< Isaiah 26 >
1 In that day, this canticle will be sung in the land of Judah. Within it will be set the city of our strength: Zion, a savior, a wall with a bulwark.
В той день воспоют песнь сию в земли Иудейстей, глаголюще: се, град крепок, и спасение нам положит стену и ограждение.
2 Open the gates, and let the just people who guard the truth enter.
Отверзите врата, да внидут людие хранящии правду и хранящии истину,
3 The old error has gone away. You will serve peace: peace, for we have hoped in you.
приемлющии истину и хранящии мир.
4 You have trusted in the Lord for all eternity, in the Lord God almighty forever.
Яко на тя надеянием надеяшася, Господи, во век, Боже великий, вечный,
5 For he will bend down those living in the heights. He will bring low the lofty city. He will lower it, even to the ground. He will tear it down, even to the dust.
иже смирив низвел еси живущыя в высоких: грады крепкия разориши и обнизиши я даже до земли.
6 The foot will tread it down: the feet of the poor, the steps of the indigent.
И поперут я ноги кротких и смиренных.
7 The path of the just is upright; the difficult path of the just is right to walk in.
Путь благочестивых прав бысть, и приуготован путь благочестивых.
8 And in the path of your judgments, O Lord, we have endured for you. Your name and your remembrance are the desire of the soul.
Путь бо Господень суд: уповахом на имя Твое и память, еяже желает душа наша.
9 My soul has desired you in the night. But I will also watch for you with my spirit, in my inmost heart, from the morning. When you accomplish your judgments upon the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn justice.
От нощи утренюет дух мой к Тебе, Боже, зане свет повеления Твоя на земли: правде научитеся, живущии на земли.
10 Let us take pity on the impious one, but he will not learn justice. In the land of the holy ones, he has done iniquity, and so he will not see the glory of the Lord.
Преста бо нечестивый: всяк, иже не научится правде на земли, истины не сотворит: да возмется нечестивый, да не видит славы Господни.
11 Lord, let your hand be exalted, and let them not see it. May the envious people see and be confounded. And may fire devour your enemies.
Господи, высока Твоя мышца, и не ведеша, разумевше же постыдятся: ревность приимет люди ненаказанныя, и ныне огнь супостаты пояст.
12 Lord, you will give us peace. For all our works have been wrought for us by you.
Господи Боже наш, мир даждь нам, вся бо воздал еси нам.
13 O Lord our God, other lords have possessed us apart from you, but in you alone let us remember your name.
Господи Боже наш, стяжи ны: Господи, разве Тебе иного не вемы: имя Твое именуем.
14 Let not the dead live; let not the giants rise up again. For this reason, you have visited and destroyed them, and you have perished all remembrance of them.
Мертвии же живота не имут видети, ниже врачеве воскресят: сего ради навел еси и погубил еси, и взял еси всяк мужеск пол их.
15 You have been lenient to the people, O Lord, lenient to the people. But have you been glorified? You have removed all the limits of the earth.
Приложи им зла, Господи, приложи зла славным земли.
16 Lord, they have sought you in anguish. Your doctrine was with them, amid the tribulation of murmuring.
Господи, в скорби помянухом Тя, в скорби мале наказание Твое нам.
17 Like a woman who has conceived and is approaching the time for delivery, who, in anguish, cries out in her pains, so have we become before your face, O Lord.
И яко болящая приближается родити и в болезни своей воскрича, тако быхом возлюбленному Твоему.
18 We have conceived, and it is as if we were in labor, but we have given birth to wind. We have not brought forth salvation on the earth. For this reason, the inhabitants of the earth have not fallen.
Страха ради Твоего, Господи, во чреве прияхом и поболехом, и родихом дух спасения Твоего, егоже сотворихом на земли: не падемся, но падутся вси живущии на земли.
19 Your dead shall live. My slain will rise again. Be awakened, and give praise, you who live in the dust! For your dew is the dew of the light, and you shall be dragged down to the land of the giants, to ruination.
Воскреснут мертвии и востанут иже во гробех, и возрадуются иже на земли: роса бо, яже от Тебе, изцеление им есть, земля же нечестивых падет.
20 Go, my people! Enter your chambers. Close your doors behind you. Conceal yourselves for a very brief time, until the indignation has passed over you.
Идите, людие мои, внидите во храмину вашу, затворите двери своя, укрыйтеся мало елико елико, дондеже мимоидет гнев Господень.
21 For behold, the Lord will go forth from his place, so that he may visit the iniquity of each inhabitant of the earth against him. And the earth will reveal its blood, and it will no longer cover its slain.
Се бо, Господь от святаго (места) наводит гнев на живущыя на земли: и открыет земля кровь свою и не покрыет избиеных.