< Deuteronomy 32 >
1 “Listen, O heavens, to what I am saying. Let the earth hear the words of my mouth.
Hører til, I Himle! og jeg vil tale, og Jorden høre min Munds Ord!
2 Let my doctrine accumulate like the rain. Let my eloquence form like the dew, like a mist upon the plants, and like water droplets upon the grass.
Min Lærdom skal dryppe som Regnen, min Tale skal flyde som Duggen, som Støvregnen paa Græs og som Regndraaber paa Urter;
3 For I will invoke the name of the Lord. Acknowledge the magnificence of our God!
thi jeg vil prædike om Herrens Navn: Giver vor Gud Ære!
4 The works of God are perfect, and all his ways are judgments. God is faithful and without any iniquity. He is just and upright.
Han er Klippen, hans Gerning er fuldkommen, thi alle hans Veje ere Ret; Gud er Trofasthed og uden Svig; han er retfærdig og oprigtig.
5 They have sinned against him, and in their filth they are not his sons. They are a depraved and perverse generation.
Det har fordærvet sig for ham, det er ikke hans Børn, det er deres Skændsel, — en forvendt og vanartet Slægt.
6 How can this be the return you would offer to the Lord, O foolish and senseless people? Is he himself not your Father, who has possessed you, and made you, and created you?
Skulle I gengælde Herren saaledes, du daarlige og uvise Folk? er han ikke din Fader, som har købt dig? han skabte dig og beredte dig.
7 Remember the days of antiquity. Consider each generation. Question your father, and he will declare it to you. Question your elders, and they will tell it to you.
Kom i Hu de gamle Dage, betragter Aarene fra Slægt til Slægt; spørg din Fader, og han skal kundgøre dig det, og dine Ældste, og de skulle sige dig det.
8 When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he appointed the limits of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel.
Der den Højeste uddelte Arv iblandt Folkene, der han adskilte Menneskenes Børn, da satte han Folkenes Landemærker efter Israels Børns Tal.
9 But the Lord’s portion is his people: Jacob, the lot of his inheritance.
Thi Herrens Del er hans Folk; Jakob er hans Arvelod.
10 He discovered him in a desert land, in a place of horror and a vast wilderness. He led him around and taught him, and he guarded him like the pupil of his eye,
Han fandt ham i et øde Land og paa tomme Steder, blandt Ørkens Hyl; han værnede om ham, han underviste ham, han bevarede ham som sin Øjesten.
11 just as an eagle encourages its young to fly, and, flying above them, stretches out its wings, and takes them up, and carries them on its shoulders.
Som en Ørn, der opvækker sin Rede, svæver over sine Unger, saa udbredte han sine Vinger, tog ham, bar ham paa sine Slagfjedre.
12 The Lord alone was his leader, and there was no strange god with him.
Herren alene ledede ham, og der var ingen fremmed Gud med ham.
13 He stood him upon an exalted land, so that he might eat the fruits of the fields, so that he might eat honey from the rock, and oil from the hardest stone,
Han lod ham fare frem over Jordens Høje, at han aad Markens Grøde, og han lod ham suge Honning af Klippen og Olie af den haarde Sten;
14 butter from the herd, and milk from the sheep, with fat from the lambs, and with rams and goats from the sons of Bashan, with the kernel of the wheat, and so that he might drink the undiluted blood of the grape.
han gav ham Smør af Køer og Mælk af Faar med Fedme af Lam og Vædre, fødte i Basan, og Bukke med Hvedens fedeste Marv; og Druens Blod drak du som Vin.
15 The beloved grew fat, and he kicked. Having grown fat and thick and wide, he abandoned God, his Maker, and he withdrew from God, his Savior.
Men der Jeskurun blev fed, da slog han ud — du blev fed, blev tyk, fik Huld — og han forlod Gud, som havde skabt ham, og ringeagtede sin Frelses Klippe.
16 They provoked him with strange gods, and they stirred him to anger by their abominations.
De gjorde ham nidkær ved fremmede Guder; med Vederstyggeligheder opirrede de ham.
17 They immolated to demons and not to God, to gods whom they did not know, who were new and recent arrivals, whom their fathers did not worship.
De ofrede til de Magter, som ikke ere Gud, til Guder, som de ikke kendte, til de nye, som vare opkomne for nylig, hvilke eders Fædre ikke frygtede.
18 You have forsaken the God who conceived you, and you have forgotten the Lord who created you.
Den Klippe, som avlede dig, glemte du, og Gud, som fødte dig, slog du af Tanke.
