< Acts 27 >

1 Then it was decided to send him by ship to Italy, and that Paul, with the others in custody, should be delivered to a centurion named Julius, of the cohort of Augusta.
Bu dizengo ti tufueti kuendila mu masuwa ku Itali, buna bayekula Polo ayi basi nloko bankaka mu mioko mi nkulutu wumosi wu masodi dizina diandi Yuliusi, wuba mu dikabu di masodi ma ntinu.
2 After climbing aboard a ship from Adramyttium, we set sail and began to navigate along the ports of Asia, with Aristarchus, the Macedonian from Thessalonica, joining us.
Tukota mu masuwa mamosi ma Adilamite; mafueti kuenda mu bisalu bidi muyendila tsi Azi ayi tuyenda kueto. Alisitalike, muisi Maseduani divula diba mu Tesalonika, wuyenda yeto.
3 And on the following day, we arrived at Sidon. And Julius, treating Paul humanely, permitted him to go to his friends and to look after himself.
Mu lumbu kilanda, tutula ku Sidoni. Yuliusi wuvangila Polo mamboti; wumvana misua mu kuenda kuidi bakundi bandi muingi bamvana lusadusu.
4 And when we had set sail from there, we navigated below Cyprus, because the winds were contrary.
Bu tubotuka kuna, tuyenda muyendila Sipeli mu diambu di tina phemo yingolo yiba kutuvutulanga ku mbusa.
5 And navigating though the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we arrived at Lystra, which is in Lycia.
Bu tumana sabuka mbu; muyendila Silisi ayi Pamfili, tutula ku Mila mu zunga ki Lisi.
6 And there the centurion found a ship from Alexandria sailing to Italy, and he transferred us to it.
Kuna nkulutu wu masodi kamonina masuwa ma Alekisandiya maba kuendaku Itali, muawu katukotisa.
7 And when we had sailed slowly for many days and had barely arrived opposite Cnidus, for the wind was hindering us, we sailed to Crete, near Salmone.
Masuwa maba ndiata malembe mu bilumbu biwombo ayi mu phasitutudila ku Kinide. Vayi phemo yitumonisa phasi mu diata; diawu tuyenda muyendila Kelete kitalana ayi Salimone.
8 And barely being able to sail past it, we arrived at a certain place, which is called Good Shelter, next to which was the city of Lasea.
Bu tukisabukila mu phasi, tutula ku buangu kimosi bantedilanga “Bisabu bimboti” ku ndambu kuba divula di Laze.
9 Then, after much time had passed, and since sailing would no longer be prudent because the Fast Day had now passed, Paul consoled them,
Thangu yiwombo bu yikiviokila ayi sumbu tsisi yitona monika mu diatila mu masuwa bila thangu yi fuila nzala mu diambu di lusambulu bu yikiviokila; diawu Polo kaba lubudila ti:
10 and he said to them: “Men, I perceive that the voyage is now in danger of injury and much damage, not only to the cargo and the ship, but also to our own lives.”
—A bakhomba, ndimona ti nzietolo mu masuwa yeka ba yi tsisi, ayi bima biwombo biela bungana; bika sia ti mu mimfuna kaka ayi masuwa vayi ayi mu luzingu lueto veka.
11 But the centurion put more trust in the captain and the navigator of the ship, than in the things being said by Paul.
Vayi nkulutu wu masodi wuluta wilukila mambu ma mutu wunata masuwaayi ma mutu wowo wuvua mawu, bika mambu momo matuba Polo.
12 And since it was not a fitting port in which to winter, the majority opinion was to sail from there, so that somehow they might be able to arrive at Phoenicia, in order to winter there, at a port of Crete, which looks out toward the southwest and northwest.
Ayi sumbu sabu beni kisi ba kimboti ko, mu viokisila tsungi yi kiozi kingolo, buna batu bawombo baba muna masuwa baba mayindu mu botuka kuna mu diambu di enati baka bubela mu tula ku Fenisi, sabu kidi ku Kelete mu diambu di viokisila tsungi yi kiozi kingolo. Sabu beni kitalani ayi Sude-wesite ayi Node-weste.
13 And since the south wind was blowing gently, they thought that they might reach their goal. And after they had set out from Asson, they weighed anchor at Crete.
Sumbu phemo yitotukila ku Sude, yivevumuka mu malembi, buna batu baba mu masuwa babanzila ti balenda vanga mambu momo bakana, buna batapula sengo kieti tedimisa masuwa, bayenda muyendila Kelete.
