< 1 Kings 18 >

1 After many days, the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go and show yourself to Ahab, so that I may grant rain upon the face of the earth.”
Oo wakhti dheer dabadiis waxay noqotay in sannaddii saddexaad eraygii Rabbigu Eliiyaah u yimid oo uu ku yidhi, Tag oo Axaab istus, oo anna roob baan dhulka ku soo daynayaa.
2 Therefore, Elijah went to show himself to Ahab. For there was a severe famine in Samaria.
Markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu u tegey inuu Axaab istuso. Oo abaartuna aad bay ugu xumayd Samaariya.
3 And Ahab called Obadiah, the manager of his household. Now Obadiah feared the Lord greatly.
Markaasaa Axaab wuxuu u yeedhay Cobadyaah oo shuqulkii guriga u sarreeyey. (Haddaba Cobadyaah Rabbiga aad buu uga cabsan jiray,
4 For when Jezebel was killing the prophets of the Lord, he took one hundred prophets, and concealed them, fifty and fifty, in caves. And he fed them with bread and water.
waayo, markay Yesebeel baabbi'isay nebiyadii Rabbiga ayaa Cobadyaah kaxeeyey boqol nebi, oo kontonba god buu ku qariyey, oo wuxuu ku quudin jiray kibis iyo biyo.)
5 Then Ahab said to Obadiah, “Go into the land, to all fountains of water, and to all the valleys, for perhaps we will be able to find plants, and save the horses and mules, so that the beasts of burden may not perish entirely.”
Markaasaa Axaab wuxuu Cobadyaah ku yidhi, Bal tag, oo dalka oo dhan dhex mar, ilaa ilaha biyaha oo dhan, iyo durdurrada oo dhan, waaba intaasoo aynu daaq helnaa, si aynu fardaha iyo baqlaha u noolayno, oo ayan cuudka oo dhammu nooga dhammaan.
6 And they divided the regions among themselves, so that they might travel through them. Ahab went one way alone, and Obadiah went another way by himself.
Sidaas daraaddeed dhulkii way qaybsadeen inay soo wada dhex maraan; Axaab keligiis dhan buu u sahamiyey, Cobadyaahna dhankii kaluu keligiis u sahamiyey.
7 And while Obadiah was on the way, Elijah met him. And when he had recognized him, he fell on his face, and he said, “Are you not my lord Elijah?”
Oo bal eeg, Cobadyaah intuu jidkii sii socday ayaa waxaa ka hor yimid Eliiyaah; oo wuu aqooday, markaasuu wejiga dhulka saaray, oo wuxuu yidhi, Eliiyaahow sayidkaygiiyow, ma adigii baa?
8 And he responded to him: “I am. Go and tell your lord that Elijah is here.”
Markaasuu ugu jawaabay, Haah, waa anigii; haddaba tag oo sayidkaagii waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, War Eliiyaah halkanuu joogaa.
9 And he said: “How have I sinned that you would deliver me, your servant, into the hand of Ahab, so that he would put me to death?
Markaasuu wuxuu ku yidhi isagii, War maxaan ku dembaabay, oo aad u doonaysaa anoo addoonkaaga ah inaad Axaab ii gacangeliso inuu i dilo aawadeed?
10 As the Lord your God lives, there is no nation or kingdom to which my lord has not sent, seeking you. And when all responded, ‘He is not here,’ he swore each kingdom and nation to an oath, because you were not found at all.
Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah noloshiisaan ku dhaartaye inaan la arag quruun iyo boqortooyo uusan sayidkaygu cid u dirin si uu kaaga goobo; oo markay yidhaahdeen, Halkan ma joogo, ayuu boqortooyo kasta iyo quruun kastaba dhaariyey inay ku waayeen.
11 And now, you say to me, ‘Go and tell your lord that Elijah is here.’
Oo imminka waxaad leedahay, Tag, oo sayidkaagii u sheeg in Eliiyaah halkan joogo.
12 And when I will have departed from you, the Spirit of the Lord will transport you to a place that I do not know. And entering, I will report to Ahab. And he, not finding you, will put me to death. Yet your servant has feared the Lord from his infancy.
Oo bal eeg waxay noqon doontaa markaan kaa tago in Ruuxa Rabbigu kuu qaadi doona meel aanan aqoon, oo sidaas daraaddeed markaan Axaab u tago oo kuu soo sheego, oo uu ku waayo aniguu i dilayaa; laakiinse anigoo addoonkaaga ah Rabbiga waan ka cabsan jiray tan iyo dhallinyaranimadaydii.
