerjakannya, sebab sudah diajari Allahnya.
27 For coriander cannot be threshed with a saw, and a cartwheel cannot revolve over cumin. Instead, coriander is shaken out with a stick, and cumin with a staff.
Ia tidak memakai eretan pengirik untuk mengirik jintan hitam atau roda gerobak untuk menggiling jintan putih. Untuk itu dipakainya galah yang ringan.
28 But grain for bread must be crushed. Truly, the thresher cannot thresh it unceasingly, and the cartwheel can neither disrupt it, nor break it with its surface.
Waktu mengirik gandum, ia tidak memukulnya terus-menerus sampai hancur. Tidak! Ia tahu cara mengirik yang tepat dengan mengendarai gerobak di atasnya tanpa menghancurkan biji-biji gandum itu.
29 And this has gone forth from the Lord, the God of hosts, so that he may accomplish his miraculous plan and magnify justice.
Kebijaksanaan itu datangnya dari TUHAN Yang Mahakuasa. Semua rencana TUHAN bijaksana dan selalu berhasil.