< 1 Samuel 20 >

1 Then David fled from Naioth, which is in Ramah, and he went and said before Jonathan: “What have I done? What is my iniquity, or what is my sin, against your father, so that he would seek my life?”
Na ka rere a Rawiri i Naioto o Rama, a ka tae, ka korero ki a Honatana, I aha ahau? he aha toku he? he aha hoki toku hara i te aroaro o tou papa, i whai ai ia kia whakamatea ahau?
2 And he said to him: “May this not be! You shall not die. For my father will not do anything, great or small, without first revealing it to me. Therefore, has my father concealed this word solely from me? By no means shall this be!”
Na ka mea tera ki a ia, Kahore rapea, e kore koe e mate; nana, e kore e meatia e toku papa tetahi mea, nui, iti ranei; ki te kahore e whakakitea mai e ia ki ahau: a he aha tenei mea e huna ai e toku papa i ahau? ehara tena.
3 And he swore again to David. And David said: “Your father certainly knows that I have found favor in your sight, and so he will say, ‘Let Jonathan not know this, lest he be saddened.’ So truly, as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, there is only one step (if I may say it) separating me from death.”
Na ka oati ano a Rawiri, ka mea, E tino mohio ana tou papa kua manakohia ahau e koe; koia ia i mea ia, Kei mohiotia tenei e Honatana, kei pouri ia: otiia e ora ana a Ihowa, e ora ana hoki tou wairua, he hikoinga kotahi noa ko te mate moku.
4 And Jonathan said to David, “Whatever your soul will tell me, I will do for you.”
Katahi a Honatana ka mea ki a Rawiri, He aha nei te mea e hiahiatia ana e tou wairua, ka meatia tonutia e ahau mau.
5 Then David said to Jonathan: “Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I am accustomed to sit in a seat beside the king to eat. Therefore, permit me that I may be hidden in the field, until the evening of the third day.
Na ka mea a Rawiri ki a Honatana, Nana, apopo ka kowhiti te marama, a ko te tikanga kia noho tahi ai ahau me te kingi ki te kai; na tukua ahau kia haere, kia piri ai ahau ki te parae a te ahiahi ra ano o te toru o nga ra.
6 If your father, looking around, will seek me, you shall respond to him: ‘David asked me if he may hurry to Bethlehem, his own city. For there are solemn sacrifices in that place for all of his tribe together.’
Ki te ui ia tou papa mo toku ngaro, ko reira koe ka ki atu, I tono kaha a Rawiri ki ahau kia tukua ia kia rere ki tona pa, ki Peterehema: kei reira hoki te patunga tapu o te tau ma te hapu katoa.
7 If he will say, ‘It is well,’ then your servant will have peace. But if he will be angry, know that his malice has reached its height.
Ki te penei mai tana ki, E pai ana; ka mau te rongo ki tau pononga: e nui rawa ia tona riri, katahi koe ka mohio kua takoto te kino i a ia.
8 Therefore, show mercy to your servant. For you have brought me, your servant, into a covenant of the Lord with you. But if there is any iniquity in me, you may kill me, and you shall not lead me in to your father.”
Na reira kia pai tau mahi ki tau pononga, nau nei hoki i mea tau pononga kia uru taua ki ta Ihowa kawenata. Otiia ki te mea he kino toku, mau ahau e whakamate; kia kawea atu hoki ahau e koe ki tou papa hei aha?
9 And Jonathan said: “May this be far from you. For certainly, if I ever realized that any wickedness was determined by my father against you, I would not be able to do anything other than report it to you.”
Na ka mea a Honatana, Kaua tena e meatia ki a koe: engari ki te mohio kau ahau kua takoto i toku papa kia whakapakia he kino ki a koe, e kore ianei e korerotia e ahau ki a koe?
10 And David responded to Jonathan, “Who will repeat it to me, if your father may perhaps answer you harshly about me?”
Katahi a Rawiri ka mea ki a Honatana, Ma wai e korero ki ahau, ki te pakeke te kupu e whakahokia e tou papa ki a koe?