13 Has it not been revealed to you, my lord, what I did when Jezebel was killing the prophets of the Lord: how I hid one hundred men from the prophets of the Lord, fifty and fifty, in caves, and how I fed them with bread and water?
Oo sayidkaygiiyow, miyaan laguu sheegin wixii aan sameeyey markii Yesebeel laysay nebiyadii Rabbiga, iyo sidaan u qariyey boqol nin oo Rabbiga nebiyadiisii ah, oo aan kontonba god geliyey, oo aan kibis iyo biyo ku quudiyey?
14 And now you say: ‘Go and tell your lord that Elijah is here,’ so that he may kill me!”
Oo hadda waxaad igu leedahay, Tag oo sayidkaagii u sheeg in Eliiyaah halkan joogo; oo isna wuu i dilayaa.
15 And Elijah said, “As the Lord of hosts lives, before whose face I stand, this day I will appear to him.”
Markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu ku yidhi isagii, Waxaan ku dhaartay Rabbiga ciidammada ee aan hor taagnahay noloshiisa inaan xaqiiqa maanta isaga isu muujinayo.
16 Therefore, Obadiah went away to meet Ahab, and he reported to him. And Ahab went to meet Elijah.
Sidaas daraaddeed Cobadyaah wuxuu u tegey inuu Axaab la kulmo, wuuna u soo sheegay; markaasaa Axaab u tegey inuu Eliiyaah la kulmo.
17 And when he had seen him, he said, “Are you the one who is disturbing Israel?”
Oo markuu Axaab arkay Eliiyaah ayuu ku yidhi, War ma adigii baa kii dadkii Israa'iil dhibayayow?
18 And he said: “I have not troubled Israel. But it is you, and the house of your father, who have abandoned the commandments of the Lord, and have followed the Baals.
Markaasuu u jawaabay, oo ku yidhi, Anigu dadkii Israa'iil ma aanan dhibin, laakiinse waxaa dhibay adiga iyo reerka aabbahaa, waayo, waxaad ka tagteen amarradii Rabbiga, oo weliba waxaad raacday Bacaliim.
19 Yet truly now, send and gather to me all of Israel, on Mount Carmel, with the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, and the four hundred prophets of the sacred groves, who eat from the table of Jezebel.”
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed u cid dir, oo dadkii Israa'iil oo dhan, iyo Bacal nebiyadiisa ah afarta boqol iyo konton, iyo geedihii Asheeraah nebiyadooda ah afar boqol oo miiska Yesebeel wax ka cuna, kulli ku soo wada ururi Buur Karmel.
20 Ahab sent to all the sons of Israel, and he gathered together the prophets on mount Carmel.
Sidaas daraaddeed Axaab wuxuu u cid diray dadkii Israa'iil oo dhan, oo nebiyadiina wuxuu ku soo wada ururiyey Buur Karmel.
21 Then Elijah, drawing near to all the people, said: “How long will you waver between two sides? If the Lord is God, follow him. But if Baal is, then follow him.” And the people did not respond a word to him.
Markaasaa Eliiyaah u soo dhowaaday dadkii oo dhan, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, War ilaa goormaad laba ra'yi u dhexaynaysaan? War haddii Rabbigu Ilaah yahay isaga raaca, laakiinse haddii Bacal Ilaah yahay isaga raaca. Oo dadkiina isagii xataa eray keliya uguma jawaabin.
22 And Elijah said again to the people: “I alone remain as a prophet of the Lord. But the prophets of Baal are four hundred and fifty men.
Markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu haddana dadkii ku yidhi, Anigoo keliya ayaa ka hadhay nebiyadii Rabbiga, laakiinse Bacal nebiyadiisu waa afar boqol iyo konton nin.
23 Let two oxen be given to us. And let them choose one ox for themselves, and, cutting it into pieces, let them set it on the wood. But they may not place fire under it. And I will prepare the other ox, and set it on the wood. But I will not place fire under it.
Haddaba bal laba dibi ha naloo keeno, oo iyagu dibi ha doorteen, oo ha jarjareen, oo qoryaha ha dul saareen, oo innaba dab yay hoosta ka gelin; oo anna dibiga kalaan qalayaa, oo qoryahaan dul saarayaa, oo innaba dab hoosta ka gelin maayo.
24 Call upon the names of your gods. And I will call on the name of my Lord. And the God who will have heeded with fire, let him be God.” And in response, all the people said, “Excellent proposition.”
Oo markaas idinku u yeedha magaca ilaahiinna, oo anna waxaan u yeedhanayaa magaca Rabbiga; oo markaas Ilaahii dab ku soo jawaabaa ha ahaado Ilaah. Markaasaa dadkii oo dhammu jawaabeen oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Kaasu waa hadal wanaagsan.
