< Genesis 31 >
1 But afterwards, he heard the words of the sons of Laban, saying, “Jacob has taken all that was our father’s, and being enlarged by his ability, he has become famous.”
Un viņš dzirdēja, ka Lābana bērni sacīja: Jēkabs visu paņēmis, kas mūsu tēvam pieder, un no tā, kas mūsu tēvam piederēja, viņš visu šo mantu ir krājis.
2 Likewise, he observed that Laban’s face was not the same toward him as it was yesterday and the day before.
Un Jēkabs redzēja Lābana vaigu, un redzi, tas nebija vairs, kā vakar un aizvakar.
3 Most importantly, the Lord was saying to him, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your generation, and I will be with you.”
Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz Jēkabu: griezies atpakaļ uz savu tēva zemi un pie saviem radiem, un Es būšu ar tevi.
4 He sent and called for Rachel and Leah, in the field where he pastured the flocks,
Tad Jēkabs sūtīja un aicināja Rahēli un Leū uz lauku pie savām avīm,
5 and he said to them: “I see that your father’s face is not the same toward me as it was yesterday and the day before. But the God of my father has been with me.
Un sacīja uz tām: es redzu jūsu tēva vaigu, ka tas nav pret mani kā vakar un aizvakar, bet mana tēva Dievs ir bijis ar mani.
6 And you know that I have served your father with all my strength.
Un jūs zināt, ka ar visu savu spēku jūsu tēvam esmu kalpojis.
7 Even so, your father has circumvented me, and he has changed my wages ten times. And yet God has not permitted him to harm me.
Bet jūsu tēvs mani pievīlis un manu algu desmitkārt pārgrozījis; tomēr Dievs tam nav vaļas devis, man ļaunu darīt.
8 Whenever he said, ‘The speckled will be your wages,’ all the sheep gave birth to speckled newborns. Yet truly, when he said the contrary, ‘You will take whatever is white for your wages,’ all the flocks gave birth to white ones.
Kad viņš tā sacīja: tām lāsainām būs tev būt par algu, tad visas avis vedās lāsainas; un kad viņš tā sacīja: tām strīpainām būs tev būt par algu, tad visas avis vedās strīpainas.
9 And it is God who has taken your father’s substance and given it to me.
Tā Dievs jūsu tēvam tos lopus ir atņēmis un man devis.
10 For after the time had arrived for the ewes to conceive, I lifted up my eyes, and I saw in my sleep that the males climbing on the females were of variegated, and spotted, and diverse colors.
Un notikās tanī laikā, kad avis apgājās, ka es savas acis pacēlu un redzēju sapnī, un redzi, tie āži, kas apgājās, bija strīpaini, raibi un lāsaini.
11 And the Angel of God said to me in my sleep, ‘Jacob.’ And I responded, ‘Here I am.’
Tad tas Dieva eņģelis uz mani sacīja sapnī: Jēkab; un es sacīju: še es esmu.
12 And he said: ‘Lift up your eyes, and see that all the males climbing on the females are variegated, spotted, and also speckled. For I have seen all that Laban has done to you.
Un tas sacīja: pacel jel savas acis un skaties, - visi tekuļi, kas apietās ar tām avīm, ir strīpaini, lāsaini un raibi; jo Es visu to esmu redzējis, ko tev Lābans dara.
13 I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the stone and made a vow to me. Now therefore arise, and depart from this land, returning to the land of your nativity.’”
Es esmu Bēteles Dievs, kur tu esi svaidījis piemiņas akmeni, kur tu man solīdamies esi solījies; celies nu un izej no šās zemes un griezies atpakaļ uz savu dzimteni.
14 And Rachel and Leah responded: “Have we anything left behind among the resources and inheritance of our father’s house?
Tad Rahēle un Lea atbildēja un uz to sacīja: vai mums vēl ir kāda daļa un mantība mūsu tēva namā?
