< Exodus 4 >

1 Responding, Moses said, “They will not believe me, and they will not listen to my voice, but they will say: ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’”
Moyize azongisaki: — Bongo soki bandimi ngai te, bayoki ngai te? Solo, bakoloba kaka: « Yawe amonanaki na yo te. »
2 Therefore, he said to him, “What is that you hold in your hand?” He answered, “A staff.”
Yawe atunaki ye: — Ozali na nini na loboko na yo? Moyize azongisaki: — Nazali na lingenda.
3 And the Lord said, “Cast it down upon the ground.” He cast it down, and it was turned into a snake, so that Moses fled away.
Yawe alobaki: — Bwaka yango na mabele. Moyize abwakaki lingenda yango na mabele mpe ebongwanaki nyoka. Bongo Moyize akimaki mosika na yango.
4 And the Lord said, “Reach out your hand, and take hold of its tail.” He reached out his hand and took hold, and it was turned into a staff.
Kasi Yawe alobaki na ye: — Sembola loboko na yo mpe kanga nyoka yango na mokila! Moyize asembolaki loboko mpe akangaki nyoka; mpe nyoka yango ebongwanaki lisusu lingenda na loboko na ye.
5 “So may they believe,” he said, “that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.”
Yawe alobaki na ye: — Esalemi bongo mpo ete bandima solo ete Yawe, Nzambe ya bakoko na bango, Nzambe ya Abrayami, ya Izaki mpe ya Jakobi, amonanaki na yo.
6 And the Lord said again, “Put your hand into your bosom.” And when he had put it into his bosom, he brought it out leprous, resembling snow.
Sima, Yawe alobaki na ye lisusu: — Tia loboko na yo na tolo na yo. Moyize atiaki loboko na ye na tolo na ye; mpe tango alongolaki yango, loboko yango ezwaki bokono ya maba; ekomaki pembe lokola mvula ya pembe.
7 “Put your hand back,” he said, “into your bosom.” He put it back and brought it out again, and it was like the rest of his flesh.
Yawe alobaki na ye: — Sik’oyo, zongisa loboko na yo na tolo na yo. Moyize azongisaki loboko na ye na tolo na ye. Mpe tango alongolaki yango, loboko yango ekomaki lisusu malamu lokola biteni mosusu ya nzoto na ye.
8 “If they will not believe you,” he said, “and will not listen to the sermon of the first sign, then they will believe the word of the subsequent sign.
Yawe alobaki na ye: — Soki bandimi yo te to soki babeti tembe mpo na elembo ya liboso, bakondima na elembo ya mibale.
9 But if they will not believe even these two signs, and they will not listen to your voice: take from the water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land, and whatever you will have drawn from the river will be turned into blood.”
Kasi soki na bilembo oyo mibale, bandimi kaka te to bayoki te, wana okotoka mayi na ebale Nili, okosopa yango na esobe. Mayi oyo okozwa na ebale Nili ekokoma makila tango okosopa yango na mabele.
10 Moses said: “I beg you, O Lord, I was not eloquent yesterday or the day before. And from the time that you have spoken to your servant, I have a greater impediment and slowness of tongue.”
Moyize alobaki na Yawe: — Ah, Nkolo, nakokaka koloba malamu te! Yango ezali likambo ya lobi oyo eleki te to ya wuta tango obandi koloba na mosali na Yo te, pamba te nazali na monoko mpe na lolemo kilo.
11 The Lord said to him: “Who made the mouth of man? And who has formed the mute and the deaf, the seeing and the blind? Was it not I?
Yawe alobaki na ye: — Nani apesaka monoko epai ya moto? Nani akomisaka moto baba to mokufi matoyi? Nani akomisaka moto, moto oyo amonaka to mokufi miso? Boni, ezali Ngai Yawe te?
12 Go on, therefore, and I will be in your mouth. And I will teach you what you shall say.”
Sik’oyo kende, Ngai moko nakosunga yo mpo ete oloba malamu, mpe nakoteya yo makambo oyo osengeli koloba.
13 But he said, “I beg you, O Lord, send whomever else you would send.”
Kasi Moyize azongisaki: — Te Nkolo! Nabondeli Yo! Tinda moto mosusu oyo olingi mpo na kosala yango.
14 The Lord, being angry at Moses, said: “Aaron the Levite is your brother. I know that he is eloquent. Behold, he is going out to meet you, and seeing you, he will rejoice in heart.
Boye Yawe asilikelaki Moyize mpe alobaki na ye: — Boni, Aron, moto ya libota ya Levi, azali ndeko na yo te? Nayebi ete alobaka malamu mpe ye wana azali koya kokutana na yo; mpe motema na ye ekosepela tango akomona yo.
15 Speak to him, and put my words in his mouth. And I will be in your mouth and in his mouth, and I will reveal to you what you must do.
Okoloba na ye mpe okotia maloba na monoko na ye, bongo Ngai nakosunga bino mibale mpo ete bokoka koloba malamu, mpe nakoteya bino makambo oyo bosengeli kosala.
