< 1 Kings 2 >

1 Now the days of David had drawn near, so that he would die, and he instructed his son Solomon, saying:
Appropinquaverunt autem dies David ut moreretur, praecepitque Salomoni filio suo, dicens:
2 “I am entering the way of all the earth. Be strengthened and be a good man.
Ego ingredior viam universae terrae: confortare, et esto vir.
3 And observe the care of the Lord your God, so that you walk in his ways, so that you care for his ceremonies, and his precepts, and judgments, and testimonies, just as it is written in the law of Moses. So may you understand everything that you do, in any direction that you may turn yourself.
Et observa ut custodias mandata Domini Dei tui, ut ambules in viis eius, ut custodias ceremonias eius, et praecepta eius, et iudicia, et testimonia, sicut scriptum est in lege Moysi: ut intelligas universa quae facis, et quocumque te verteris:
4 So may the Lord confirm his words, which he has spoken about me, saying: ‘If your sons will guard their ways, and if they will walk before me in truth, with all their heart and with all their soul, there shall not be taken away from you a man on the throne of Israel.’
ut confirmet Dominus sermones suos, quos locutus est de me, dicens: Si custodierint filii tui vias meas, et ambulaverint coram me in veritate, in omni corde suo, et in omni anima sua, non auferetur tibi vir de solio Israel.
5 Also, you know what Joab, the son of Zeruiah, has done to me, what he did to the two leaders of the army of Israel, to Abner, the son of Ner, and to Amasa, the son of Jether. He killed them, and so he shed the blood of war in peace time, and he set the bloodshed of battle on his belt, which was around his waist, and in his shoes, which were on his feet.
Tu quoque nosti quae fecerit mihi Ioab filius Sarviae, quae fecerit duobus principibus exercitus Israel, Abner filio Ner, et Amasae filio Iether: quos occidit, et effudit sanguinem belli in pace, et posuit cruorem praelii in balteo suo, qui erat circa lumbos eius, et in calceamento suo, quod erat in pedibus eius.
6 Therefore, act according to your wisdom. And you shall not allow his gray head to be led away to death in peace. (Sheol h7585)
Facies ergo iuxta sapientiam tuam, et non deduces canitiem eius pacifice ad inferos. (Sheol h7585)
7 Then, too, repay grace to the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite. And you shall allow them to eat at your table. For they met me when I fled from the face of Absalom, your brother.
Sed et filiis Berzellai Galaaditis reddes gratiam, eruntque comedentes in mensa tua: occurrerunt enim mihi quando fugiebam a facie Absalom fratris tui.
8 Also, you have with you Shimei, the son of Gera, the son of Benjamin, from Bahurim, who cursed me with a grievous curse, when I went away to the camp. And he descended to meet me when I crossed over the Jordan, and I swore to him by the Lord, saying, ‘I will not put you to death by the sword,’
Habes quoque apud te Semei filium Gera filii Iemini de Bahurim, qui maledixit mihi maledictione pessima, quando ibam ad Castra: sed quia descendit mihi in occursum cum transirem Iordanem, et iuravi ei per Dominum, dicens: Non te interficiam gladio:
9 yet do not choose to treat him as if he were innocent. Since you are a wise man, you will know what to do with him. And you shall lead away his grey hair to death with blood.” (Sheol h7585)
tu noli pati eum esse innoxium. Vir autem sapiens es, ut scias quae facies ei, deducesque canos eius cum sanguine ad inferos. (Sheol h7585)
10 And so, David slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David.
Dormivit igitur David cum patribus suis, et sepultus est in civitate David.
11 Now the days during which David reigned over Israel are forty years: he reigned seven years in Hebron, thirty-three in Jerusalem.
Dies autem, quibus regnavit David super Israel, quadraginta anni sunt: in Hebron regnavit septem annis: in Ierusalem, triginta tribus.
12 Then Solomon sat upon the throne of his father David, and his kingdom was strengthened exceedingly.
Salomon autem sedit super thronum David patris sui, et firmatum est regnum eius nimis.
13 And Adonijah, the son of Haggith, entered to Bathsheba, the mother of Solomon. And she said to him, “Is your entrance peaceful?” He responded, “It is peaceful.”
Et ingressus est Adonias filius Haggith ad Bethsabee matrem Salomonis. Quae dixit ei: Pacificusne est ingressus tuus? Qui respondit: Pacificus.
14 And he added, “My word is for you.” She said to him, “Speak.” And he said:
Addiditque: Sermo mihi est ad te. Cui ait: Loquere. Et ille:
15 “You know that the kingdom was mine, and that all of Israel had preferred me for themselves as king. But the kingdom was transferred, and has become my brother’s. For it was appointed to him by the Lord.
Tu, inquit, nosti, quia meum erat regnum, et me praeposuerat omnis Israel sibi in regem: sed translatum est regnum, et factum est fratris mei: a Domino enim constitutum est ei.