11 And Jonathan said to David, “Come, and let us go out into the field.” And when they both had gone out into the field,
Ano ra ko Honatana ki a Rawiri, Haere mai, taua ka haere ki te parae. Na haere ana raua tokorua ki te parae.
12 Jonathan said before David: “O Lord, God of Israel, if I will discover a decision by my father, tomorrow, or the day after, and if there will be anything good concerning David, and yet I do not immediately send to you and make it known to you,
Na ka mea a Honatana ki a Rawiri, Ko Ihowa, ko te Atua o Iharaira, hei kaititiro; maku e rapu te whakaaro o toku papa i tenei wa pea apopo, i te toru ranei o nga ra: ki te mea he pai mo Rawiri, e kore ianei ahau e tuku tonu atu, e whakaatu ki a koe?
13 may the Lord do these things to Jonathan, and may he add these other things. But if my father will have persevered in malice against you, I will reveal it to your ear, and I will send you away, so that you may go in peace, and so that the Lord may be with you, just as he was with my father.
Kia meatia tenei e Ihowa ki a Honatana, me etahi atu mea: pena he kino ta toku papa e pai ai mou, a ka kore ahau e whakaatu ki a koe, ka tuku i a koe kia haere i runga i te rangimarie: a kia noho a Ihowa ki a koe kia pera me ia i noho ki toku pa pa.
14 And if I live, you shall show the mercy of the Lord to me. Yet truly, if I die,
A kaua ano e waiho i toku oranga anake tau whakaputa i to Ihowa aroha ki ahau, kia kaua ahau e mate;
15 you shall not take away your mercy from my house, even forever, when the Lord will have rooted out the enemies of David, each and every one of them, from the earth. May he take Jonathan from his house, and may the Lord require it from the hands of the enemies of David.”
Kauaka ano hoki e hautopea atu tou aroha ki toku whare a ake ake: kauaka rawa, ina hautopea atu e Ihowa nga hoariri katoa o Rawiri i te mata o te whenua.
16 Therefore, Jonathan formed a covenant with the house of David. And the Lord required it from the hands of the enemies of David.
Heoi ka whakarite kawenata a Honatana ki te whare o Rawiri, ka mea, Kia rapu utu ano a Ihowa i te ringa o nga hoariri o Rawiri.
17 And Jonathan continued to swear to David, because he loved him. For he loved him like his own soul.
A i mea a Honatana kia oati ano a Rawiri; he aroha hoki nona ki a ia: i aroha hoki ia ki a ia, me te mea ko te aroha ki tona wairua ake.
18 And Jonathan said to him: “Tomorrow is the new moon, and you will be sought.
Katahi a Honatana ka mea ki a ia, Apopo te kowhiti ai te marama; a ka kitea tou ngaromanga, ka takoto kau hoki tou nohoanga.
19 For your seat will be empty until the day after tomorrow. Therefore, you shall descend quickly, and you shall go to the place where you are to be hidden, on a day when it is lawful to work, and you shall remain beside the stone that is called Ezel.
A ka toru ou ra e noho ana, kia hohoro tou haere ki raro, a ka tae ki te wahi i piri ai koe i te ra i korerotia ai, a ka noho ki te taha o Etere kohatu.
20 And I will shoot three arrows near it, and I will cast them as if I were practicing for myself toward a mark.
A maku e kopere etahi pere kia toru ki tona taha, ano e kopere ana ki tetahi koperenga pere.
21 Also, I will send a boy, saying to him, ‘Go and bring the arrows to me.’
Na ka tono ahau i te tamaiti, Tikina, rapua nga pere. Ki te mea atu ahau ki te tamaiti, Nei na nga pere, kei tenei taha ou, tikina mai; katahi koe ka haere mai; e mau ana hoki te rongo ki a koe, kahore hoki he rawa, e ora ana a Ihowa.
