< 1 Corinthians 15 >
1 And so I make known to you, brothers, the Gospel that I preached to you, which you also received, and on which you stand.
Zikhomba, ndikulu zabikisa ti Nsamu Wumboti wundilulonga, wowo lutambula ayi wowo luidi bakangama;
2 By the Gospel, too, you are being saved, if you hold to the understanding that I preached to you, lest you believe in vain.
mu wawo lumvukila enati lulundidi wawu banga bu ndilulongila; vayi enati buawu ko, buna mu phamba kuandi luwilukila.
3 For I handed on to you, first of all, what I also received: that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures;
Bila, va theti minu, ndilulonga mambu momo minu veka nditambula: Klisto wufua mu diambu di masumu meto, banga busonimina mu Masonoko.
4 and that he was buried; and that he rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures;
Niandi wuziku vayi wufulukusu mu lumbu kintatu, banga buididi masonoko.
5 and that he was seen by Cephas, and after that by the eleven.
Wumonika kuidi Piela, bosi wumonika kuidi kumi ayi bamvuala buadi.
6 Next he was seen by more than five hundred brothers at one time, many of whom remain, even to the present time, although some have fallen asleep.
Bosi wumonika kuidi zikhama zi tanu zi bakhomba mu khumbu yimosi; bawombo mu bawu bammona bakidi zingi nate buabu, vayi ndambu mu bawu bafua.
7 Next, he was seen by James, then by all the Apostles.
Bosi wumonika diaka kuidi Zaki ayi ku mbusa wumonika kuidi bamvuala boso.
8 And last of all, he was seen also by me, as if I were someone born at the wrong time.
Bosi kunzimunina bawu boso wumonika kuidi minu, minu ndiba bangamuana wusuluka.
9 For I am the least of the Apostles. I am not worthy to be called an Apostle, because I persecuted the Church of God.
Bila minu ndutidi keva mu bamvuala boso ayi ndisi fuana ko mu tedolo mvuala bila ndiyamisa Dibundu di Nzambi.
10 But, by the grace of God, I am what I am. And his grace in me has not been empty, since I have labored more abundantly than all of them. Yet it is not I, but the grace of God within me.
Vayi mu nlemvo wu Nzambi; ndidi buabu mu phila yi ndididi, ayi nlemvo wowo mu minu wisi wuphamba ko bila mu bamvuala boso minu ndiluta sala. Vayi mu kiedika minuꞌama ko ndisala vayi nlemvo wu Nzambi wowo widi mu minu.
11 For whether it is I or they: so we preach, and so you have believed.
Buba minu voti bawu, buawu bobo tulongila ayi buabu luwilukila.
12 Now if Christ is preached, that he rose again from the dead, how is it that some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
Enati beta longa ti Klisto wufulukusu mu bafua, vayi buna bilambi batu bankaka mu beno balembo tubila ti kuisi ko mfulukulu yi bafua?
13 For if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not risen.
Bila enati kuisi ko mfulukulu yi bafua, buna Klisto mamvandi kasi fulukusu ko mu bafua.
14 And if Christ has not risen, then our preaching is useless, and your faith is also useless.
Enati Klisto kasi fulukusu mu bafua ko, buna malongi meto madi maphamba ayi minu kieno kidi kiphamba.
15 Then, too, we would be found to be false witnesses of God, because we would have given testimony against God, saying that he had raised up Christ, when he had not raised him up, if, indeed, the dead do not rise again.
Buna tueka monika ti tuidi bambangi ba luvunu zi Nzambi bila beto tutelimina Nzambi kimbangi ti niandi wufulukisa Klisto mu bafua; mutu wowo kakambu kuandi fulukisa enati bukiedika bafua balendi fuluka ko.
16 For if the dead do not rise again, then neither has Christ risen again.
Bila enati bafua balendi fuluka ko buna Klisto mamvandi kasi fulukusu ko.
17 But if Christ has not risen, then your faith is vain; for you would still be in your sins.
Enati Klisto kasi fulukusu ko buna minu kieno kidi kiphamba ayi buna lukidi mu masumu meno.
18 Then, too, those who have fallen asleep in Christ would have perished.
Ayi buna bobo bafuila mu Klisto batumbu zimbala.
19 If we have hope in Christ for this life only, then we are more miserable than all men.
Ayi enati diana dieto mu Klisto didi kaka mu diambu di luzingu lualu, buna beto tulutidi batu ba kiadi mu batu boso.
20 But now Christ has risen again from the dead, as the first-fruits of those who sleep.
Vayi bukiedika, Klisto wufulukusu mu bafua ayi niandi mutu wutheti mu batu boso bafua.
21 For certainly, death came through a man. And so, the resurrection of the dead came through a man
Bila banga lufua bu luyizila mu mutu wumosi buawu bobo diakamfulukulu mu bafua yiyizila mu mutu wumosi.