15 Has he not considered us as foreigners, and sold us, and consumed our price?
Vai mēs no viņa neesam turētas kā svešas? Jo viņš mūs ir pārdevis un arī mūsu maksu rīdams aprijis.
16 But God has taken our father’s riches and handed these to us and to our sons. Therefore, do all that God has instructed you.”
Jo visa bagātība, ko Dievs mūsu tēvam ir atņēmis, pieder mums un mūsu bērniem; un nu dari visu to, ko Dievs tev ir sacījis.
17 And so Jacob rose up, and having placed the children and his wives upon camels, he went forth.
Un Jēkabs cēlās un lika savus bērnus un savas sievas uz kamieļiem;
18 And he took all his substance and flocks, and whatever he had acquired in Mesopotamia, and he journeyed to his father Isaac, in the land of Canaan.
Un aizveda visus savus lopus un visu savu mantu, ko Mezopotamijā bija pelnījis, ka ietu pie Īzaka, sava tēva, uz Kanaāna zemi.
19 At that time, Laban had gone to shear the sheep, and so Rachel stole her father’s idols.
Un Lābans bija aizgājis savas avis cirpt, un Rahēle nozaga tos elka dievus, kas bija viņas tēvam.
20 And Jacob was not willing to confess to his father-in-law that he was fleeing.
Un Jēkabs pievīla Lābanu, to Sīrieti, nesacīdams, ka bēgšot.
21 And when he had gone away with all such things that were justly his, and, having crossed the river, was continuing on toward Mount Gilead,
Un viņš bēga ar visu, kas tam bija, un cēlās un pārcēlās pār to lielo upi un grieza savu vaigu uz Gileād kalniem.
22 it was reported to Laban on the third day that Jacob had fled.
Un trešā dienā Lābanam tapa sacīts, Jēkabu esam aizbēgušu.
23 And taking his brothers with him, he pursued him for seven days. And he overtook him at Mount Gilead.
Tad tas ņēma savus brāļus un dzinās tam pakaļ septiņu dienu gājumu un to panāca uz Gileād kalniem.
24 And he saw in a dream, God saying to him, “Beware that you not speak anything harsh against Jacob.”
Bet Dievs nāca pie Lābana, tā Sīrieša, sapnī un tam sacīja: sargies, ka tu ar Jēkabu nerunā no laba uz ļaunu.
25 And now Jacob had pitched his tent at the mountain. And when he, with his brothers, had overtaken him, he set his tent at the same place at Mount Gilead.
Un Lābans panāca Jēkabu; un Jēkabs savu telti bija uzcēlis kalnā, un Lābans ar saviem brāļiem to uzcēla Gileād kalnos.
26 And he said to Jacob: “Why have you acted this way, departing from me in secret, with my daughters like captives of the sword?
Tad Lābans sacīja uz Jēkabu: ko tu esi darījis, ka tu mani esi pievīlis un manas meitas aizvedis, tā kā ar zobenu saņemtas?
27 Why would you want to flee without my knowledge and without telling me, though I might have led you forward with gladness, and songs, and timbrels, and lyres?
Kam tu paslepen esi aizbēdzis un no manis nozadzies, un man to neesi sacījis, ka es tev būtu pavadījis ar līksmību un dziesmām, ar bungām un koklēm?
28 You have not permitted me to kiss my sons and daughters. You have acted foolishly. And now, indeed,
Un tu man neesi ļāvis skūpstīt savus dēlus un savas meitas. Tu neprātīgi esi darījis.
29 my hand has power to repay you with harm. But the God of your father said to me yesterday, ‘Beware that you not speak anything stern against Jacob.’
Spēka gan būtu manā rokā jums ļaunu darīt, bet jūsu tēva Dievs vakar uz mani runājis sacīdams: sargies, ka tu ar Jēkabu nerunā no laba uz ļaunu.
30 It may be that you desired to go to your own, and that you longed for the house of your father. But why have you stolen my gods?”