19 The Lord saw, and he was stirred to anger. For his own sons and daughters provoked him.
Og Herren saa det og blev vred af Fortørnelse over sine Sønner og sine Døtre.
20 And he said: ‘I will hide my face from them, and I will consider their very end. For this is a perverse generation, and they are unfaithful sons.
Og han sagde: Jeg vil skjule mit Ansigt for dem, jeg vil se, hvad Ende det tager med dem; thi en forvendt Slægt ere de, Børn, i hvilke der ikke er Troskab.
21 They have provoked me with that which was not God, and they have angered me with their emptiness. And so, I will provoke them with that which is not a people, and I will anger them with a foolish nation.
De gjorde mig nidkær ved det, som ikke er Gud, de opirrede mig ved deres Afguder, og jeg vil gøre dem nidkære ved det, som ikke er et Folk, ved et daarligt Folk vil jeg opirre dem.
22 A fire has been kindled in my fury, and it will burn even to the deepest Hell, and it will devour the earth with its produce, and it will burn the foundations of the mountains. (Sheol )
Thi Ild er optændt i min Vrede, og den brænder til Helvedes Dyb, og den fortærer Landet og dets Grøde og stikker Ild paa Bjergenes Grundvold. (Sheol )
23 I will heap evils upon them, and I will expend my arrows among them.
Jeg vil hobe Ulykker sammen over dem; jeg vil opbruge mine Pile imod dem.
24 They will be consumed by famine, and birds with a very bitter bite will devour them. I will send forth the teeth of wild beasts among them, along with the fury of creatures that scurry across the ground, and of serpents.
De skulle udmagres af Hunger og fortæres af hidsig Sygdom og bitter Sot; og jeg vil sende Rovdyrs Tænder imod dem, med Gift fra Støvets Kryb.
25 Outside, the sword will devastate them; and inside, there will be dread, as much for the young man as for the maiden, and as much for the newborn as for the old man.
Udenfor skal Sværd og i Kamrene skal Forfærdelse bortrøve dem, baade unge Karle og Jomfruer, det diende Barn med den graahærdede Mand.
26 I said: Where are they? I will cause their memory to cease from among men.
Jeg havde sagt: Jeg vil adsprede dem, jeg vil udslette deres Ihukommelse iblandt Menneskene,
27 But because of the wrath of the enemies, I have delayed it. Otherwise, perhaps their enemies would be arrogant and would say: “Our exalted hand, and not the Lord, has done all these things.”
dersom jeg ikke befrygtede at blive opirret af Fjenden, at deres Fjender skulde miskende det og sige: Vor Haand er høj, og Herren har ikke gjort alt dette.
28 They are a nation without counsel and without prudence.
Thi de ere et raadvildt Folk, og der er ikke Forstand i dem.
29 I wish that they would be wise and understanding, and would provide for the very end.’
Gid de vare vise, saa vilde de have Forstand paa dette, de vilde betænke, hvad Ende det vilde tage med dem.
30 How is it that one pursues a thousand, and two chases ten thousand? Is it not because their God has sold them, and because the Lord has enclosed them?
Hvorledes skulde een forfølge Tusinde, og to slaa ti Tusinde paa Flugt, dersom ikke deres Klippe havde solgt dem, og Herren havde overantvordet dem?
31 For our God is not like their gods. And our enemies are judges.
Thi deres Klippe er ikke som vor Klippe, selv naar vore Fjender ere Dommere.
32 Their vines are of the vines of Sodom, but from the suburbs of Gomorrah. Their grapes are the grapes of gall, and their grape clusters are most bitter.
Thi deres Vintræ er af Sodomas Vintræ og af Gomorras Agre; deres Druer ere Giftdruer, de have beske Klaser.
33 Their wine is the gall of snakes, and it is the incurable venom of asps.
Deres Vin er Dragegift og grum Øgleedder.
34 ‘Have not these things been stored up with me, and sealed up amid my treasures?
Er det ikke gemt hos mig? lagt under Segl i mine Skatkamre?
35 Vengeance is mine, and I will repay them in due time, so that their foot may slip and fall. The day of perdition is near, and the time rushes to appear.’
Hævnen og Betalingen hører mig til paa den Tid, da deres Fod skal snuble; thi deres Ulykkes Dag er nær, og hvad der er beredt for dem, skal komme hastelig.
36 The Lord will judge his people, and he will take pity on his servants. He will see that their hand has been weakened, and that those who have been enclosed have likewise failed, and that those who have been left behind have been consumed.
Thi Herren skal dømme sit Folk, og han vil forbarme sig over sine Tjenere, naar han ser, at deres Magt er borte, og at det er forbi baade med den bundne og den løsladte.
