< Amos 5 >
1 Listen to this word, which I lift over you in lamentation. The house of Israel has fallen, and it will no longer rise again.
Hør dette Ord, en klagesang, som jeg istemmer over eder, Israels Hus:
2 The virgin of Israel has been thrown onto her land, there is no one who can raise her up.
Hun er faldet og rejser sig ikke, Israels Jomfru, henstrakt på sin Jord, og ingen rejser hende op.
3 For thus says the Lord God: In the city from which a thousand departed, a hundred will remain, and in that from which a hundred departed, ten will remain, in the house of Israel.
Thi så siger den Herre HERREN: Den By, som går i Leding med tusind, får hundred tilbage, og den som går i Leding med hundred, får ti tilbage i Israels Hus.
4 For thus says the Lord to the house of Israel: Seek me and you will live.
Thi så siger HERREN til Israels Hus: Søg mig, så skal I leve!
5 But do not be willing to seek Bethel, and do not be willing to enter Gilgal, and you will not cross into Beer-sheba. For Gilgal will be led into captivity, and Bethel will be useless.
Søg ikke til Betel, gå ikke til Gilgal, drag ikke til Beersjeba! Thi Gilgal skal blive landflygtig, og Betel skal blive til intet.
6 Seek the Lord and live. Otherwise, the house of Joseph may be destroyed with fire, and it will devour, and there will be no one who can extinguish Bethel.
Søg HERREN, så skal I leve, at ikke en Lue slår ud, en ædende Ild mod Josefs Hus, og Betel har ingen, som slukker.
7 You turn judgment into wormwood, and you abandon justice on earth.
Ve dem, som gør Ret til Malurt og kaster Retfærd i Støvet!
8 The Maker of Arcturus and Orion, who turns darkness into daybreak and who changes day into night; who calls forth the waters of the sea and who pours them out over the face of the earth: The Lord is his name.
Syvstjernens og Orions Skaber, han, som vender Mulm til Morgen og gør Dag til Nattemørke, som kalder ad Havets Vande og gyder dem ud over Jorden, HERREN er hans Navn!
9 It is he who smiles destruction on the healthy, and who brings pillaging upon the powerful.
Han lader Ødelæggelse bryde ind over Borge, Ødelæggelse komme over Fæstninger.
10 They held hatred for the one who corrects at the gate, and they have abhorred the one who speaks perfectly.
De hader Rettens Talsmand i Porten og afskyr den, som taler sandt.
11 Therefore, on his behalf, because you have torn apart the poor and stolen choice prey from him: you will build houses with square stones and you will not dwell in them; you will plant the most delightful vineyards, and you will not drink wine from them.
Derfor, da I træder på den ringe og tager Afgift af hans Korn, skal I vel bygge Kvaderstenshuse, men ikke bo den; I skal vel plante yndige Vingårde, men Vinen skal I ikke drikke.
12 For I know your many wicked deeds and the strength of your sins, you enemies of the just, accepting bribes, and depriving the poor at the gate.
Jeg ved, eders Overtrædelser er mange og uden Tal eders Synder, I Rettens Fjender, som tager mod Bøde og bortviser fattige i Porten.
13 Therefore, the prudent will be silent at that time, for it is an evil time.
Derfor tier den kloge i denne Tid, thi det er onde Tider.
14 Seek good and not evil, so that you may live. And the Lord God of hosts will be with you, just as you have asked.
Søg det gode, ej det onde, for at I må leve og Hærskarers Gud, må være med eder, som I siger, han er.
15 Hate evil and love good, and establish judgment at the gate. Perhaps then the Lord God of hosts may have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.
Had det onde og elsk det gode, hold Retten i Hævd i Porten! Måske vil da HERREN, Hærskarers Gud, være nådig mod Josefs Rest.
16 Therefore, thus says the Lord God of hosts, the Sovereign: In all the streets, there will be wailing. And in every place where they are outdoors, they will say, “Woe, woe!” And they will call the farmer to mourn, and those who know mourning to lamentation.
Derfor, så siger HERREN, Herren, Hærskarers Gud: På alle Torve skal klages, i alle Gader råbes: "Ve! Ve!" Bonden kalder til Sorg, til Ligklage Klagemænd;
17 And in all the vineyards there will be wailing. For I will cross through your midst, says the Lord.
i hver en Vingård skal klages, når jeg drager igennem din Midte, siger HERREN.
18 Woe to those who desire the day of the Lord. What is it to you? The day of the Lord is this: darkness and not light.
Ve eder, som længes efter HERRENs Dag! Hvad vil I med HERRENs Dag? Mørke er den, ej Lys.
19 It is as if a man flees from the face of a lion, only to have a bear meet him; or, he enters a house and leans with his hand against the wall, only to have a snake bite him.
Da går det, som når en Mand flyr for en Løve og møder en Bjørn og, når han tyr ind i Huset og støtter sin Hånd til Væggen, bides af en Slange.
20 Will not the day of the Lord be darkness and not light, and gloom with no brightness in it?
Ja, HERRENs Dag er Mørke, ej Lys, Bælgmørke uden Solskin.
21 I hate and have rejected your feasts; and I will not accept the odor from your gatherings.
Jeg hader, forsmår eders Fester, er led ved eders festlige Samlinger,
22 For if you offer me holocausts and your gifts, I will not receive them; and I will not look upon the vows of your fatness.
om også I bringer mig Brændofre. Eders Afgrødeofre behager mig ej, eders Fedekvægs-Takofre ser jeg ej til.
23 Take away from me the tumult of your songs, and I will not listen to the canticles of your lyre.
Spar mig dog for eders larmende Sang, eders Harpeklang hører jeg ikke.
24 And judgment will be revealed like water, and justice like a mighty torrent.
Nej, Ret skal vælde frem som Vand og Retfærd som svulmende Bæk.
25 Was it you who offered victims and sacrifices to me in the desert for forty years, house of Israel?
Bragte I mig Slagtoffer og Afgrødeoffer de fyrretyve Ørkenår, Israels Hus?
26 And you carried a tabernacle for your Moloch and the image of your idols: the star of your god, which you made for yourselves.
Så skal I da bære Sakkut, eders Konge, og Kevan, eders Gudestjerne, Billeder, som I har lavet eder.
27 And I will cause you to go into captivity across Damascus, says the Lord. The God of hosts is his name.
I Landflygtighed jager jeg eder hinsides Damaskus, siger HERREN; Hærskarers Gud er hans Navn.