14 But not long afterward, a violent wind came against them, which is called the Northeast Wind.
Vayi vuanda fioti, vuka kitedolongo “phemo yi Awulosilidoni” yitotuka ku sanga.
15 And once the ship had been caught in it and was not able to strive against the wind, giving over the ship to the winds, we were driven along.
Masuwa manatu kuidi phemo, masia nunga phemo ko, buna tutumbu bika tunatu, ayi tuvevumunu.
16 Then, being forced along a certain island, which is called the Tail, we were barely able to hold on to the ship’s lifeboat.
Tuvioka nsualu muyendila sanga kimosi kifioti, beti tedila Kloda. Phasi tumona mu ludika, bumboti nlungu wu masuwa.
17 When this was taken up, they used it to assist in securing the ship. For they were afraid that they might run aground. And having lowered the sails, they were being driven along in this way.
Buna bamana tuta nlungu wu masuwa babonga minsinga minneni mibakangila nlungu mu masuwa. Bu bamona tsisi yi kandana mu nzielo yi Silite, diawu bakulula zivuali zi masuwa. Buawu bobo masuwa mavevumununu.
18 Then, since we were being tossed about strongly by the tempest, on the following day, they threw the heavy items overboard.
Sumbu tubetolo ngolo khuba kuidi vuka, mu lumbu kilandabaloza ndambu yi mimfuna.
19 And on the third day, with their own hands, they threw the equipment of the ship overboard.
Mu lumbu kintatu baloza bisadulu bi masuwa.
20 Then, when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no end to the storm was imminent, all hope for our safety was now taken away.
Ayi sumbu tusia mona ko thangu voti zimbuetete ko mu bilumbu biwombo ayi vuka kingolo bu kituyamisa, buna tutumbu sakula diana di buela vuka.
21 And after they had fasted for a long time, Paul, standing in their midst, said: “Certainly, men, you should have listened to me and not set out from Crete, so as to cause this injury and loss.
Bilumbu biwombo bu bivioka mu kambu buela dia, Polo wutelama va khatitsikꞌawu ayi wutuba: —A beno bakhomba, nganu lunguila mu kambu botuka ku Kelete ayi nganu tusia mona ko mabienga mama ayi nganu bima bioso bisi bungana ko.
22 And now, let me persuade you to be courageous in soul. For there shall be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.
Vayi ndikululeba buabu mu diambu di ba bukhafi bila kadi mutu wumosi mu beno lulendi fua ko vayi masuwa mawu kaka mambungana.
23 For an Angel of God, who is assigned to me and whom I serve, stood beside me this night,
Bila va bedingi va builu mbasi Nzambi, yoyi yiphuidi ayi ndietisadila, wiza kumbonikina
24 saying: ‘Do not be afraid, Paul! It is necessary for you to stand before Caesar. And behold, God has given to you all those who are sailing with you.’
ayi wukhembi: “A Polo kadi mona boma bila fueti kaka samba va ntuala Sezali ayi tala Nzambi wuveni batu boso badi yaku mu masuwa.”
25 Because of this, men, be courageous in soul. For I trust God that this will happen in the same way that it has been told to me.
Diawu bakhomba, bika luba bukhafi bila ndinwilukila Nzambi ayi nzebi ti mafueti vangama boso bu kakhambidi.
26 But it is necessary for us to arrive at a certain island.”
Vayi tufueti kangama va sanga kimosi!
27 Then, after the fourteenth night arrived, as we were navigating in the sea of Adria, about the middle of the night, the sailors believed that they saw some portion of the land.
Buna mu builu bu lumbu ki kumi kinya, sumbu tuba vevumunu kuidivuka mbu wu Andiliyatiki, batu baba salanga mu masuwa babanzila ti bafikimini ayi disimu dimosi.
28 And upon dropping a weight, they found a depth of twenty paces. And some distance from there, they found a depth of fifteen paces.
Bu batibula sengo mu diambu di tala thipula yi nlangu, buna bamona makumatatu ayi tsambuadi di zimetele. Buela diata fioti babuela tibula sengu bamona yeka makumuadi ayi nana di zimetele.
29 Then, fearing that we might happen upon rough places, they cast four anchors out of the stern, and they were hoping for daylight to arrive soon.
Bu bamona boma tala tuedi kangama mu matadi, batumbu tibulabisengo biya biobi bieti telimisa masuwa ayi bazola ti buisi buvika kia.
