< 1 Corinthians 4 >

1 Accordingly, let man consider us to be ministers of Christ and attendants of the mysteries of God.
Saboda haka, ya kamata mutane su ɗauke mu a matsayin bayin Kiristi, da kuma a matsayin waɗanda aka ba su amanar asirin abubuwan Allah.
2 Here and now, it is required of attendants that each one be found to be faithful.
Yanzu fa, ana bukatar waɗanda aka ba su riƙon amana, dole su zama masu aminci.
3 But as for me, it is such a small thing to be judged by you, or by the age of mankind. And neither do I judge myself.
Ƙaramin abu ne a gare ni a ce ku ne za ku gwada ni, ko kuwa a gwada ni a wata kotun mutane, ai, ko ni kaina ba na yanka wa kaina hukunci.
4 For I have nothing on my conscience. But I am not justified by this. For the Lord is the One who judges me.
Lamirina bai ba ni laifi ba, sai dai wannan bai mai da ni marar laifi ba. Ubangiji ne mai hukunta ni.
5 And so, do not choose to judge before the time, until the Lord returns. He will illuminate the hidden things of the darkness, and he will make manifest the decisions of hearts. And then each one shall have praise from God.
Saboda haka, kada ku shari’anta kome tun lokaci bai yi ba. Ku jira sai Ubangiji ya zo. Zai bayyana abin da yake a ɓoye a cikin duhu a sarari, zai kuma tone nufin zukatan mutane. A lokacin ne fa kowa zai karɓi yabo daga wurin Allah daidai gwargwado.
6 And so, brothers, I have presented these things in myself and in Apollo, for your sakes, so that you may learn, through us, that no one should be inflated against one person and for another, not beyond what has been written.
To, fa’yan’uwa, ga zancen waɗannan abubuwa, na misalta su ne ga kaina, da kuma Afollos saboda ku, don ku yi koyi da mu a kan abin da ake nufi da cewa, “Kada ku zarce abin da yake a rubuce.” Ta haka, ba za ku yi taƙama da wani mutum fiye da wani ba.
7 For what distinguishes you from another? And what do you have that you have not received? But if you have received it, why do you glory, as if you had not received it?
Wa ya ce ka fi sauran mutane? Me kuma kake da shi, wanda ba karɓa ka yi ba? In kuma karɓa ka yi, me ya sa kake taƙama kamar ba karɓa ba ne ka yi?
8 So, now you have been filled, and now you have been made wealthy, as if to reign without us? But I wish that you would reign, so that we, too, might reign with you!
Kun riga kun sami duk abin da kuke nema! Kun riga kun yi arziki! Kun zama sarakuna, kun kuma zama haka ɗin ba tare da mu ba! Da a ce kun riga kun zama sarakuna mana da sai mu zama sarakuna tare da ku!
9 For I think that God has presented us as the last Apostles, as those destined for death. For we have been made into a spectacle for the world, and for Angels, and for men.
Gama a ganina fa, Allah ya baje mu manzanni a ƙarshen jerin gwanon, a matsayin mutanen da aka hukunta ga mutuwa a filin wasanni. Mun zama abin kallo ga dukan duniya, ga mala’iku da kuma mutane.
10 So we are fools because of Christ, but you are discerning in Christ? We are weak, but you are strong? You are noble, but we are ignoble?
Mun zama masu wauta saboda Kiristi, ku kuwa kuna da hikima sosai a cikin Kiristi! Ba mu da ƙarfi, amma ku kuna da ƙarfi! Ana girmama ku, mu kuwa ana ƙasƙantar da mu!
11 Even to this very hour, we hunger and thirst, and we are naked and repeatedly beaten, and we are unsteady.
Har yă zuwa wannan sa’a, yunwa da ƙishirwa muke ciki, muna sanye da tsummoki, ana wulaƙanta mu, ba mu kuma da gida.
12 And we labor, working with our own hands. We are slandered, and so we bless. We suffer and endure persecution.
Muna aiki da gaske da hannuwanmu. In aka la’anta mu, mukan sa albarka. In aka tsananta mana, mukan jimre;
13 We are cursed, and so we pray. We have become like the refuse of this world, like the reside of everything, even until now.
in aka ɓata mana suna, mukan mayar da alheri. Har yă zuwa wannan lokaci, mu ne kamar jujin duniya, abin ƙyamar kowa.
14 I am not writing these things in order to confound you, but in order to admonish you, as my dearest sons.
Ba don in kunyata ku ba ne na rubuta wannan, sai dai don in gargaɗe ku a kan cewa ku’ya’yana ne, ƙaunatattu.
15 For you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, but not so many fathers. For in Christ Jesus, through the Gospel, I have begotten you.
Ko da kuna da iyayen riƙo dubu goma cikin Kiristi, ba ku da ubanni da yawa, gama a cikin Kiristi Yesu, na zama mahaifi a gare ku, ta wurin bishara.
16 Therefore, I beg you, be imitators of me, just as I am of Christ.
Saboda haka, ina roƙonku ku yi koyi da ni.
17 For this reason, I have sent you Timothy, who is my dearest son, and who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my ways, which are in Christ Jesus, just as I teach everywhere, in every church.
Saboda wannan dalili ina aika muku Timoti, ɗana, wanda nake ƙauna, mai aminci kuma a cikin Ubangiji. Zai tunashe ku game da yadda za ku bi Kiristi Yesu da kuma yadda ya yi daidai da yadda nake koyarwa a ko’ina, a kowace ikkilisiya.
18 Certain persons have become inflated in thinking that I would not return to you.
Waɗansunku suna tsammani ba zan zo wurinku ba har suna ɗagankai.
19 But I will return to you soon, if the Lord is willing. And I will consider, not the words of those who are inflated, but the virtue.
Amma in Ubangiji ya yarda zan zo wurinku ba da daɗewa ba. Sa’an nan zan bincike ko masu wannan yawan ɗagan kan nan suna da wani iko.
20 For the kingdom of God is not in words, but in virtue.
Gama mulkin Allah ba cika baki ba ne, sai dai ga iko.
21 What would you prefer? Should I return to you with a rod, or with charity and a spirit of meekness?
Wanne kuka fi so in na zo? Kuna so in tsananta muku ko in zama mai hankali da kuma sauƙinkai?

< 1 Corinthians 4 >