37 And he shall say: ‘Where are their gods, in whom they had confidence?
Og han skal sige: Hvor ere deres Guder, den Klippe, som de forlode sig paa,
38 They ate the fat of their victims, and they drank the wine of their libations. So let these rise up, and bring relief to you, and protect you in your distress.
de, som skulle æde deres Slagtofres Fedt, og som skulle drikke deres Drikofres Vin? Lader dem staa op og hjælpe eder, at der kan være et Skjul over eder!
39 See that I am alone, and there is no other god beside me. I will kill, and I will cause to live. I will strike, and I will heal. And there is no one who is able to rescue from my hand.
Ser nu, at jeg er, og der er ingen Gud ved Siden af mig; jeg døder og gør levende, jeg saarer og jeg læger, og der er ingen, som redder af min Haand.
40 I will lift up my hand to heaven, and I will say: I live in eternity.
Thi jeg opløfter min Haand til Himmelen og siger: Jeg, jeg lever evindeligen.
41 When I sharpen my sword like lightning, and my hand takes hold of judgment, then I will render vengeance to my enemies, and I will repay those who hate me.
Naar jeg skærper mit Sværds Lyn, og min Haand griber til Retten, da vil jeg lade Hævnen komme tilbage over mine Fjender, og jeg vil betale dem, som mig hade.
42 I will inebriate my arrows with blood, and my sword will devour flesh: from the blood of the slain and from the captive, from the exposed head of the enemies.’
Jeg vil gøre mine Pile drukne af Blod, og mit Sværd skal æde Kød, af den ihjelslagnes og fangnes Blod, af Fjendens Fyrsters Hoved.
43 You nations, praise his people! For he will avenge the blood of his servants. And he will distribute vengeance to their enemies. And he will be merciful to the land of his people.”
Fryder eder, I Hedninger, over hans Folk! thi han skal hævne sine Tjeneres Blod og lade Hævnen komme tilbage over sine Fjender og sone sit Land, sit Folk.
44 Therefore, Moses went and spoke all the words of this canticle to the ears of the people, both he and Joshua, the son of Nun.
Og Mose kom og talede alle Ordene af denne Sang for Folkets Øren, han og Hosea, Nuns Søn.
45 And he completed all these words, speaking to all of Israel.
Og da Mose havde fuldendt at tale alle disse Ord til al Israel,
46 And he said to them: “Set your hearts upon all the words which I am testifying to you this day. So shall you command your sons, to keep, and to do, and to fulfill all the things that have been written in this law.
sagde han til dem: Lægger alle de Ord paa eders Hjerte, som jeg vidner for eder i Dag, hvilke I skulle byde eders Børn at tage Vare paa, saa at de gøre efter alle denne Lovs Ord.
47 For these things have not been entrusted to you to no purpose, but so that each one would live by them, and so that, in doing these, you may continue for a long time in the land, which you will enter upon crossing the Jordan in order to possess it.”
Thi det er ikke et ørkesløst Ord for eder; thi det er eders Liv; og ved dette Ord skulle I forlænge eders Dage i det Land, til hvilket I drage over Jordanen for at eje det.
48 And the Lord spoke to Moses on the same day, saying:
Og Herren talede til Mose paa samme Dag og sagde:
49 “Ascend this mountain, Abarim, (that is, of crossings) onto Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, opposite Jericho, and look upon the land of Canaan, which I will deliver to the sons of Israel to obtain it. And you shall die upon the mountain.
Gak op paa dette Abarims Bjerg, paa Nebo Bjerg, som er i Moabs Land, som er lige for Jeriko, og bese det Land Kanaan, hvilket jeg giver Israels Børn til Ejendom,
50 After climbing it, you will be joined to your people, just as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor, and was placed with his people.
og dø paa det Bjerg, som du skal stige op paa, og bliv samlet til dine Folk, ligesom Aron din Broder døde paa det Bjerg Hor og blev samlet til sine Folk,
51 For you trespassed against me in the midst of the sons of Israel, at the Waters of Contradiction, in Kadesh, in the desert of Sin. And you did not sanctify me among the sons of Israel.
fordi I forgrebe eder imod mig midt iblandt Israels Børn ved Meribas Vand i Kades, i den Ørk Zin, fordi I ikke helligede mig midt iblandt Israels Børn.
52 You shall see the land opposite you, which I will give to the sons of Israel, but you shall not enter into it.”
Thi du skal bese Landet tværs over fra, men du skal ikke komme derhen, ind i det Land, som jeg giver Israels Børn.