16 Now therefore, I beg of you one petition. May you not confound my face.” And she said to him, “Speak.”
Nunc ergo petitionem unam precor a te; ne confundas faciem meam. Quae dixit ad eum: Loquere.
17 And he said: “I beg that you may speak to king Solomon, for he is not able to refuse anything to you, so that he may give Abishag the Shunammite to me as wife.”
Et ille ait: Precor ut dicas Salomoni regi (neque enim negare tibi quidquam potest) ut det mihi Abisag Sunamitidem uxorem.
18 And Bathsheba said: “It is well. I will speak to the king on your behalf.”
Et ait Bethsabee: Bene, ego loquar pro te regi.
19 Then Bathsheba went to king Solomon, so that she might speak to him on behalf of Adonijah. And the king rose up to meet her, and he reverenced her, and he sat down upon his throne. And a throne was stationed for the mother of the king, and she sat at his right hand.
Venit ergo Bethsabee ad regem Salomonem, ut loqueretur ei pro Adonia: et surrexit rex in occursum eius, adoravitque eam, et sedit super thronum suum: positusque est thronus matri regis, quae sedit ad dexteram eius.
20 And she said to him: “I petition one small request from you. May you not confound my face.” And the king said to her: “Ask, my mother. For it is not right that I turn away your face.”
Dixitque ei: Petitionem unam parvulam ego deprecor a te, ne confundas faciem meam. Et dixit ei rex: Pete mater mea: neque enim fas est ut avertam faciem tuam.
21 And she said, “Let Abishag the Shunammite be given to Adonijah, your brother, as wife.”
Quae ait: Detur Abisag Sunamitis Adoniae fratri tuo uxor.
22 And king Solomon responded, and he said to his mother: “Why do you request Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah? Why not request the kingdom for him! For he is my older brother, and he has Abiathar, the priest, and Joab, the son of Zeruiah.”
Responditque rex Salomon, et dixit matri suae: Quare postulas Abisag Sunamitidem Adoniae? postula ei et regnum: ipse est enim frater meus maior me, et habet Abiathar sacerdotem, et Ioab filium Sarviae.
23 And so king Solomon swore by the Lord, saying: “May God do these things to me, and may he add these other things! For Adonijah has spoken this word against his own life.
Iuravit itaque rex Salomon per Dominum, dicens: Haec faciat mihi Deus, et haec addat, quia contra animam suam locutus est Adonias verbum hoc.
24 And now, as the Lord lives, who has confirmed me and placed me upon the throne of my father David, and who, just as he said, has made a house for me: Adonijah shall be put to death this day.”
Et nunc vivit Dominus, qui firmavit me, et collocavit me super solium David patris mei, et qui fecit mihi domum, sicut locutus est, quia hodie occidetur Adonias.
25 And king Solomon sent by the hand of Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, who put him to death, and so he died.
Misitque rex Salomon per manum Banaiae filii Ioiadae, qui interfecit eum, et mortuus est.
26 Also, the king said to Abiathar, the priest: “Go into Anathoth, to your own land, for you are a man worthy of death. But I will not put you to death this day, since you carried the ark of the Lord God before David, my father, and since you have endured hardship in all the things, for which my father labored.”
Abiathar quoque sacerdoti dixit rex: Vade in Anathoth ad agrum tuum, equidem vir mortis es: sed hodie te non interficiam, quia portasti arcam Domini Dei coram David patre meo, et sustinuisti laborem in omnibus, in quibus laboravit pater meus.
27 Therefore, Solomon cast out Abiathar, so that he would not be the priest of the Lord, so that the word of the Lord might be fulfilled, which he spoke over the house of Eli at Shiloh.
Eiecit ergo Salomon Abiathar, ut non esset sacerdos Domini, ut impleretur sermo Domini, quem locutus est super domum Heli in Silo.
28 And the news came to Joab, for Joab had turned aside after Adonijah, and he had not turned aside after Solomon. And so, Joab fled into the tabernacle of the Lord, and he took hold of the horn of the altar.
Venit autem nuncius ad Salomonem, quod Ioab declinasset post Adoniam, et post Salomonem non declinasset: fugit ergo Ioab in tabernaculum Domini, et apprehendit cornu altaris.
29 And it was reported to king Solomon that Joab had fled into the tabernacle of the Lord, and that he was beside the altar. And Solomon sent Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, saying, “Go, put him to death.”
Nunciatumque est regi Salomoni quod fugisset Ioab in tabernaculum Domini, et esset iuxta altare: misitque Salomon Banaiam filium Ioiadae, dicens: Vade, interfice eum.
30 And Benaiah went to the tabernacle of the Lord, and he said to him: “The king says this: ‘Come out.’” But he said: “I will not come out. Instead, I will die here.” Benaiah sent word back to the king, saying, “Joab said this, and he responded to me in this way.”
