< Isaiah 11 >
1 And a rod will go forth from the root of Jesse, and a flower will ascend from his root.
Porque sairá uma vara do tronco de Jessé, e um renovo crescerá das suas raizes.
2 And the Spirit of the Lord will rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and fortitude, the spirit of knowledge and piety.
E repousará sobre elle o espirito do Senhor, o espirito de sabedoria e de intelligencia, o espirito de conselho e de fortaleza, o espirito de conhecimento e do temor do Senhor.
3 And he will be filled with the spirit of the fear of the Lord. He will not judge according to the sight of the eyes, nor reprove according to the hearing of the ears.
E o seu deleite será no temor do Senhor: e não julgará segundo a vista dos seus olhos, nem reprehenderá segundo o ouvir dos seus ouvidos,
4 Instead, he will judge the poor with justice, and he will reprove the meek of the earth with fairness. And he will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and he will slay the impious with the spirit of his lips.
Mas julgará com justiça aos pobres, e reprehenderá com equidade aos mansos da terra, porém ferirá a terra com a vara de sua bocca, e com o assopro dos seus labios matará ao impio
5 And justice will be the belt around his waist. And faith will be the warrior’s belt at his side.
Porque a justiça será o cinto dos seus lombos, e a verdade o cinto dos seus rins.
6 The wolf will dwell with the lamb; and the leopard will lie down with the kid; the calf and the lion and the sheep will abide together; and a little boy will drive them.
E morará o lobo com o cordeiro, e o leopardo com o cabrito se deitará, e o bezerro, e o filho de leão e o animal cevado andarão juntos, e um menino pequeno os guiará.
7 The calf and the bear will feed together; their young ones will rest together. And the lion will eat straw like the ox.
A vacca e a ursa pastarão juntas, seus filhos se deitarão juntos, e o leão comerá palha como o boi
8 And a breastfeeding infant will play above the lair of the asp. And a child who has been weaned will thrust his hand into the den of the king snake.
E brincará a creança de peito sobre o buraco do aspide, e o já desmamado metterá a sua mão na cova do basilisco.
9 They will not harm, and they will not kill, on all my holy mountain. For the earth has been filled with the knowledge of the Lord, like the waters covering the sea.
Não se fará mal mem damno algum em nenhuma parte de todo o monte da minha sanctidade, porque a terra se encherá do conhecimento do Senhor, como as aguas cobrem o fundo do mar.
10 In that day, the root of Jesse, who stands as a sign among the people, the same the Gentiles shall beseech, and his sepulcher will be glorious.
Porque acontecerá n'aquelle dia que as nações perguntarão pela raiz de Jessé, posta por pendão dos povos, e o seu repouso será glorioso.
11 And this shall be in that day: the Lord will send forth his hand a second time to take possession of the remnant of his people who will be left behind: from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Ethiopia, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.
Porque ha de acontecer n'aquelle dia que o Senhor tornará a pôr a sua mão para adquirir outra vez os residuos do seu povo, que restarem da Assyria, e do Egypto, e de Pathros, e da Ethiopia, e de Elam, e de Sinear, e de Hamath, e das ilhas do mar.
12 And he will lift up a sign to the nations, and he will gather together the fugitives of Israel, and he will collect the dispersed of Judah from the four regions of the earth.
E levantará um pendão entre as nações, e ajuntará os desterrados de Israel, e os dispersos de Judah congregará desde os quatro confins da terra
13 And the envy of Ephraim will be taken away, and the enemies of Judah will perish. Ephraim will not be a rival to Judah, and Judah will not fight against Ephraim.
E a inveja de Ephraim se desviará, e os adversarios de Judah serão desarraigados: Ephraim não invejará a Judah e Judah não opprimirá a Ephraim.
14 And they will fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines through the sea; together they will plunder the sons of the east. Idumea and Moab will be under the rule of their hand, and the sons of Ammon will be obedient.
Antes voarão sobre os hombros dos philisteos ao occidente, juntos despojarão aos do oriente: em Edom e Moab porão as suas mãos, e os filhos de Ammon lhes obedecerão.
15 And the Lord will desolate the tongue of the sea of Egypt. And he will lift up his hand over the river, with the strength of his Spirit; and he will strike it, in its seven streams, so that they may cross through it in their shoes.
E o Senhor destruirá totalmente o braço do mar do Egypto, e moverá a sua mão contra o rio com a força do seu vento, e o ferirá nas sete correntes e fará que se passe por elle com sapatos.
16 And there will be a way for the remnant of my people, who will be left behind by the Assyrians: just as there was for Israel in the day that he ascended from the land of Egypt.
E haverá caminho plano para os residuos do seu povo, que restarem da Assyria, como succedeu a Israel no dia em que subiu da terra do Egypto.