< Exodus 14 >

1 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
Rəbbee Mısayk'le eyhen:
2 “Speak to the sons of Israel. Let them turn back and encamp away from the region of Pihahiroth, which is between Migdol and the sea, opposite Baal-zephon. In its sight you shall place your camp, above the sea.
– İzrailybışik'le eyhe, havaasre manbı yı'q'əlqa sapk'ıl Pi-Haxirot eyhene cigayne k'ane Migdolneyiy deryahne əree çadırbı gı'xecen. Deryahısnee Ba'al-Tsefonne ögee vuxhecen.
3 And Pharaoh will say about the sons of Israel, ‘They have been confined by the land; the desert has enclosed them.’
Fironusqa həməxüd qales: «İzrailybı nyaqame vuxhesınbı avxu, sahrayn manbışda yəqı'b g'ats'apk'ın».
4 And I will harden his heart, and so he will pursue you. And I will be glorified in Pharaoh, and in all his army. And the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” And they did so.
Zı firon meer hı't'ilqa sak'ala'as, manar manbışiqa qihna gixhas. Məxüd Zı mang'ukuniy mang'une g'oşunukın hı'ı Yizın do axtı qa'as. Manke Misirbışik'le Zı Rəbb ıxhay ats'axhxhesın. İzrailybışe həməxüdud ha'an.
5 And it was reported to the king of the Egyptians that the people had fled. And the heart of Pharaoh and of his servants was changed about the people, and they said, “What did we intend to do, so that we released Israel from serving us?”
Fironuk'le İzrailybı heepxıva uvhuyng'a, mang'unayiy cune insanaaşina fıkır badal vooxhena. Manbışe eyhen: – Şi in hı'iyn kar hucoone? Şi İzrailybı g'avkku nukarar dena avxu!
6 Therefore, he harnessed his chariot, and he took all his people with him.
Fironee dəv'əysın daşk'a balkanaaşik qa'as alikkı, cuka g'oşunub qopt'ul ayk'anna.
7 And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and whatever chariots were in Egypt, and also the leaders of the whole army.
Mang'vee cuka yixhıd vəş g'əyxı'yne, yugne dəv'əyne daşk'ayle ğayrı, Misirın gırgıncad dəv'əyn daşk'abı alyat'anbı. Gırgıne daşk'abışiqa çin ç'ak'ınbı vooxhe.
8 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and he pursued the sons of Israel. But they were taken away by an exalted hand.
Rəbbee firon, Misirna paççah hı't'ilqa sakal ha'a, manar Misirğançe qığəəne İzrailybışqar qihna gexha. İzrailybımee yik'eka əlyhə vuxha.
9 And when the Egyptians followed the footsteps of those who preceded them, they found them in a camp above the sea. All the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and the entire army, were in Pihahiroth, opposite Baal-zephon.
Misirbı fironne gırgıne dəv'əyne daşk'abışika, balkanaaşil aleepxıynbışika, gırgıne g'oşunbışika sacigee İzrailybışiqa qihna gyabak'a. Misirbışisqa manbı deryahısne çadırbı gixı'yne cigee, Pi-Haxirotne k'ane, Ba'al-Tsefonne hiib gyabak'a.
10 And when Pharaoh had drawn near, the sons of Israel, lifting up their eyes, saw the Egyptians behind them. And they were very afraid. And they cried out to the Lord.
Firon İzrailybışiqa avayq'arniy vor. Manbı yı'q'əlqa sapk'ıl ilyakiys g'ecen, manbı coqab qihna vob gyapk'ı. Manbı mançile geeb qəpq'ı'n Rəbbilqa ona'a giviyğal.
11 And they said to Moses: “Perhaps there were no graves in Egypt, for which reason you took us to die in the wilderness. What is it that you intended to do, in leading us out of Egypt?
Manbışe Mısayk'le eyhen: – Nya'a Misir nyaq'vbıniy deş, ğu şi hapt'as sahreeqa qabı? Karne ğu hı'ı şi Misirğançe qığav'u?
12 Is this not the word that we spoke to you in Egypt, saying: Withdraw from us, so that we may serve the Egyptians? For it was much better to serve them, than to die in the wilderness.”
Nya'a, şi vak'le Misir uvhu dişdiy: «Şi şaleb alqana g'alee'e. Havaasre şi Misirbışda iş haa'as»? Misir nukariyvalla hav'uy, sahree hapt'ıyle yugda eyxheyiy!
13 And Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and see the great wonders of the Lord, which he will do today. For the Egyptians, whom you now see, will never again be seen, forever.
Mısee milletıs inəxdun alidghıniy qele: – Qı'məəq'ən, ulyoozre! Şok'le g'iyna g'acesın, Rəbbee şu nəxübiy g'attivxhan haa'a. Həşde g'oocen Misirbı, şok'le sayıb mısacab g'avces deş.
14 The Lord will fight on your behalf, and you will remain silent.”
Rəbbee şol-alla manbışikın ha'asın, yik'bı it'umda aqqe!
15 And the Lord said to Moses: “Why cry out to me? Tell the sons of Israel to continue on.
Rəbbee Mısayk'le eyhen: – Nişil-allane ğu Zalqa ona'a? İzrailybışik'le eyhe, ögiylqa hudooracen.
16 Now, lift up your staff, and extend your hand over the sea and divide it, so that the sons of Israel may walk through the midst of the sea on dry ground.
Ğumee əsaa, deryahılqa hotk'u xhyan q'öne cigeeqa qe'e, İzrailybışisse mane xhyan deşde cigeençe deryahıle k'ena ılğeepç'es vəəxhecen.
