< Isaiah 18 >

1 Woe to the land, that winged cymbal, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia,
Mawa na mokili oyo ezali na bamasuwa oyo ezalaka na bavwale lokola mabanki, bongo enanaka na ebale ya Kushi!
2 which sends ambassadors by sea and in vessels of papyrus above the waters. Go forth, O swift Angels, to a nation which has been convulsed and torn apart, to a terrible people, after whom there is no other, to a nation apprehensive and downtrodden, whose land the rivers have spoiled.
Mawa na yo oyo otindaka bantoma na nzela ya ebale kati na bamasuwa oyo basala na papirisi, na likolo ya ebale monene! Bino bapanzi sango ya mbangu, bokende epai ya bato ya ekolo oyo bazalaka milayi mpe baposo ya nzoto na bango engengaka, epai ya bato ya ekolo oyo babangisaka na mosika, bato ya makasi oyo banyataka banguna na bango, mpe oyo bibale eleka kati na mokili na bango.
3 All inhabitants of the world, you who dwell upon the earth: when the sign will have been elevated on the mountains, you will see, and you will hear the blast of the trumpet.
Bino nyonso, bavandi ya mokili, bino oyo botondisi mabele, tango bakotombola bendele na likolo ya bangomba, bokomona; tango bakobeta kelelo, bokoyoka!
4 For the Lord says this to me: I will be quiet, and I will consider in my place, as the light at midday is clear, and as a cloud of dew in the day of the harvest.
Pamba te, tala liloba oyo Yawe alobi na ngai: « Nakovanda kimia mpe nakotala wuta na ndako na Ngai, lokola kongala ya moyi to lokola mapata na tango ya molunge. »
5 For before the harvest, all was flourishing. And it will spring forth with an untimely completion, and its little branches will be pruned with a curved blade. And what is left over will be cut away and shaken off.
Mpo ete liboso ya kobuka bambuma, tango bafololo ya mike etikaka kobima mpe ekomaka bambuma mibesu oyo ekomi pene ya kotela, bakataka bitape na likwangola, babwakaka mpe batiaka pembeni bitape.
6 And together they will be abandoned to the birds of the mountains and to the wild beasts of the earth. And the birds will be continuously on them in the summer, and all the wild beasts of the earth will winter over them.
Bakosundola yango epai ya bandeke oyo eliaka misuni na likolo ya bangomba mpe epai ya banyama ya zamba. Bandeke minene ekolia yango na tango ya molunge mpe banyama ya zamba ekolia yango na tango ya malili.
7 In that time, a gift will be carried to the Lord of hosts, from a people divided and torn apart, from a terrible people, after whom there has been no other, from an apprehensive nation, apprehensive and downtrodden, whose land the rivers have ruined, and it will be carried to the place of the name of the Lord of hosts, to mount Zion.
Na tango wana, bakomema bakado epai na Yawe, Mokonzi ya mampinga, wuta epai ya ekolo ya bato milayi oyo poso ya nzoto na bango engengaka, wuta epai ya ekolo ya bato oyo babangisaka na mosika, bato ya makasi oyo banyataka banguna na bango, mpe oyo bibale eleka kati na mokili na bango, bakomema bakado yango na ngomba Siona, esika oyo Kombo ya Yawe, Mokonzi ya mampinga, ezalaka.

< Isaiah 18 >