22 If I will say to the boy, ‘Behold, the arrows are before you, take them up,’ you shall approach before me, because there is peace for you, and there is nothing evil, as the Lord lives. But if I will have spoken to the boy in this way, ‘Behold, the arrows are away from you,’ then you shall go away in peace, for the Lord has released you.
Ki te penei ia taku ki atu ki te tamaiti, Na, ko nga pere, kei tua atu i a koe: katahi koe ka haere atu: he mea tono hoki koe na Ihowa.
23 Now about the word that you and I have spoken, may the Lord be between you and me, even forever.”
Na, ko tenei mea i korerotia nei e taua, nana, kei waenganui i a taua a Ihowa a ake ake.
24 Therefore, David was hidden in the field. And the new moon came, and the king sat down to eat bread.
Heoi piri ana a Rawiri ki te parae: a, i te kowhititanga o te marama ka noho te kingi ki te kai.
25 And when the king had sat down on his chair, (according to custom) which was beside the wall, Jonathan rose up, and Abner sat beside Saul, and David’s place appeared empty.
A i te noho te kingi ki tona nohoanga o mua iho, ki te nohoanga i te pakitara: i whakatika ano hoki a Honatana, a ka noho a Apenere ki te taha o Haora; na e takoto kau ana to Rawiri wahi.
26 And Saul did not say anything on that day. For he was thinking that perhaps something happened to him, so that he was not clean, or not purified.
Ahakoa ra kihai i puaki tetahi kupu a Haora i taua ra: i mea hoki ia, Kua pa tetahi mea ki a ia, kahore ano kia kore noa tona poke; ina kahore ano kia kore noa tona poke.
27 And when the second day after the new moon had begun to dawn, David’s place again appeared empty. And Saul said to Jonathan, his son, “Why has the son of Jesse not arrived to eat, neither yesterday, nor today?”
Na i te aonga ake, ara i te rua o nga ra o te marama, e takoto kau ana ano to Rawiri wahi. Na ka mea a Haora ki tana tama, ki a Honatana, Na te aha te tama a Hehe te haere mai ai ki te kai inanahi, inaianei?
28 And Jonathan responded to Saul, “He petitioned me earnestly that he might go to Bethlehem,
Na ka utua e Honatana ki a Haora, I tono kaha a Rawiri ki ahau kia tukua ia kia haere ki Peterehema:
29 and he said: ‘Permit me. For there is a solemn sacrifice in the city. One of my brothers has summoned me. Now therefore, if I have found favor in your eyes, I will go quickly, and I will see my brothers.’ For this reason, he has not come to the table of the king.”
I mea mai hoki ia, Tukua ahau kia haere, he patunga tapu hoki ta to matou hapu i taua pa; na toku tuakana pu ano hoki ahau i poroaki mai: na ki te mea kua manakohia ahau e koe, tukua ahau kia rere atu kia kite i oku tuakana. Koia ia te haere mai ai ki te tepu a te kingi.
30 Then Saul, becoming angry against Jonathan, said to him: “You son of a woman wantonly seizing a man! Could I be ignorant that you love the son of Jesse, to your own shame, and to the shame of your disgraceful mother?
Ko te tino muranga o te riri o Haora ki a Honatana, ka mea ki a ia, E te tama a te wahine parori ke, tutu! Kahore ranei ahau i te mohio kua tango koe i te tama a Hehe, hei mea whakama ki a koe tonu, hei mea whakama hoki ki te hahaketanga o tou w haea?
31 For all the days that the son of Jesse moves upon earth, neither you, nor your kingdom, will be secure. And so, send and bring him to me, here and now. For he is a son of death.”
I nga ra katoa e ora ai te tama a Hehe ki runga ki te whenua, e kore koe e tu, me tou rangatiratanga. Na, tonoa kia tikina ia ki ahau, kua tino takoto hoki te mate mona.
