< 1 Chronicles 18 >

1 Now after these things, it happened that David struck the Philistines, and he humbled them, and he took Gath and her daughters from the hand of the Philistines.
Derefter slo David filistrene og ydmyket dem, og han tok Gat med tilhørende småbyer ut av filistrenes hender.
2 And he struck Moab. And the Moabites became the servants of David, offering gifts to him.
Han slo også moabittene, og moabittene blev Davids tjenere og måtte svare ham skatt.
3 In that time, David also struck Hadadezer, the king of Zobah, in the region of Hamath, when he went forth so that he might extend his dominion as far as the river Euphrates.
Likeledes slo David kongen i Soba Hadareser ved Hamat, da han drog avsted for å styrke sitt herredømme ved Frat-elven.
4 Then David seized one thousand of his four-horse chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand men on foot. And he hamstrung all the chariot horses, except for one hundred four-horse chariots, which he reserved for himself.
Og David tok fra ham tusen vognhester og syv tusen hestfolk og tyve tusen mann fotfolk; og David lot skjære fotsenene over på alle vognhestene; bare hundre vognhester sparte han.
5 Then the Syrians of Damascus also arrived, so that they might offer assistance to Hadadezer, the king of Zobah. And so, David then struck of them twenty-two thousand men.
Syrerne fra Damaskus kom for å hjelpe Hadareser, kongen i Soba; men David slo to og tyve tusen mann av dem.
6 And he stationed soldiers in Damascus, so that Syria also would serve him, and would offer gifts. And the Lord assisted him in all the things to which he went forth.
Og David la krigsmannskap i det damaskenske Syria, og syrerne blev Davids tjenere og måtte svare ham skatt. Således hjalp Herren David overalt hvor han drog frem.
7 Also, David took the golden quivers, which the servants of Hadadezer had, and he brought them to Jerusalem.
David tok de gullskjold som Hadaresers tjenere hadde båret, og førte dem til Jerusalem.
8 In addition, from Tibhath and Cun, cities of Hadadezer, he brought very much brass, from which Solomon made the sea of brass, and the pillars, and the vessels of brass.
Og fra Hadaresers byer Tibhat og Kun tok David en stor mengde kobber; av det gjorde Salomo kobberhavet og søilene og kobberkarene.
9 Now when Toi, the king of Hamath, had heard this, specifically that David had struck the entire army of Hadadezer, the king of Zobah,
Da kongen i Hamat To'u hørte at David hadde slått hele Soba-kongen Hadaresers hær,
10 he sent his son Hadoram to king David so that he might petition peace from him, and so that he might congratulate him that he had struck and defeated Hadadezer. For indeed, Toi was an adversary to Hadadezer.
sendte han sin sønn Hadoram til kong David for å hilse på ham og ønske ham til lykke, fordi han hadde stridt mot Hadareser og slått ham; for Hadareser hadde jevnlig ført krig mot To'u. Han sendte også alle slags gullkar og sølvkar og kobberkar.
11 Moreover, all the vessels of gold and silver and brass king David consecrated to the Lord, with the silver and gold that he had taken from all the nations, as much from Idumea, and Moab, and the sons of Ammon, as from the Philistines and Amalek.
Også dem helliget kong David til Herren sammen med det sølv og gull han hadde tatt fra alle hedningefolkene: fra Edom og fra Moab og fra Ammons barn og fra filistrene og fra amalekittene.
12 Truly, Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, struck eighteen thousand of the Edomites in the Valley of the Salt Pits.
Det var Absai, Serujas sønn, som slo edomittene i Saltdalen, atten tusen mann.
13 And he stationed a garrison in Edom, so that Idumea would serve David. And the Lord saved David in all the things to which he went forth.
Så la han krigsmannskap i Edom, og alle edomittene blev Davids tjenere. Således hjalp Herren David overalt hvor han drog frem.
14 Therefore, David reigned over all of Israel, and he executed judgment and justice among all his people.
Så regjerte nu David over hele Israel, og han gjorde rett og rettferdighet mot hele sitt folk.
15 Now Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was over the army, and Jehoshaphat, the son of Ahilud, was the keeper of records.
Joab, Serujas sønn, var høvding over hæren, og Josafat, Akiluds sønn, historieskriver;
16 And Zadok, the son of Ahitub, and Ahimelech, the son of Abiathar, were the priests. And Shavsha was the scribe.
Sadok, Akitubs sønn, og Abimelek, Ebjatars sønn, var prester og Savsa statsskriver;
17 Also, Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, was over the legions of the Cherethites and Pelethites. But the sons of David were first at the hand of the king.
Benaja, Jojadas sønn, var høvding over livvakten, og Davids sønner var de første ved kongens side.

< 1 Chronicles 18 >