< 2 Samuel 8 >
1 Now after these things, it happened that David struck the Philistines, and he humbled them. And David took the bridle of tribute from the hand of the Philistines.
Depois disto aconteceu, que Davi feriu aos filisteus, e os humilhou: e tomou Davi a Metegue-Ama da mão dos filisteus.
2 And he struck Moab, and he measured them with a line, leveling them to the ground. Now he measured with two lines, one to kill, and one to keep alive. And Moab was made to serve David under tribute.
Feriu também aos de Moabe, e mediu-os com cordel, fazendo-os lançar por terra; e mediu com dois cordéis para morte, e um cordel inteiro para vida; e foram os moabitas servos debaixo de tributo.
3 And David struck Hadadezer, the son of Rehob, the king of Zobah, when he set out to rule over the river Euphrates.
Também feriu Davi a Hadadezer filho de Reobe, rei de Zobá, indo ele a estender seu termo até o rio de Eufrates.
4 And from his troops, David seized one thousand seven hundred horsemen and twenty thousand foot soldiers. And he cut the sinew of the leg in all the chariot horses. But he left aside enough of them for one hundred chariots.
E tomou Davi deles mil e setecentos cavaleiros, e vinte mil homens a pé; e aleijou Davi os cavalos de todos os carros, exceto cem carros deles que deixou.
5 And the Syrians of Damascus arrived, so that they might bring reinforcements to Hadadezer, the king of Zobah. And David struck down twenty-two thousand men of the Syrians.
E vieram os sírios de Damasco a dar ajuda a Hadadezer rei de Zobá; e Davi feriu dos sírios vinte e dois mil homens.
6 And David positioned a garrison in Syria of Damascus. And Syria served David under tribute. And the Lord assisted David in all things whatsoever that he set out to accomplish.
Pôs logo Davi guarnição em Síria a de Damasco, e foram os sírios servos de Davi sujeitos a tributo. E o SENHOR guardou a Davi de onde quer que fosse.
7 And David took the armbands of gold, which the servants of Hadadezer had, and he brought them to Jerusalem.
E tomou Davi os escudos de ouro que traziam os servos de Hadadezer, e levou-os a Jerusalém.
8 And from Betah and Beeroth, cities of Hadadezer, king David took an exceedingly great amount of brass.
Também de Betá e de Beerote, cidades de Hadadezer, tomou o rei Davi grande quantidade de bronze.
9 Then Toi, the king of Hamath, heard that David had struck down the entire strength of Hadadezer.
Então ouvindo Toí, rei de Hamate, que Davi havia ferido todo aquele exército de Hadadezer,
10 And so, Toi sent his son Joram to king David, so that he might greet him with congratulations, and give thanks, because he had fought against Hadadezer and had struck him down. For indeed, Toi was the enemy of Hadadezer. And in his hand were vessels of gold, and vessels of silver, and vessels of brass.
Enviou Toí a Jorão seu filho ao rei Davi, a saudar-lhe pacificamente e a bendizer-lhe, porque havia lutado com Hadadezer e o havia vencido: porque Toí era inimigo de Hadadezer. E Jorão levava em sua mão vasos de prata, e vasos de ouro, e de bronze;
11 And king David also sanctified these things to the Lord, with the silver and gold that he had sanctified from all the peoples whom he had subdued:
Os quais o rei Davi dedicou ao SENHOR, com a prata e o ouro que tinha dedicado de todas as nações que havia submetido:
12 from Syria, and Moab, and the sons Ammon, and the Philistines, and Amalek, and from the best spoils of Hadadezer, the son of Rehob, the king of Zobah.
Dos sírios, dos moabitas, dos amonitas, dos filisteus, dos amalequitas, e do despojo de Hadadezer filho de Reobe, rei de Zobá.
13 David also made a name for himself when he returned from seizing Syria, in the Valley of the Salt Pits, having cut down eighteen thousand.
E ganhou Davi fama quando, voltando da derrota dos sírios, feriu dezoito mil homens no vale do sal.
14 And he positioned guards in Edom, and he stationed a garrison. And all of Edom was made to serve David. And the Lord assisted David in all things whatsoever that he set out to accomplish.
E pôs guarnição em Edom, por toda Edom pôs guarnição; e todos os edomitas foram servos de Davi. E o SENHOR guardou a Davi por de onde quer que fosse.
15 And David reigned over all of Israel. And David accomplished judgment and justice with all his people.
E reinou Davi sobre todo Israel; e fazia Davi direito e justiça a todo seu povo.
16 Now Joab, the son Zeruiah, was over the army. And Jehoshaphat, the son of Ahilud, was the keeper of records.
E Joabe filho de Zeruia era general de seu exército; e Josafá filho de Ailude, chanceler;
17 And Zadok, the son of Ahitub, and Ahimelech, the son of Abiathar, were the priests. And Seraiah was the scribe.
E Zadoque filho de Aitube, e Aimeleque filho de Abiatar, eram sacerdotes; e Seraías era escriba;
18 And Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, was over the Cherethites and Pelethites. But the sons of David were priests.
E Benaia filho de Joiada, era sobre os quereteus e peleteus; e os filhos de Davi eram os príncipes.