< Habakkuk 2 >
1 I will stand firm during my watch, and fix my position over the fortification. And I will observe carefully, to see what might be said to me and what I might respond to my opponent.
我わが觀望所に立ち戍樓に身を置ん 而して我候ひ望みて其われに何と宣まふかを見 わが訴言に我みづから何と答ふべきかを見ん
2 And the Lord responded to me and said: Write the vision and explain it on tablets, so that he who reads it may run through it.
ヱホバわれに答へて言たまはく 此默示を書しるして之を板の上に明白に鐫つけ奔りながらも之を讀むべからしめよ
3 For as yet the vision is far off, and it will appear in the end, and it will not lie. If it expresses any delay, wait for it. For it is arriving and it will arrive, and it will not be hindered.
この默示はなほ定まれる時を俟てその終を急ぐなり 僞ならず 若し遲くあらば待べし 必ず臨むべし 濡滯りはせじ
4 Behold, he who is unbelieving, his soul will not be right within himself; but he who is just shall live in his faith.
視よ彼の心は高ぶりその中にありて直からず 然ど義き者はその信仰によりて活べし
5 And in the manner that wine deceives the heavy drinker, so will the arrogant man be deceived, and he will not be honored. He has enlarged his life like hellfire, and himself like death, and he is never fulfilled. And he will gather to himself all nations, and he will amass for himself all peoples. (Sheol )
かの酒に耽る者は邪曲なる者なり 驕傲者にして安んぜず彼はその情慾を陰府のごとくに濶くす また彼は死のごとし 又足ことを知ず 萬國を集へて己に歸せしめ萬民を聚めて己に就しむ (Sheol )
6 Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and an enigmatic utterance about him? And it will be said, “Woe to him who increases what is not his own.” How long, then, will he lay down dense clay against himself?
其等の民みな諺語をもて彼を評し嘲弄の詩歌をもて彼を諷せざらんや 即ち言ん己に屬せざる物を積累ぬる者は禍なるかな 斯て何の時にまでおよばんや 嗟かの質物の重荷を身に負ふ者よ
7 Shall they not suddenly rise up, who would bite you, and be stirred up, who would tear you, so that you will be a prey for them?
汝を噬む者にはかに興らざらんや 汝を惱ます者醒出ざらんや 汝は之に掠めらるべし
8 Because you have despoiled many peoples, all those who are left of the people shall despoil you, because of the blood of men, and the iniquity of the earth, of the city and all who dwell therein.
汝衆多の國民を掠めしに因てその諸の民の遺れる者なんぢを掠めん 是人の血を流ししに因る また強暴を地上に行ひて邑とその内に住る一切の者とに及ぼせしに因るなり
9 Woe to him who gathers together an evil greed for his house, so that his nest may be exalted, and thinking that he might free himself from the hand of evil.
10 You have devised confusion for your house, you have cut to pieces many peoples, and your soul has sinned.
11 For the stone will cry out from the wall, and the wood that is between the joints of the building will respond.
12 Woe to him who builds a town with blood and prepares a city by iniquity.
13 Are not these things before the Lord of hosts? For the people will labor amid a great fire, and the nations will labor in emptiness, and they will fail.
諸の民は火のために勞し諸の國人は虚空事のために疲る 是は萬軍のヱホバより出る者ならずや
14 For the earth shall be filled, that they might know the glory of the Lord, like the waters spreading over the sea.
15 Woe to anyone who gives a drink to a friend, releasing a drug and inebriating, so as to look upon their nakedness.
16 You are filled with disgrace in place of glory. So then, drink and fall fast asleep, for the cup of the right hand of the Lord will surround you, and a disgraceful vomit will cover your glory.
汝は榮譽に飽ずして羞辱に飽り 汝もまた飮て汝の不割禮を露はせ ヱホバの右の手の杯汝に巡り來るべし 汝は汚なき物を吐て榮耀を掩はん
17 For the iniquity of Lebanon will cover you, and the devastation of animals which will deter them from the blood of men, and the iniquity of the earth and the city, and of all who dwell therein.
汝がレバノンに爲たる強暴と獣を懼れしめしその殲滅とは汝の上に報いきたるべし 是人の血を流ししに因りまた強暴を地上に行ひて邑とその内に住る一切の者とに及ぼししに因るなり
18 Of what benefit is the graven image? For its maker has formed it, a molten and imaginary deception. For its maker has hoped in a figment of his own creation, so as to make a dumb likeness.
雕像はその作者これを刻みたりとて何の益あらんや 又鑄像および僞師は語はぬ偶像なればその像の作者これを作りて賴むとも何の益あらんや
19 Woe to him who says to wood, “Awaken,” to the silent stone, “Arise.” Is it able to teach? Behold, it has been entirely covered with gold and silver; and there is no spirit at all in its inner workings.
木にむかひて興ませと言ひ 語はぬ石にむかひて起たまへと言ふ者は禍なるかな 是あに敎晦を爲んや 視よ是は金銀に着せたる者にてその中には全く氣息なし
20 But the Lord is in his holy temple. May all the earth be silent before his face.
然りといへどもヱホバはその聖殿に在ますぞかし 全地その御前に默すべし