22 And just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be brought to life,
Bila batu boso beti fuila mu diambu di Adami, buawu bobo batu bosobela zingala mu diambu di Klisto.
23 but each one in his proper order: Christ, as the first-fruits, and next, those who are of Christ, who have believed in his advent.
Vayi kadika mutu mu yandi thangu: Klisto niandi wutheti mu fuluka mu babo; bosi batu bobo bavuiwulu kuidi Klisto mu thangu niandi kela kuiza.
24 Afterwards is the end, when he will have handed over the kingdom to God the Father, when he will have emptied all principality, and authority, and power.
Buna bosi ku tsuka mu thangu Klisto kela vutula Kipfumu kuidi Nzambi Tata, bu kela mana bivisa bipfumu bioso, lulendo loso ayi zingolo zioso.
25 For it is necessary for him to reign, until he has set all his enemies under his feet.
Bila kafueti kaka yala nate kela tula bambeni bandi zioso ku tsi bitambi biandi.
26 Lastly, the enemy called death shall be destroyed. For he has subjected all things under his feet. And although he says,
Lufua luela ba mbeni yi tsuka mu bungu.
27 “All things have been subjected to him,” without doubt he does not include the One who has subjected all things to him.
Bila: Nzambi wutula bima bioso ku tsi bitambi biandi. Vayi mu thangu masonoko mantuba ti bima bioso bidi ku tsi bitambi biandi, buna diodi dilembo monika ti botula kaka mutu wowo wumvana lulendo beni.
28 And when all things will have been subjected to him, then even the Son himself will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to him, so that God may be all in all.
Vayi mu thangu bima bioso biela tulu ku tsi bitambi biandi, buna Muana mamvandi wela ba ku tsi minsua mi mutu wowo wumvana lulendolu yadila bima bioso muingi Nzambi kaba bibioso mu batu boso.
29 Otherwise, what will those who are being baptized for the dead do, if the dead do not rise again at all? Why then are they being baptized for them?
Buna mbi bela vanga bobo bambotokolongo mu diambu di bafua enati bukiedika bafua balendi fuluka ko e? Buna bila mbi beti botokolongo mu diambu di bafua e?
30 Why also do we endure trials every hour?
Bosi beto veka, bila mbi tunkadilanga ku tsi tsisi yi lufua mu zithangu zioso?
31 Daily I die, by means of your boasting, brothers: you whom I have in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Kadika lumbu minu ndimfikamanga lufua. Ndilukembi buawu beno bakhomba mu diambu di nkembo wowo widi yama mu diambu di kisalu ki Klisto Yesu, Pfumu eto.
32 If, according to man, I fought with the beasts at Ephesus, how would that benefit me, if the dead do not rise again? “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die.”
Enati mu kimutu kaka ndinuanisina bibulu bi tsisi ku Efeso, buna ndandu mbi mbeki? Enati bafua balendi fuluka ko, buna bulutidi mboti “Tudia ayi tunua, bila mbazi tufuidi kueto”.
33 Do not be led astray. Evil communication corrupts good morals.
Lubika vunuka bila kikundi kimbimbi kimbivisanga bifu bimboti.
34 Be vigilant, you just ones, and do not be willing to sin. For certain persons have an ignorance of God. I say this to you with respect.
Luvutukila mayindu meno mamboti, bikanu vola masumu! Ndintubila bobo mu diambu di kulufuisa tsoni bila bankaka mu beno, balembo zingi banga ti basi zaba Nzambi ko.
35 But someone may say, “How do the dead rise again?” or, “What type of body do they return with?”
Vayi mutu wulenda yuvula: lunitu mbi luela fulukila batu bafua e? Phila lunitu mbi bela bela?
36 How foolish! What you sow cannot be brought back to life, unless it first dies.
O vungisi kio! Biobi weti kuna bilendi zinga ko enati bikadi fua.
37 And what you sow is not the body that will be in the future, but a bare grain, such as of wheat, or of some other grain.
Mu thangu wunkunanga, kadi sia ti lunitu luela baka kunusu luawu weti kuna vayi dikundi, dikundi di ble voti dikundi di kunusu kinkaka.
38 For God gives it a body according to his will, and according to each seed’s proper body.
Niandi veka Nzambi wumvananga dikundi beni lunitu boso bu katidilaayi kadika dikundi dibeki lunitu luandi.
39 Not all flesh is the same flesh. But one is indeed of men, another truly is of beasts, another is of birds, and another is of fish.
Bivangu bioso binzinga bisi lunitu lumosi ko bila luviakunu luidi ayi lunitu lu batu ayi lu bibulu; zinuni luawu lunkaka ayi zimbizi zi nlangu luawu.
40 Also, there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. But while the one, certainly, has the glory of heaven, the other has the glory of earth.