16 He will speak for you to the people, and he will be your mouth. But you will be with him in those things that pertain to God.
Ye akoloba epai ya bato na esika na yo, akozala molobeli na yo; bongo yo okozala lokola nzambe na ye.
17 Also, take this staff into your hand; with it you will accomplish the signs.”
Kasi zwa lingenda oyo ezali na maboko na yo mpo ete osala bilembo ya kokamwa na nzela na yango.
18 Moses went forth, and he returned to Jethro, his father in law, and he said to him, “I shall go and return to my brothers in Egypt, so that I may see if they are still alive.” And Jethro said to him, “Go in peace.”
Moyize azongaki epai ya Jetro, tata-bokilo na ye, mpe alobaki na ye: — Nasengeli kokende epai ya bandeko na ngai, na Ejipito, mpo ete natala soki ndambo kati na bango bazali nanu na bomoi. Jetro ozongisaki: — Kende na kimia!
19 And so the Lord said to Moses in Midian: “Go, and return to Egypt. For all those who sought your life have died.”
Yawe alobaki na Moyize tango azalaki nanu na mokili ya Madiani: — Telema mpe zonga na Ejipito, pamba te bato nyonso oyo balingaki koboma yo basili kokufa.
20 Therefore, Moses took his wife and his sons, and he placed them upon a donkey, and he returned into Egypt, carrying the staff of God in his hand.
Moyize azwaki mwasi na ye mpe bana na ye ya mibali, atiaki bango likolo ya ane mpe azongaki na Ejipito. Azwaki lisusu lingenda ya Nzambe na loboko na ye.
21 And the Lord said to him, as he was returning to Egypt: “See that you accomplish, in the sight of Pharaoh, all the wonders that I have placed in your hand. I will harden his heart, and he will not release the people.
Yawe alobaki na Moyize: — Sik’oyo, lokola ozali kozonga na Ejipito, tala bikamwa nyonso oyo napesi yo nguya ya kosala; okosala yango liboso ya Faraon. Ngai nakokomisa motema na ye libanga mpo ete akoka kotika te bato na Ngai kokende.
22 And you shall say to him: ‘Thus says the Lord: Israel is my firstborn son.
Okoloba na Faraon: « Tala liloba oyo Yawe alobi: ‹ Isalaele azali mwana na Ngai ya liboso ya mobali.
23 I have said to you: Release my son, so that he may serve me. And you were not willing to release him. Behold, I will put to death your firstborn son.’”
Mpe nalobi na yo: Tika mwana na Ngai ya mobali kokende mpo ete asalela Ngai. Soki kaka oboyi kotika ye, nakoboma mwana na yo ya liboso ya mobali. › »
24 And while he was on the journey, at an inn, the Lord met him, and he was willing to kill him.
Nzokande na nzela, na esika oyo balekisaki butu, Yawe akutanaki na Moyize mpe alukaki koboma ye.
25 For this reason, Zipporah took a very sharp stone, and she circumcised the foreskin of her son, and she touched his feet, and she said, “You are a bloody spouse to me.”
Kasi Sefora azwaki libanga ya songe, akataki ngenga ya mwana na ye ya mobali mpe atutisaki ngenga yango na makolo ya Moyize; alobaki: — Solo, ozali penza mpo na ngai mobali ya makila.
26 And he released him, after she had said, “You are a bloody spouse,” because of the circumcision.
Bongo Yawe atikaki Moyize. Ezalaki na tango wana nde Sefora alobaki na Moyize likolo na likambo ya kokatama ngenga: — Mobali ya makila.
27 Then the Lord said to Aaron, “Go into the desert to meet Moses.” And he went directly to meet him on the mountain of God, and he kissed him.
Yawe alobaki na Aron: — Kende kokutana na Moyize na esobe. Aron akendeki, akutanaki na Moyize na ngomba ya Nzambe mpe apesaki ye beze.
28 And Moses explained to Aaron all the words of the Lord, by which he had sent him, and the signs which he had commanded.
Moyize ayebisaki Aron makambo nyonso oyo Yawe atindaki ye koloba mpe bikamwa nyonso oyo atindaki ye kosala.
29 And they arrived at the same time, and they gathered together all the elders of the sons of Israel.
Bongo Moyize mpe Aron bakendeki kosangisa bakambi nyonso ya Isalaele.
30 And Aaron spoke all the words which the Lord had said to Moses. And he accomplished the signs in the sight of the people,
Aron ayebisaki bango maloba nyonso oyo Yawe alobaki na Moyize. Asalaki bikamwa liboso ya bato.
31 and the people believed. And they heard that the Lord had visited the sons of Israel, and that he had looked with favor upon their affliction. And falling prostrate, they worshiped.
Bato bandimaki. Bongo tango bayokaki ete Yawe akanisaki bana ya Isalaele mpe amonaki pasi na bango, bafukamaki mpe bagumbamelaki Yawe.

< Exodus 4 >