< 2 Chronicles 24 >

1 Joash was seven years old when he had begun to reign. And he reigned for forty years in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Zibiah, from Beersheba.
Joas var sju år gammal, då han Konung vardt, och regerade fyratio år i Jerusalem. Hans moder het Zibja af BerSeba.
2 And he did what is good before the Lord during all the days of Jehoiada, the priest.
Och Joas gjorde det Herranom väl behagade, så länge Presten Jojada lefde.
3 Now Jehoiada gave to him two wives, from whom he conceived sons and daughters.
Och Jojada tog honom två hustrur, och han födde söner och döttrar.
4 After these things, it pleased Joash to repair the house of the Lord.
Derefter tog Joas till att förnya Herrans hus;
5 And he gathered together the priests and Levites, and he said to them: “Go out to the cities of Judah, and collect from all of Israel money to repair the surfaces of the temple of your God, throughout each year. And do this promptly.” But the Levites acted negligently.
Och församlade Prester och Leviter, och sade till dem: Farer ut till alla Juda städer, och församler penningar utaf hela Israel, till att förbättra edars Guds hus årliga, och skynder eder till att göra så; men Leviterna fördröjde dermed.
6 And the king summoned Jehoiada, the leader, and he said to him: “Why was there no concern with you, so that you would compel the Levites to bring, from Judah and from Jerusalem, the money that was appointed by Moses, the servant of the Lord, so as to bring it, from the entire multitude of Israel, to the tabernacle of the testimony?
Då kallade Konungen Jojada den yppersta, och sade till honom: Hvi hafver du icke akt på Leviterna, att de låta införa af Juda och Jerusalem den hjelpeskatten, som Mose Herrans tjenare påbudit hade, att samkas skulle i Israel, till vittnesbördsens tabernakel?
7 For that very impious woman Athaliah and her sons have destroyed the house of God, and they have adorned the shrine of Baal from all the things that had been sanctified in the temple of the Lord.”
Förty den ogudaktiga Athalia och hennes söner hafva förderfvat Guds hus; och allt det som till Herrans hus helgadt var, hafva de lagt till Baalim.
8 Therefore, the king instructed, and they made an ark. And they placed it beside the gate of the house of the Lord, on the outside.
Så befallde Konungen, att man skulle göra ena kisto; och de satte henne utantill vid dörrena af Herrans hus;
9 And they proclaimed, in Judah and Jerusalem, that each one should bring to the Lord the money that Moses, the servant of God, appointed in the desert, concerning all of Israel.
Och lät utropa i Juda och Jerusalem, att man skulle införa Herranom den hjelpeskatten, som Guds tjenare Mose på Israel lagt hade i öknene.
10 And all the leaders and all the people rejoiced. And upon entering, they together took and placed so much into the ark of the Lord that it was filled.
Då fröjdade sig alle öfverstar, och allt folket, och gjorde tillhopa, och lade i kistona, intilldess hon full vardt.
11 And when it was time for them to bring the ark before the king by the hands of the Levites, for they saw that there was much money, the scribe of the king, and the one whom the high priest had appointed, entered. And they poured out the money that was in the ark. Then they carried the ark back to its place. And they did this on each day. And an immense sum of money was gathered.
Och då tid var att kistan skulle hafvas fram af Leviterna, efter Konungens befallning, då de sågo, att der många penningar uti voro, så kom Konungens skrifvare, och den som af öfversta Prestenom befallning hade, och tömde kistona, och båro henne i sitt rum igen. Så gjorde de hvar dag, tilldess de samkade en ganska stor hop penningar.
12 And the king and Jehoiada gave it to those who were in charge of the works of the house of the Lord. Then with it they hired hewers of stone, and artisans of every kind, so that they might repair the house of the Lord, and also so that the works of iron and of brass, which had begun to fall, would be reinforced.
Och Konungen och Jojada fingo det arbetarena, som skaffare voro på Herrans hus; de samme lejde stenhuggare och timbermän, till att förnya Herrans hus, desslikes de mästare på jern och koppar, till att bättra Herrans hus.
13 And those who were hired were working industriously. And the breach in the walls was healed by their hands. And they returned the house of the Lord to a pristine state. And they caused it stand firm.
Och arbetsmännerna arbetade, så att förbättringen på verket gick fram genom deras hand, och läto Guds hus komma sig till igen, och gjorde det fast.
14 And when they had completed all the works, they brought the remaining part of the money before the king and Jehoiada. And from it, the vessels of the temple were made, for the ministry and for the holocausts, including bowls and other vessels of gold and silver. And holocausts were being offered in the house of the Lord continually, during all the days of Jehoiada.