17 Then I will harden the heart of the Egyptians, so as to pursue you. And I will be glorified in Pharaoh, and in all his army, and in his chariots, and in his horsemen.
Zımee Misirbı hı't'eeşilqa savaak'al haa'as, manbıb şoqab qihna qavaales. Zınad fironne dəv'əyne daşk'abışikıniy balkanaşil aleepxıyne g'oşunbışikın hı'ı Yizın do axtı qa'as.
18 And the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord, when I will be glorified in Pharaoh, and in his chariots, as well as in his horsemen.”
Zı mısayiy fironukuniy cune dəv'əyne daşk'abışikın, balkanaaşil aleepxıynbışikın hı'ı, Yizın do axtı qı'ı, manke Misirbışik'le Zı Rəbb ıxhay ats'axhxhes.
19 And the Angel of God, who preceded the camp of Israel, lifting himself up, went behind them. And the pillar of cloud, together with him, left the front for the rear
İzrailybışile ögiyl əlyhəəna Allahna malaaik, ciga badal hav'u, manbışiqar qihna qöö giyğal. Buludne dirakınıb çina ciga badal hav'u, yı'q'əle,
20 and stood between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. And it was a dark cloud, yet it illuminated the night, so that they could not succeed at approaching one another at any time all that night.
İzrailyneyiy Misirne g'oşunbışde əree qöö giviyğal. Xəmvollete dirakın İzrailybışis işix gyavhu, Misirbışismee miç'axiyvalla hav'u. Man g'oşunbı xəmvolletee sana-sançisqa qeetxha deş.
21 And when Moses had extended his hand over the sea, the Lord took it away by an intense burning wind, blowing throughout the night, and he turned it into dry ground. And the water was divided.
Mısee xıl deryahılqa hodakke. Rəbbeyib xəmvollete şargıle aa'ane mıtsıka deryahın xhyan mançe ak'an ha'a ıxha. Məxüd mane cigayn xhyan qeqqva'an. Xhyan q'öne cigeeqa qexhe.
22 And the sons of Israel went in through the midst of the dried sea. For the water was like a wall at their right hand and at their left hand.
İzrailybıb deryahne xhyan deşde cigayle k'ena ılğeepç'ı avayk'ananbı. Xhyanbı cabırbı xhinne qetxha manbışde sağneyiy solne sural ulyoyzar.
23 And the Egyptians, pursuing them, went in after them, along with all of the horses of Pharaoh, his chariots and horsemen, through the midst of the sea.
Misirbı gyabak'anbı manbışde qihna. Fironun dəv'əyn daşk'abı, balkanaaşil alepxıynbıb manbışde qihna k'eebaç'enbı deryaheeqa.
24 And now the morning watch had arrived, and behold, the Lord, looking down upon the camp of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of cloud, put to death their army.
Rəbb verığna ul üvxəsse buludneyiy ts'ayine dirakeençe horzul Misirbışin g'oşunbı sana-sançil alikka'a.
25 And he overturned the wheels of the chariots, and they were carried into the deep. Therefore, the Egyptians said: “Let us flee from Israel. For the Lord fights on their behalf against us.”
Mang'vee dəv'əyne daşk'abışin tekarbı sacuraycad qa'a, mançisse yugda alik'aras məxəcenva. Misirbışe eyhen: – Qudoora inçe heepxas! Rəbbee İzrailybışin sura aqqı, şakınıd ha'as ıkkan.
26 And the Lord said to Moses: “Extend your hand over the sea, so that the waters may return on the Egyptians, over their chariots and horsemen.”
Rəbbee Mısayk'le eyhen: – Xıl deryahılqa hotke xhyanbı çine cigeeqa satk'ıl, maabın Misirbı dəv'əyne daşk'abışika, balkanaaşil alepxıynbışika sacigee çik avub g'alee'ecen.
27 And when Moses had extended his hand opposite the sea, it was returned, at first light, to its former place. And the fleeing Egyptians met with the waters, and the Lord immersed them in the midst of the waves.
Mısee deryahılqa xıl hodakke, xhyanbıd miç'eeqana çine cigeeqa siyk'al. Misirbı xhineençe heebaxamee, Rəbbee manbı haly'av'u deryahne yı'q'neeqa g'aa'a.
28 And the waters were returned, and they covered the chariots and horsemen of the entire army of Pharaoh, who, in following, had entered into the sea. And not so much as one of them was left alive.
İzrailybışiqa qihna deryaheeqa k'eeç'uyn dəv'əyn daşk'abı, balkanaaşil aleepxıynbı, gırgınacab g'oşun yı'q'əlqa satk'ılne deryahne xhyanbışee hööğəna. Mançe şavussecar g'attixhanas əxə deş.
29 But the sons of Israel continued directly through the midst of the dried sea, and the waters were to them like a wall on the right and on the left.
Məxüd ıxha İzrailybı deryahne yı'q'neene xhyan deşde cigayle k'ena ılğeepç'ı avayk'an. Xhyan manbışde sağneyiy solne sural çabır xhinne ulyoyzar.
30 And so the Lord freed Israel on that day from the hand of the Egyptians.
Mane yiğıl İzrailybı Rəbbee Misirbışde xılençe g'attivxhan haa'a. Qiyğa manbışik'le Misirbı deryahne mıglek hapt'ı g'ooce.
31 And they saw the Egyptians dead on the shore of the sea and the great hand that the Lord had exercised against them. And the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in Moses his servant.
İzrailybışik'le Misirbışik Rəbbee xənne gucuka hı'iyn g'acumee, manbı Rəbbile qəvəyq'ən giviyğal. Mang'ulqayiy Mang'une g'ululqa, Mısalqa, inyam ha'a giviyğal.

< Exodus 14 >