32 Then Jonathan, answering his father Saul, said: “Why should he die? What has he done?”
Na ka whakahoki a Honatana ki tona papa, ka mea ki a ia, Kia whakamatea ia mo te aha? i aha ia?
33 And Saul picked up a lance, so that he might strike him. And Jonathan understood that it had been decided by his father that David be put to death.
Na ko te werohanga a Haora i te tao ki a ia, hei patu mona. Katahi a Honatana ka mohio kua takoto i tona papa te mate mo Rawiri.
34 Therefore, Jonathan rose up from the table in a rage of anger. And he did not eat bread on the second day after the new moon. For he was saddened over David, because his father had confounded him.
Heoi ka whakatika atu a Honatana i te tepu, mura tonu hoki tona riri, kihai ano i kai i te rua o nga ra o te marama: i pouri hoki ia mo Rawiri, mona i meinga e tona papa kia whakama.
35 And when the morning had begun to dawn, Jonathan went into the field according to the agreement with David, and a young boy was with him.
Na i te ata ka haere a Honatana ki te parae i te wa i whakaritea ki a Rawiri, raua ko tetahi tamaiti nohinohi.
36 And he said to his boy, “Go, and bring to me the arrows that I shoot.” And when the boy had run, he shot another arrow away from the boy.
Na ka mea ia ki taua tamaiti, Rere atu ki te rapu i nga pere e koperea atu ana e ahau. Ko te rerenga atu o te tamaiti, na koperea atu ana e ia he pere ki ko noa atu i a ia.
37 And so, the boy went to the place of the arrow which Jonathan had shot. And Jonathan cried out, from behind the back of boy, and said: “Behold, the arrow is there, farther away from you.”
A, no te taenga atu o te tamaiti ki te wahi i te pere i koperea nei e Honatana, ka karanga a Honatana i muri i te tamaiti, ka mea, Kahore iana te pere i ko atu i a koe na?
38 And Jonathan cried out again, from behind the back of the boy, saying, “Go quickly! Do not stand still!” Then Jonathan’s boy collected the arrows, and he brought them to his lord.
Na ka karanga ano a Honatana i muri i taua tamaiti, Kia kakama, kia hohoro, kaua e tu. Na kohikohia ana nga pere e te tamaiti a Honatana, a haere mai ana ki tona rangatira.
39 And he did not understand at all what was happening. For only Jonathan and David knew the matter.
Otiia kihai tetahi mea i mohiotia e taua tamaiti; engari a Honatana raua ko Rawiri, i mohio raua ki tona tikanga.
40 Then Jonathan gave his weapons to the boy, and he said to him, “Go, and carry them into the city.”
Na ka hoatu e Honatana ana patu ki tana tamaiti, ka mea ki a ia, Haere, kawea atu ki te pa.
41 And when the boy had gone away, David rose up from his place, which turned toward the south, and falling prone on the ground, he reverenced three times. And kissing one another, they wept together, but David more so.
A, no te haerenga o taua tamaiti, na ka whakatika mai a Rawiri i te taha ki te tonga, a ka tapapa ki te whenua, e toru hoki ona pikonga iho. Na ka kihi raua i a raua, ka tangi hoki tetahi ki tetahi, a rahi noa ake ta Rawiri.
42 Then Jonathan said to David: “Go in peace. And let us both keep all that we have ever sworn in the name of the Lord, saying, ‘May the Lord be between me and you, and between my offspring and your offspring, even forever.’” And David rose up and went away. But Jonathan entered into the city.
Na ka mea a Honatana ki a Rawiri, Haere i runga i te rangimarie. Kua oati nei hoki taua i runga i te ingoa o Ihowa, kua mea taua, Hei waenganui a Ihowa i a taua hei waenganui hoki i oku uri, i ou uri mo ake tonu atu. Na whakatika ana ia, a haere ana; ko Honatana hoki i haere ki te pa.

< 1 Samuel 20 >