25 Then Elijah said to the prophets of Baal: “Choose for yourselves one ox, and prepare it first. For you are many. And call on the names of your gods, but do not place fire under it.”
Markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu nebiyadii Bacal ku yidhi, Bal idinku dibi doorta oo marka hore qala, dabse hoosta ha ka gelinina, oo idinku waad badan tihiine marka hore u yeedha magaca ilaahiinna.
26 And when they had taken an ox, which he had given to them, they prepared it. And they called on the name of Baal, from morning even until midday, saying, “O Baal, heed us.” And there was no voice, nor did anyone respond. And so they leaped upon the altar that they had made.
Markaasay qaateen dibigii la siiyey, wayna qaleen, oo aroortii ilaa duhurkii ayay u yeedhanayeen magicii Bacal, oo waxay lahaayeen, Bacalow, na maqal! Laakiinse cod iyo wax iyaga u jawaabay toona ma jirin. Oo meeshii allabariga oo la dhisay hareeraheeda ayay boodboodayeen.
27 And when it was now midday, Elijah ridiculed them, saying: “Cry out with a louder voice. For he is a god, and perhaps he is talking, or at an inn, or on a journey, or certainly he may be asleep, and must be awakened.”
Oo waxay duhurkii noqotay inuu Eliiyaah iyagii ku majaajilooday oo ku yidhi, War aad u qayliya; waayo, waa ilaah, oo mindhaa wuu isla tashanayaa, ama gees buu u leexday, ama socdaal buu ku maqan yahay, ama mindhaa wuu iska hurdaa oo waa in la toosiyaa.
28 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and they cut themselves, in accord with their ritual, with knives and lancets, until they were entirely covered in blood.
Markaasay aad u qayliyeen, oo sidii caadadoodu ahayd waxay isku jareen mindiyo iyo eebooyin ilamaa dhiig ka soo burqaday.
29 Then, after midday had passed, and they were prophesying, the time had arrived when the sacrifice is usually offered. And there was no voice heard, neither did anyone heed or respond to the praying.
Oo markii hadhkii la dhaafay ayay sidii nebi wax sii sheegayeen ilaa wakhtigii la bixin jiray allabarigii fiidnimada, laakiinse cod iyo wax u jawaaba iyo wax ka dan leh midna ma jirin.
30 Elijah said to all the people, “Draw near to me.” And as the people were drawing near to him, he repaired the altar of the Lord, which had been torn down.
Markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu dadkii oo dhan ku yidhi, Haddaba ii soo dhowaada; kolkaasaa dadkii oo dhammu u soo dhowaadeen, dabadeedna meeshii allabariga ee Rabbiga ee la dumiyey ayuu hagaajiyey.
31 And he took twelve stones, in accord with the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of the Lord came, saying, “Israel shall be your name.”
Oo wuxuu Eliiyaah soo qaaday laba iyo toban dhagax oo ka dhigan intii qabiilooyinkii wiilashii Yacquub tiradoodu ahayd, kaasoo eraygii Rabbigu u yimid oo ku yidhi, Magacaagu wuxuu ahaan doonaa Israa'iil.
32 And he built from the stones an altar to the name of the Lord. And he made a trench for water, like two furrows of plowed land, all around the altar.
Oo dhagxantii wuxuu meel allabari ugu dhisay magaca Rabbiga, oo meeshii allabariga hareeraheeda wuxuu ka qoday meel ku wareegsan oo qaadi karta laba qiyaas oo midho ah.
33 And he arranged the wood, and he cut the ox into pieces, and he placed it on the wood.
Oo qoryihiina si hagaagsan buu u saaray, oo dibigiina intuu jarjaray ayuu qoryihii dul saaray. Markaasuu yidhi, Afar barmiil biyo ka soo buuxiya oo ku dul shuba qurbaanka la gubo iyo qoryahaba.
34 And he said, “Fill four containers with water, and pour it over the holocaust, and over the wood.” And again, he said, “Do this a second time.” And when they had done it a second time, he said, “Do it also a third time.” And they did so a third time.
Oo haddana wuxuu ku yidhi, Sidii oo kale mar labaad yeela, iyana way yeeleen mar labaad. Oo haddana wuxuu ku yidhi, Sidii oo kale mar saddexaad yeela, oo iyana way yeeleen mar saddexaad.
35 And the water was running down around the altar, and the pit of the trench was filled with water.
Oo biyihii waxay qulquleen meeshii allabariga hareeraheeda, oo xataa meeshii la qodayna wuxuu ka buuxshay biyo.