Et venit Banaias ad tabernaculum Domini, et dixit ei: Haec dicit rex: Egredere. Qui ait: Non egrediar, sed hic moriar. Renunciavit Banaias regi sermonem, dicens: Haec locutus est Ioab, et haec respondit mihi.
31 And the king said to him, “Do just as he has said. And put him to death, and bury him. And so shall you take away the innocent blood, which was shed by Joab, from me and from my father’s house.
Dixitque ei rex: Fac sicut locutus est: et interfice eum, et sepeli, et amovebis sanguinem innocentem, qui effusus est a Ioab, a me, et a domo patris mei.
32 And the Lord shall repay his blood upon his own head. For he killed two men, just and better than himself, and he killed them with the sword, while my father, David, did not know it: Abner, the son of Ner, leader of the military of Israel, and Amasa, the son of Jether, leader of the army of Judah.
Et reddet Dominus sanguinem eius super caput eius quia interfecit duos viros iustos, melioresque se: et occidit eos gladio, patre meo David ignorante, Abner filium Ner principem militiae Israel, et Amasam filium Iether principem exercitus Iuda:
33 And their blood shall be turned back upon the head of Joab, and upon the head of his offspring forever. But as for David, and his offspring and house, and his throne, may there be peace from the Lord, even unto eternity.”
et revertetur sanguis illorum in caput Ioab, et in caput seminis eius in sempiternum. David autem et semini eius, et domui, et throno illius sit pax usque in aeternum a Domino.
34 And so Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, went up and, attacking him, put him to death. And he was buried in his own house in the desert.
Ascendit itaque Banaias filius Ioiadae, et aggressus eum interfecit: sepultusque est in domo sua in deserto.
35 And the king appointed Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, in his place over the army. And he appointed Zadok, the priest, in place of Abiathar.
Et constituit rex Banaiam filium Ioiadae pro eo super exercitum, et Sadoc sacerdotem posuit pro Abiathar.
36 Also, the king sent for and summoned Shimei, and he said to him: “Build a house for yourself in Jerusalem, and live there. And do not depart from that place to here or to there.
Misit quoque rex, et vocavit Semei, dixitque ei: Aedifica tibi domum in Ierusalem, et habita ibi: et non egredieris inde huc atque illuc.
37 For on whatever day you will have departed and crossed the torrent Kidron, know that you shall be put to death. Your blood will be upon your own head.”
Quacumque autem die egressus fueris, et transieris Torrentem Cedron, scito te interficiendum: sanguis tuus erit super caput tuum.
38 And Shimei said to the king: “The word is good. Just as my lord the king has said, so will your servant do.” And so Shimei lived in Jerusalem for many days.
Dixitque Semei regi: Bonus sermo. sicut locutus est dominus meus rex, sic faciet servus tuus. Habitavit itaque Semei in Ierusalem diebus multis.
39 But it happened that, after three years, the servants of Shimei fled to Achish, the son of Maacah, the king of Gath. And it was reported to Shimei that his servants had gone away to Gath.
Factum est autem post annos tres ut fugerent servi Semei ad Achis filium Maacha regem Geth: nunciatumque est Semei quod servi eius issent in Geth.
40 And Shimei rose up, and he saddled his donkey. And went away to Achish in Gath, in order to seek his servants. And he led them away from Gath.
Et surrexit Semei, et stravit asinum suum: ivitque ad Achis in Geth ad requirendum servos suos, et adduxit eos de Geth.
41 And it was reported to Solomon that Shimei had gone away from Jerusalem to Gath, and had returned.
Nunciatum est autem Salomoni quod isset Semei in Geth de Ierusalem, et rediisset.
42 And sending, he summoned him, and he said to him: “Did I not testify to you by the Lord, and warn you in advance, ‘On whatever day, having departed, you go forth to here or to there, know that you shall die?’ And you responded to me, ‘The word that I have heard is good.’
Et mittens vocavit eum, dixitque illi: Nonne testificatus sum tibi per Dominum, et praedixi tibi: Quacumque die egressus, fueris huc et illuc, scito te esse moriturum? Et respondisti mihi: Bonus sermo, quem audivi.
43 Then why have you not kept the oath to the Lord, and the commandment which I instructed to you?”
Quare ergo non custodisti iusiurandum Domini, et praeceptum quod praeceperam tibi?
44 And the king said to Shimei: “You know all the evil, of which your heart is conscious, which you did to David, my father. The Lord has repaid your wickedness upon your own head.”
Dixitque rex ad Semei: Tu nosti omne malum, cuius tibi conscium est cor tuum, quod fecisti David patri meo: reddidit Dominus malitiam tuam in caput tuum.
45 And king Solomon shall be blessed, and the throne of David shall be established before the Lord, even forever.
Et rex Salomon benedictus, et thronus David erit stabilis coram Domino usque in sempiternum.
46 And so the king commanded Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada. And going out, he struck him down, and he died.
Iussit itaque rex Banaiae filio Ioiadae: qui aggressus, percussit eum, et mortuus est.

< 1 Kings 2 >