< Genesis 6 >
1 And when men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and daughters were born to them,
Na ka timata te tangata te tini haere ki runga ki te mata o te whenua, a ka whanau a ratou tamahine,
2 the sons of God, seeing that the daughters of men were beautiful, took to themselves wives from all whom they chose.
Ka kite nga tama a te Atua i nga tamahine a te tangata, he ataahua; na ka tango ratou i a ratou i pai ai o ratou katoa, hei wahine ma ratou.
3 And God said: “My spirit shall not remain in man forever, because he is flesh. And so his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
Na ka mea a Ihowa, E kore toku wairua e whakawa tonu i te tangata, he kikokiko nei ano hoki ia: na kia kotahi rau kia rua tekau tau ona ra.
4 Now giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went in to the daughters of men, and they conceived, these became the powerful ones of ancient times, men of renown.
He roroa nga tangata o te whenua i aua ra, a i muri iho, i te haerenga o nga tama a te Atua ki nga tamahine a te tangata, a ka whanau a ratou tamariki, ko ratou nga marohirohi o mua, he tangata whai ingoa.
5 Then God, seeing that the wickedness of men was great upon the earth and that every thought of their heart was intent upon evil at all times,
A ka kite te Atua he nui te kino o te tangata i runga i te whenua, he kino hoki nga tokonga ake o nga whakaaro katoa o tona ngakau i nga wa katoa.
6 repented that he had made man on the earth. And being touched inwardly with a sorrow of heart,
Na ka puta ke te whakaaro o Ihowa i hanga ai e ia te tangata ki runga ki te whenua, a ka pouri tona ngakau.
7 he said, “I will eliminate man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man to other living things, from animals even to the flying things of the air. For it grieves me that I have made them.”
Na ka mea a Ihowa, Ka whakangaromia atu e ahau i te mata o te whenua te tangata i hanga nei e ahau; te tangata, te kirehe, te mea ngokingoki, me nga manu o te rangi; kua puta ke hoki toku whakaaro i hanga ai ratou e ahau.
8 Yet truly, Noah found grace before the Lord.
Ko Noa ia i manakohia e Ihowa.
9 These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a just man, and yet he was predominate among his generations, for he walked with God.
Ko nga whakatupuranga enei o Noa: ko Noa he tangata tika, he ngakau tapatahi i ona whakatupuranga: i haereere tahi a Noa i te Atua.
10 And he conceived three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
A whanau ake nga tama a Noa tokotoru, ko Hema, ko Hama, ko Iapeta.
11 Yet the earth was corrupted before the eyes of God, and it was filled with iniquity.
Na kua kino te whenua i te aroaro o Ihowa, kua ki katoa hoki te whenua i te tutu.
12 And when God had seen that the earth had been corrupted, (indeed, all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth)
Na ka titiro te Atua ki te whenua, kua kino; kua he hoki te ara o nga kikokiko katoa o runga o te whenua.
13 he said to Noah: “The end of all flesh has arrived in my sight. The earth has been filled with iniquity by their presence, and I will destroy them, along with the earth.
Na ka mea te Atua ki a Noa, Kua tae mai ki toku aroaro te mutunga o nga kikokiko katoa; no te mea kua ki i a ratou te whenua i te tutu; na, ka whakangaromia ratou tahi ko te whenua e ahau.
14 Make yourself an ark from smoothed wood. You shall make little dwelling places in the ark, and you shall smear pitch on the interior and exterior.
Hanga e koe tetahi aaka mou ki te rakau kopera; me hanga e koe etahi ruma ki roto i te aaka, ka pani ai i roto, i waho, ki te ware.
15 And thus shall you make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.
Na kia penei tau hanga i taua mea: Kia toru rau whatianga te roa o te aaka, kia rima tekau whatianga te whanui, ko te teitei kia toru tekau whatianga.
16 You shall make a window in the ark, and you shall complete it within a cubit of the top. Then you shall set the door of the ark at its side. You shall make in it: a lower part, upper rooms, and a third level.
Me hanga e koe he matapihi mo te aaka, kia kotahi te whatianga ki raro iho i te tuanui, e whakaotia ai e koe; a ko te tatau o te aaka me whakanoho e koe ki tona taha; ka mea ai koe he papanga ruma, to raro, te tuarua, me te tuatoru.
17 Behold, I shall bring the waters of a great flood upon the earth, so as to put to death all flesh in which there is the breath of life under heaven. All things that are on the earth shall be consumed.
Na ko ahau, tenei ahau te tuku atu nei i te waipuke ki runga ki te whenua, hei whakangaro i nga kikokiko katoa e whai manawa ora ana i raro i te rangi; a ka mate nga mea katoa i runga i te whenua.
18 And I shall establish my covenant with you, and you shall enter the ark, you and your sons, your wife and the wives of your sons with you.
Otiia ka whakamana e ahau taku kawenata ki a koe; me haere koe ki roto ki te aaka, koutou tahi ko au tama, ko tau wahine, ko nga wahine ano hoki a au tama.
19 And from every living thing of all that is flesh, you shall lead pairs into the ark, so that they may survive with you: from the male sex and the female,
Me mau e koe ki roto ki te aaka etahi o nga mea ora katoa o nga kikokiko katoa, kia rua o ia ahua, o ia ahua, kia ora tahi ai me koe; he te toa, hei te uha.
20 from birds, according to their kind, and from beasts, in their kind, and from among all animals on earth, according to their kind; pairs from each shall enter with you, so that they may be able to live.
Ko etahi o nga manu o ia ahua, o ia ahua, o nga kararehe hoki o ia ahua, o ia ahua, o nga mea ngokingoki katoa o te whenua o ia ahua, o ia ahua kia tatakirua o te katoa e haere ki a koe, kia ora ai.
21 Therefore, you shall take with you from all the foods that are able to be eaten, and you shall carry these with you. And these shall be used as food, some for you, and the rest for them.”
Tangohia mai hoki mau etahi o nga kai katoa e kainga ana, me amene mai ki a koe; a hei ka tena mau, ma ratou hoki.
22 And so Noah did all things just as God had instructed him.
Na ka meatia e Noa; rite tonu ki nga mea katoa i whakahaua mai e te Atua ki a ia tana i mea ai.