36 And when it was now time for the holocaust to be offered, the prophet Elijah, drawing near, said: “O Lord, God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Israel, reveal this day that you are the God of Israel, and that I am your servant, and that I have acted, in all these things, in accord with your precept.
Oo markii la gaadhay wakhtigii la bixin jiray allabarigii fiidnimada, Nebi Eliiyaah waa soo dhowaaday, oo wuxuu yidhi, Rabbiyow, Ibraahim iyo Isxaaq iyo Israa'iil Ilaahoodiiyow, maanta dalka Israa'iil ha lagu dhex ogaado inaad adigu Ilaah tahay, oo aan anna ahay addoonkaaga, iyo inaan waxyaalahan oo dhan eraygaaga ku sameeyey.
37 Heed me, O Lord, heed me, so that this people may learn that you are the Lord God, and that you have converted their heart again.”
Rabbiyow, i maqal oo i maqal, inay dadkanu ogaadaan inaad adigu Ilaah tahay Rabbiyow, iyo inaad qalbigooda soo celisay.
38 Then the fire of the Lord fell down and devoured the holocaust, and the wood, and the stones, and even the dust, and it absorbed the water that was in the trench.
Markaasaa Rabbiga dabkiisii soo dhacay oo wuxuu gubay allabariga la gubo, iyo qoryihii, iyo dhagxantii, iyo boodhkii, oo xataa biyihii godka ku jirayna ololkii baa leefay.
39 And when all the people had seen it, they fell upon their face, and they said: “The Lord himself is God! The Lord himself is God!”
Oo markii dadkii taas arkay ayay wejiga u wada dhaceen; oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Rabbigu isagu waa Ilaah, Rabbigu isagu waa Ilaah.
40 And Elijah said to them, “Apprehend the prophets of Baal, and do not let even one of them escape.” And when they had apprehended them, Elijah led them down to the torrent Kishon, and he put them to death there.
Markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu ku yidhi iyagii, Nebiyada Bacal qabta oo midna yuusan ka baxsan. Oo iyana way soo qabteen; markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu iyagii keenay durdurka Qiishoon agtiisa, oo halkaasuu iyagii ku laayay.
41 And Elijah said to Ahab “Ascend; eat and drink. For there is the sound of an abundance of rain.”
Markaasaa Eliiyaah wuxuu Axaab ku yidhi, War kac oo wax cun, oo wax cab, waayo, waxaa sanqadhaya roob badan!
42 Ahab ascended, so that he might eat and drink. But Elijah ascended to the top of Carmel, and bending down to the ground, he placed his face between his knees.
Markaasaa Axaab u kacay inuu wax cuno oo wax cabbo. Oo Eliiyaahna wuxuu fuulay Buur Karmel dusheeda, oo intuu foororsaday ayuu dhulka ku sujuuday oo wejigiisiina wuxuu geliyey lowyihiisa dhexdooda.
43 And he said to his servant, “Ascend, and gaze out toward the sea.” And when he had ascended, and had contemplated, he said, “There is nothing.” And again, he said to him, “Return seven times.”
Markaasuu midiidinkiisii ku yidhi, Bal tag oo badda xaggeeda fiiri. Kolkaasuu tegey oo wax fiiriyey, oo wuxuu yidhi, Waxba lama arko. Oo haddana wuxuu ku yidhi, Ku noqo toddoba jeer.
44 And at the seventh time, behold, a little cloud ascended from the sea like the footstep of a man. And he said: “Ascend, and say to Ahab, ‘Yoke your chariot, and descend; otherwise, the rain may prevent you.’”
Oo waxaa dhacday inuu markii toddobaad yidhi, Waxaa badda ka kacday daruur yar oo nin gacantiis le'eg. Isna wuxuu yidhi, Orod oo waxaad Axaab ku tidhaahdaa, War, gaadhifaraskaaga diyaarso oo dhaadhac, yaan roobku ku joojine.
45 And as he was turning himself this way and that, behold, the heavens were darkened, and there were clouds and wind, and a great rainstorm occurred. And so Ahab, going up, went away to Jezreel.
Oo wakhti yar dabadiis cirkii ayaa daruuro iyo dabayl la madoobaaday, oo waxaa jiray roob weyn. Oo Axaabna gaadhifaraskiisii buu fuulay, oo wuxuu tegey Yesreceel.
46 And the hand of the Lord was upon Elijah. And cinching his waist, he ran before Ahab, until he arrived at Jezreel.
Oo Eliiyaah waxaa la jiray gacantii Rabbiga, oo intuu guntigiisii dhexda ku giigsaday ayuu Axaab hor ordayay ilaa meeshii Yesreceel laga galo.

< 1 Kings 18 >