Zinitu zi diyilu zidi, zinitu zi kintoto zidi vayi kitoko ki zinitu zi diyilu kidi kiphila yinkaka ayi kitoko ki zinitu zi kintoto kidi ki phila yinkaka.
41 One has the brightness of the sun, another the brightness of the moon, and another the brightness of the stars. For even star differs from star in brightness.
Bobuawu thangu beki kuandi kitoko ayi ngondi beki kuandi kitoko; zimbuetete zibeki kuawu kitoko ayi kitoko ki kadika mbuetete kuidi kuviakana ayi ku mbuetete yinkaka.
42 So it is also with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown in corruption shall rise to incorruption.
Bobo buela bela mfulukulu yi bafua. Nitu yeti bola yawuyikununu vayi yimfulukanga mu kambu buela bola.
43 What is sown in dishonor shall rise to glory. What is sown in weakness shall rise to power.
Yinkunungu mu kambu nzitusu vayi yimfulukanga mu nkembo; yinkunungu yilebakana vayi yimfulukanga ayi lulendo.
44 What is sown with an animal body shall rise with a spiritual body. If there is an animal body, there is also a spiritual one.
Yinkunungu nitu yi kimutu, vayi yimfulukanga nitu yi kiphevi. Enati nitu yi kimutu yidi, buna nitu yi kiphevi yidi.
45 Just as it was written that the first man, Adam, was made with a living soul, so shall the last Adam be made with a spirit brought back to life.
Diawu disonimina ti: Adami, mutu wutheti, wukituka vangu ki moyo vayi Adami di tsuka, dikituka Pheve yivananga luzingu.
46 So what is, at first, not spiritual, but animal, next becomes spiritual.
Bikiphevi bisia ba bitheti ko vayi bi kimutu biawu bieti ba bitheti bosi bi kiphevi biawu binzimuninanga.
47 The first man, being earthly, was of the earth; the second man, being heavenly, will be of heaven.
Mutu wutheti wuvangulu mu mbungi-mbungi yi ntoto vayi “mutuwumuadi” ku Diyilu kaba.
48 Such things as are like the earth are earthly; and such things as are like the heavens are heavenly.
Boso bubela mutu wu ntoto buawu buididi basi ntoto; banga bobobuididi mutu wowo wuba ku Diyilu buawu bobo buididi batu baba ku Diyilu.
49 And so, just as we have carried the image of what is earthly, let us also carry the image of what is heavenly.
Banga bu tunata mfikula yi mutu wuvangulu mu mbungi-mbungi yi ntoto buawu bobo tuela natina mfikula yi mutu wuba ku diyilu.
50 Now I say this, brothers, because flesh and blood is not able to possess the kingdom of God; neither will what is corrupt possess what is incorrupt.
Zikhomba, diambu thidi tuba diawu diadi: nitu yidi nsuni ayi menga yilendi kota ko mu kipfumu ki Nzambi. Biobi bimbolanga bilendi baka buzingila mu zithangu zioso ko.
51 Behold, I tell you a mystery. Certainly, we shall all rise again, but we shall not all be transformed:
Tala, ndieka kulukamba ditsueki dimosi: Beto babo tulendi mana fuako, vayi tuela kitulu
52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will rise up, incorruptible. And we shall be transformed.
mu kinzimbukila, mu thangu tulumbeta yi tsuka yela wakana. Bila tulumbeta bu yela wakana buna babo bafua bela fuluka mu zinitu ziozi kazibolanga ko vayi beto tuela kitulu.
53 Thus, it is necessary for this corruptibility to be clothed with incorruptibility, and for this mortality to be clothed with immortality.
Bila biobi bimbolanga bifueti vuata biobi kabibolanga ko ayi biobi bimfuanga bifueti vuata biobi kabifuanga ko.
54 And when this mortality has been clothed with immortality, then the word that was written shall occur: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”
Mu thangu biobi bimbolanga biela vuata biobi kabibolanga ko ayi biobi bimfuanga biela vuata biobi kabifuanga ko buna mambu mama masonama masundukidi: Ndungunu yiminini lufua.
55 “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” (Hadēs )
A lufua, ndungunu aku kuevi yidi? A lufua, kuevi kuidi ba kiaku? (Hadēs )
56 Now the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
Masumu mawu ba ki lufua vayi zingolo zi masumu mu Mina zieti ba.
57 But thanks be to God, who has given us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Matondo kuidi Nzambi bila niandi wukutuvananga ndungunu mu Pfumu eto Yesu Klisto.
58 And so, my beloved brothers, be steadfast and unmovable, abounding always in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not useless in the Lord.
Diawu bakhomba zi luzolo, luba bakinda, lubika nikuka; Lukiyekula mu sadila Pfumu mu zithangu zioso bila luzebi bumboti ti kisalu ki lunsala mu Pfumu kisi kiphamba ko.