Un nu, tu esi ātri aizgājis, jo tu esi ilgodamies ilgojies pēc sava tēva nama; - kāpēc tu esi nozadzis manus dievus?
31 Jacob answered: “I set out, unknown to you, because I feared that you might take away your daughters by violence.
Tad Jēkabs atbildēja un sacīja uz Lābanu: man bija bail un es domāju, ka tu man savas meitas ar varu atņemsi.
32 But, since you accuse me of theft, with whomever you will find your gods, let him be slain in the sight of our brothers. Search; anything of yours that you will find with me, take it away.” Now when he said this, he did not know that Rachel had stolen the idols.
Bet pie kura tu savus dievus atradīsi, tas lai nepaliek dzīvs mūsu brāļu priekšā. Izmeklē, kas man ir, un ņem tos. Bet Jēkabs nezināja, ka Rahēle tos bija nozagusi.
33 And so Laban, entering the tent of Jacob, and of Leah, and of both the handmaids, did not find them. And when he had entered the tent of Rachel,
Un Lābans gāja Jēkaba teltī un Leas teltī un to abu kalpoņu teltī un neatrada nenieka; un izgāja no Leas telts un iegāja Rahēles teltī.
34 she quickly hid the idols under the camel’s bedding, and she sat upon them. And when he had searched the entire tent and found nothing,
Bet Rahēle tos elka dievus bija ņēmusi un nolikusi apakš kamieļa sedliem un uzsēdusies tiem virsū. Un Lābans apgrābstīja visu to telti un tos neatrada.
35 she said: “Do not be angry, my lord, that I am unable to rise up in your sight, because it has now happened to me according to the custom of women.” So his careful search was thwarted.
Un tā sacīja uz savu tēvu: neapskaisties, mans kungs, ka es priekš tevis nevaru celties, jo man klājās, kā sievām mēdz būt. Un viņš pārmeklēdams neatrada tos elka dievus.
36 And Jacob, being inflated, said with contention: “For which fault of mine, or for what sin of mine, have you become so enraged against me
Tad Jēkabs apskaitās un bārās un sacīja uz Lābanu: kas ir mans noziegums, kas ir mani grēki, ka tu tik karsti man esi dzinies pakaļ?
37 and searched all the items of my house? What have you found from all the substance of your house? Place it here before my brothers, and your brothers, and let them judge between me and you.
Ka tu visus manus rīkus esi aptaustījis; ko tu esi atradis no visiem tava nama rīkiem? Liec to priekšā maniem un taviem brāļiem, ka tie starp mums abiem tiesā.
38 For what reason have I been with you for twenty years? Your ewes and she-goats were not barren; the rams of your flocks I did not consume.
Šos divdesmit gadus es pie tevis esmu bijis, tavas avis un tavas kazas nav izmetušās, un tos aunus no tavām avīm es neesmu ēdis.
39 Neither did I reveal to you what was seized by the wild beast. I replaced all that was damaged. Whatever was lost by theft, you collected it from me.
To saplosīto es tev neesmu pārnesis, tas man bija jāmaksā; no manas rokas tu to esi prasījis, vai tas bija zagts dienā, vai tas bija zagts naktī.
40 Day and night, I was burned by heat and by frost, and sleep fled from my eyes.
Es esmu tāds bijis, ka mani dienā karstums nomāca un naktī aukstums, un miegs nenāca manās acīs.
41 And in this way, for twenty years, I have served you in your house: fourteen for your daughters, and six for your flocks. You have also changed my wages ten times.
Divdesmit gadus esmu bijis tavā namā, četrpadsmit gadus tev esmu kalpojis par tavām divām meitām un sešus gadus par tavām avīm, un tu manu algu desmitkārt esi pārgrozījis.
42 If the God of my father Abraham and the fear of Isaac had not been close to me, perhaps by now you would have sent me away naked. But God looked kindly on my affliction and the labor of my hands, and he rebuked you yesterday.”