Och då de hade det lyktat, båro de penningarna, som öfver voro, in för Konungen och Jojada; deraf gjordes käril till Herrans hus, käril till tjensten, och till bränneoffer, skedar, och gyldene silfvertyg. Och de offrade bränneoffer vid Herrans hus framgent, så länge Jojada lefde.
15 But Jehoiada was old and full of days. And he died when he was one hundred thirty years old.
Och Jojada vardt gammal och mätt af ålder, och blef död, och var hundrade och tretio år gammal, då han blef död.
16 And they buried him in the City of David, with the kings, because he had done good to Israel and to his house.
Och de begrofvo honom uti Davids stad, ibland Konungarna, derföre att han hade gjort väl med Israel, och med Gud och hans hus.
17 Then, after Jehoiada passed away, the leaders of Judah entered and reverenced the king. And he was enticed by their obsequiousness, and so he acquiesced to them.
Efter Jojada död kommo de öfverste i Juda, och tillbådo Konungen; då hörde Konungen dem.
18 And they abandoned the temple of the Lord, the God of their fathers, and they served sacred groves and graven images. And wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem because of this sin.
Och de öfvergåfvo Herrans deras fäders Guds hus, och tjente lundom och afgudom; så kom vrede öfver Juda och Jerusalem för dessa deras brotts skull.
19 And he sent prophets to them, so that they might return to the Lord. And though they were offering testimony, they were not willing to listen to them.
Och han sände Propheter till dem, att de skulle omvända sig till Herran. Och de betygade dem; men de hörde dem intet.
20 And so the Spirit of God clothed Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada the priest. And he stood in the sight of the people, and he said to them: “Thus says the Lord God: Why have you transgressed the precept of the Lord, though it was not to your benefit, and why have you abandoned the Lord, so that he would then abandon you?”
Och Guds Ande utiklädde Sacharia, Jojada Prestens son. Han steg fram för folket, och sade till dem: Detta säger Gud: Hvi öfverträden I Herrans bud, det eder icke väl bekommandes varder? Efter I hafven öfvergifvit Herran, så varder han ock öfvergifvandes eder.
21 And gathering together against him, they stoned him, beside the place of the king, in the atrium of the house of the Lord.
Men de gjorde ett förbund emot honom, och stenade honom, efter Konungens bud, i gårdenom för Herrans hus.
22 And king Joash did not remember the mercy with which Jehoiada, his father, had treated him; instead he put to death his son. And as he was dying, he said: “May the Lord see and take account.”
Och Konung Joas tänkte intet på den barmhertighet, som Jojada hans fader med honom gjort hade, utan drap hans son; men då han blef död, sade han: Herren varder detta seendes och sökandes.
23 And when a year had turned, the army of Syria ascended against him. And they went to Judah and Jerusalem. And they put to death all the leaders of the people. And they sent all the spoils to the king of Damascus.
Och då året var omgånget, drog upp de Syrers här, och kommo i Juda och Jerusalem, och förgjorde alla öfverstar i folkena; och allt deras rof sände de till Konungen i Damascon.
24 And although certainly there had arrived a very small number of Syrians, the Lord delivered into their hands an immense multitude. For they had forsaken the Lord, the God of their fathers. Also, against Joash they executed disgraceful judgments.
Ty de Syrers magt kom med fögo folk, likväl gaf Herren i deras hand en ganska stor magt, derföre att de Herran deras fäders Gud öfvergifvit hade; desslikes lade de ock straff på Joas.
25 And upon departing, they left him greatly debilitated. Then his servants rose up against him, in vengeance for the blood of the son of Jehoiada the priest. And they killed him on his bed, and he died. And they buried him in the City of David, but not in the sepulchers of the kings.
Och då de drogo ifrå honom, läto de honom qvar i stora krankhet. Och hans tjenare gjorde ett förbund emot honom, för Prestens Jojada söners blods skull, och dråpo honom på hans säng, och han blef död; och man begrof honom uti Davids stad, dock icke ibland Konungagrifterna.
26 Truly, those who ambushed him were Zabad, the son of an Ammonite woman named Shimeath, and Jehozabad, the son of a Moabite woman named Shimrith.
De som förbundet gjorde emot honom voro desse: Sabad, Simeaths son, den Ammonitiskones, och Josabad, Simriths son, den Moabitiskones.
27 But concerning his sons, and the sum of money that had been amassed under him, and the repairing of the house of God, these things have been written more diligently in the book of kings. Then his son, Amaziah, reigned in his place.
Men hans söner, och summan som under honom församlad var, och Guds hus byggning, si, de äro beskrifne uti Historien i Konungabokene. Och hans son Amazia vardt Konung i hans stad.

< 2 Chronicles 24 >