30 Yet truly, the sailors were seeking a way to flee from the ship, for they had lowered a lifeboat into the sea, on the pretext that they were attempting to cast anchors from the bow of the ship.
Sumbu batu bobo beti sadila mu masuwa baba mayindu ma tina mu masuwa; diawu bakuludila nlungu wu masuwa mu mbu mu vunikisa kuenda tibula bisengo biobi bieti tedimisa masuwa ku ntuala.
31 So Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, “Unless these men remain in the ship, you will not be able to be saved.”
Vayi Polo wukamba nkulutu wu masodi ayi masodi: —Enati batu bobo bakadi vuanda mu masuwa, buna lulendi vuka ko!
32 Then the soldiers cut the ropes to the lifeboat, and they allowed it to fall.
Buna masodi matabula minsinga mi buatu bosi badodula buawu mu mbu.
33 And when it began to be light, Paul requested that they all take food, saying: “This is the fourteenth day that you have been waiting and continuing to fast, taking nothing.
Bu bavingila buisi bukia Polo wuleba batu boso badia, wuba kamba: —Tona lutona vingila, kiawu kiaki lumbu ki kumi kinya lueka mu kambu dia.
34 For this reason, I beg you to accept food for the sake of your health. For not a hair from the head of any of you shall perish.”
Vayi ndikululomba ludia bila bidia mfunu bidi mu diambu di vukisa zinitu zieno. Bikanu mona boma bila kadi mutu wumosi buna luidimakazimbisa lusuki lumosi lu ntuꞌandi.
35 And when he had said these things, taking bread, he gave thanks to God in the sight of them all. And when he had broken it, he began to eat.
Buna kamana tuba bobo, wubonga dipha; wuvutudila Nzambi matondo va meso ma bawu boso; wubukuna diawu ayi wutona dia.
36 Then they all became more peaceful in soul. And they also took food.
Buna bukhafi buvutuka mu bawu boso, mamvawu batona dia.
37 Truly, we were two hundred and seventy-six souls on the ship.
Tuba nduka-nduka zinkama zizole ayi lusambuadi lu batu ayi batu basambanu muna masuwa.
38 And having been nourished with food, they lightened the ship, casting the wheat into the sea.
Buna bamana yukuta, batatamana loza mu nbu ndambu yi bidia bi ble bisiala.
39 And when day had arrived, they did not recognize the landscape. Yet truly, they caught sight of a certain narrow inlet having a shore, into which they thought it might be possible to force the ship.
Buisi bu bukia, basia bakula ko kuevi kuidi disimu; vayi bamona vama vaba nlangu ayi nzielo. Baba mayindu mu nata vana masuwa.
40 And when they had taken up the anchors, they committed themselves to the sea, at the same time loosing the restraints of the rudders. And so, raising the mainsail to the gusting wind, they pressed on toward the shore.
Banianguna minsinga mi bisengo bieta tedimisa masuwa, balozamiawu mu nbu. Bosi banianguna minsinga mi bisengo bieta diatisa masuwa, bakumisa kapu ku ntuala masuwa muingi masuwa menda ku disimu.
41 And when we happened upon a place open to two seas, they ran the ship aground. And indeed, the bow, being immobilized, remained fixed, but truly the stern was broken by the violence of the sea.
Vayi masuwa bu mabumina nzielo yidi va khati mbu, buna makandana. Ntu wu masuwa wukuikama muna nzielo vayi kimbusa kieka nikunu kuidi vuka ki phemo; mbadi kitona zengana.
42 Then the soldiers were in agreement that they should kill the prisoners, lest anyone, after escaping by swimming, might flee.
Masodi maba lukanu luvonda batu bobo ba nloko muingi wumosi kabika siuka ayi tina.
43 But the centurion, wanting to save Paul, prohibited it from being done. And he ordered those who were able to swim to jump in first, and to escape, and to get to the land.
Vayi pfumu masodi wuzola vukisa Polo, wuba kandika mu bika dukisa lukanu luawu. Wuvana lutumunu kuidi batu bobo bazaba siuka bafudama batheti mu nlangu muingi benda ku disimu;
44 And as for the others, some they carried on boards, and others on those things that belonged to the ship. And so it happened that every soul escaped to the land.
bosi kuidi bobo bankaka, basimbidila bitini bi mabaya votibitsiadisila bi masuwa. Buawu bobo batu boso batudila banvimba ku disimu.

< Acts 27 >