Ja mana tēva Dievs, tas Ābrahāma Dievs un Tas, ko Īzaks bijās, pie manis nebūtu bijis, tu nu mani tukšu būtu aizsūtījis. Dievs manas bēdas un manu roku darbu ir uzlūkojis un tevi izgājušā naktī apsaucis.
43 Laban answered him: “My daughters and sons, and your flocks, and all that you discern are mine. What can I do to my sons and grandchildren?
Tad Lābans atbildēja un sacīja uz Jēkabu: tās meitas ir manas meitas, un tie bērni ir mani bērni, un tās avis ir manas avis, un viss, ko tu redzi, tas ir mans; un ko es šodien darīšu šīm manām meitām vai viņu bērniem, ko tās ir dzemdējušas?
44 Come, therefore, let us enter into a pact, so that it may be a testimony between me and you.”
Un nu nāc, darīsim derību, es un tu, ka tā ir par liecību starp mani un tevi.
45 And so Jacob took a stone, and he set it up as a memorial.
Un Jēkabs ņēma akmeni un to uzcēla par zīmi.
46 And he said to his brothers, “Bring stones.” And they, gathering together stones, made a tomb, and they ate upon it.
Un Jēkabs sacīja uz saviem brāļiem: salasiet akmeņus; un tie ņēma akmeņus un salika tos vienā kopā, un ēda tur virs tās kopas.
47 And Laban called it, ‘Tomb of Witness,’ and Jacob, ‘Pile of Testimony;’ each of them according to the fitness of his own language.
Un Lābans to nosauca Jegar-Sahāduta (āramiski: liecības kopa), bet Jēkabs to nosauca Galed (ebrejiski: liecības kopa).
48 And Laban said: “This tomb will be a witness between me and you this day.” (And for this reason, its name has been called Gilead, that is, ‘Tomb of Witness.’)
Un Lābans sacīja: šī kopa lai šodien liecību dod starp mani un tevi; tāpēc viņas vārdu nosauca Galedu
49 “May the Lord consider and judge between us, when we will have withdrawn from one another.
Un Micpu, tāpēc ka viņš sacīja: Tas Kungs lai skatās uz mani un uz tevi, kad mēs viens otru neredzēsim.
50 If you afflict my daughters, and if you bring in other wives over them, no one is a witness of our words except God, who understands beforehand.”
Ja tu apbēdināsi manas meitas un ņemsi citas sievas pie manām meitām klāt, - neviens nav pie mums, redzi, Dievs būs liecinieks starp mani un tevi.
51 And again he said to Jacob. “Lo, this tomb and the stone that I have set up between me and you,
Tad Lābans sacīja uz Jēkabu: redz, šī kopa, un redz, šī piemiņas zīme, ko es esmu uzcēlis starp mani un tevi.
52 will be a witness. This tomb,” I say, “and the stone, they are for testimony, in case either I cross beyond it going toward you, or you cross beyond it thinking to harm me.
Šī kopa lai dod liecību un šī zīme lai dod liecību, ka es gar šo kopu nenoiešu pie tevis, ļauna darīt, un ka tev gar šo kopu un šo zīmi nebūs pie manis nākt, ļauna darīt.
53 May the God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge between us.” Therefore, Jacob swore by the fear of his father Isaac.
Ābrahāma Dievs un Nahora Dievs un viņu tēvu Dievs lai tiesā starp mums.
54 And after he had immolated sacrifices on the mountain, he called his brothers to eat bread. And when they had eaten, they lodged there.
Un Jēkabs zvērēja pie tā, ko viņa tēvs Īzaks bijās, un upurēja upuri kalnā un aicināja savus brāļus maizi ēst. Un tie ēda maizi un palika par nakti uz tā kalna.
55 In truth, Laban rose up in the night, and he kissed his sons and daughters, and he blessed them. And he returned to his place.
Un Lābans cēlās rītā agri un skūpstīja savus bērnus un savas meitas un tos svētīja. Un Lābans aizgāja un griezās atpakaļ uz savu vietu.