< Ezekiel 8 >

1 And it happened that, in the sixth year, in the sixth month, on the fifth of the month, I was sitting in my house, and the elders of Judah were sitting before me, and the hand of the Lord God fell upon me there.
I det sjette Aar paa den femte Dag i den sjette Maaned da jeg sad i mit Hus og Judas Ældste sad hos mig, faldt den Herre HERRENS Haand paa mig.
2 And I saw, and behold, there was an image with the appearance of fire. From the appearance of his waist, and downward, there was fire. And from his waist, and upward, there was the appearance of splendor, like the sight of amber.
Og jeg skuede, og se, der var noget ligesom en Mand; fra hans Hofter og nedefter var der Ild, og fra Hofterne og opefter saa det ud som straalende Lys, som funklende Malm.
3 And as the image of a hand went out, it took hold of me by a lock of my head. And the Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven. And he brought me into Jerusalem, within a vision of God, next to the inner gate that looked toward the north, where there was stationed an idol of rivalry, so as to provoke an envious emulation.
Han rakte noget som en Haand ud og greb mig ved en Lok af mit Hovedhaar, og Aanden løftede mig op mellem Himmel og Jord og førte mig i Guds Syner til Jerusalem, til Indgangen til den indre Forgaards Nordport, hvor Nidkærhedsbilledet, som vakte Nidkærhed, stod.
4 And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there, in accord with the vision that I had seen in the plain.
Og se, der var Israels Guds Herlighed; at se til var den, som jeg saa den i Dalen.
5 And he said to me: “Son of man, lift up your eyes to the way of the north.” And I lifted up my eyes to the way of the north. And behold, from the north of the gate of the altar was the idol of rivalry, at the same entrance.
Og han sagde til mig: »Menneskesøn, løft dit Blik mod Nord!« Jeg løftede mit Blik mod Nord, og se, norden for Alterporten stod Nidkærhedsbilledet, ved Indgangen.
6 And he said to me: “Son of man, you see what these ones are doing, the great abominations that the house of Israel is committing here. Do you not think, then, that I should withdraw far away from my own sanctuary? But if you turn again, you will see even greater abominations.”
Og han sagde til mig: »Menneskesøn, ser du, hvad de gør? Store er de Vederstyggeligheder, Israels Hus øver her, saa jeg maa vige langt bort fra min Helligdom. Men du skal faa endnu større Vederstyggeligheder at se!«
7 And he led me in by the door of the atrium. And I saw, and behold, there was an opening in the wall.
Saa førte han mig hen til Indgangen til Forgaarden.
8 And he said to me: “Son of man, dig in the wall.” And when I had dug in the wall, there appeared one door.
Og han sagde til mig: »Menneskesøn, bryd igennem Væggen!« Og da jeg brød igennem Væggen, saa jeg en Indgang.
9 And he said to me: “Enter and see the most wicked abominations which they are committing here.”
Og han sagde til mig: »Gaa ind og se, hvilke grimme Vederstyggeligheder de øver der!«
10 And entering, I saw, and behold, every kind of image of reptiles and animals, the abominations, and all of the idols of the house of Israel were depicted on the wall all around, throughout the entire place.
Og da jeg kom derind og skuede, se, da var alskens væmmelige Billeder af Kryb og Kvæg og alle Israels Hus's Afgudsbilleder indridset rundt om paa Væggen.
11 And there were seventy men out of the elders of the house of Israel, with Jaazaniah, the son of Shaphan, standing in their midst, and they stood before the pictures. And each one had a censer in his hand. And a cloud of smoke rose up from the incense.
Og halvfjerdsindstyve af Israels Hus's Ældste med Ja'azanja, Sjafans Søn, i deres Midte stod foran dem, hver med sit Røgelsekar i Haanden, medens Røgelseskyens Duft steg op.
12 And he said to me: “Certainly, son of man, you see what the elders of the house of Israel are doing in the darkness, each one while hidden in his chamber. For they say: ‘The Lord does not see us. The Lord has forsaken the earth.’”
Da sagde han til mig: »Ser du, Menneskesøn, hvad Israels Hus's Ældste øver i Mørke hver i sine Billedkamre? Thi de siger: HERREN ser intet, HERREN har forladt Landet!«
13 And he said to me: “If you turn again, you will see even greater abominations, which these ones are committing.”
Og han sagde til mig: »Du skal faa endnu større Vederstyggeligheder at se, som de øver!«
14 And he led me in through the door of the gate of the Lord’s house, which looked toward the north. And behold, women were sitting there, mourning for Adonis.
Saa førte han mig hen til Indgangen til HERRENS Hus's Nordport, og se, der sad Kvinder og græd over Tammuz.
15 And he said to me: “Certainly, son of man, you have seen. But if you turn again, you will see even greater abominations than these.”
Og han sagde til mig: »Ser du det, Menneskesøn? Men du skal faa endnu større Vederstyggeligheder at se!«
16 And he led me into the inner atrium of the house of the Lord. And behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the vestibule and the altar, there were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east. And they were adoring toward the rising of the Sun.
Saa førte han mig hen til HERRENS Hus's indre Forgaard, og se, ved Indgangen til HERRENS Helligdom mellem Forhallen og Alteret var der omtrent fem og tyve Mænd; med Ryggen mod HERRENS Helligdom og Ansigtet mod Øst tilbad de Solen.
17 And he said to me: “Certainly, son of man, you have seen. Can this be so trivial to the house of Judah, when they commit these abominations, just as they have committed here, that, having filled the earth with iniquity, they now turn to provoke me? And behold, they are applying a branch to their nose.
Og han sagde til mig: »Ser du det, Menneskesøn? Har Judas Hus ikke nok i at øve de Vederstyggeligheder her, siden de fylder Landet med Vold og krænker mig endnu mere? Se, hvor de sender Stank op i Næsen paa mig!
18 Therefore, I also will act toward them in my fury. My eye will not be lenient, nor will I take pity. And when they will have cried out to my ears with a loud voice, I will not heed them.”
Men derfor vil ogsaa jeg handle med dem i Vrede; jeg viser dem ingen Medynk eller Skaansel, og selv om de højlydt raaber mig ind i Øret, vil jeg ikke høre dem.«

< Ezekiel 8 >