< 1 Chronicles 13 >

1 Then David took counsel with the tribunes, and the centurions, and all the leaders.
И сотвори совет Давид (со князи) и тысящники, и сотники и всеми началники,
2 And he said to the entire assembly of Israel: “If it pleases you, and if the words that I speak come from the Lord our God, let us send to the remainder of our brothers, in all the regions of Israel, and to the priests and Levites who live in the suburbs of the cities, so that they may gather to us.
и рече Давид ко всему собранию Израилеву: аще угодно вам, и от Господа Бога нашего благопоспешится, да послем к братиям нашым оставшымся во всей земли Израилеве, и с ними священницы и левити, во градех обдержания их, да соберутся к нам,
3 And let us bring back the ark of our God to us. For we did not seek it during the days of Saul.”
и да принесем кивот Бога нашего к нам, не взыскахом бо его во дни Саули.
4 And the entire multitude responded that it should be done. For the word had pleased all the people.
И отвеща все собрание, да тако будет, зане угодно бысть слово сие всем людем.
5 Therefore, David gathered all of Israel, from Shihor of Egypt even to the entrance of Hamath, so as to bring the ark of God from Kiriath-jearim.
И собра Давид всего Израиля от предел Египетских даже до входа Имафова, еже внести кивот Божий от Града Иарима.
6 And David ascended with all the men of Israel to the hill of Kiriath-jearim, which is in Judah, so that he might bring from there the ark of the Lord God, sitting upon the Cherubim, where his name is invoked.
И принесе его Давид: и весь Израиль взыде во град Давидов, иже бяше Иудин, еже вознести тамо кивот Господа Бога седяща на Херувимех, идеже призвано есть имя Его:
7 And they placed the ark of God upon a new cart from the house of Abinadab. Then Uzzah and his brother drove the cart.
и постави кивот Божий на колесницу нову из дому Аминадавля: Оза же и братия его ведяху колесницу:
8 Now David and all of Israel were playing before God, with all of their ability, in songs, and with harps, and psalteries, and timbrels, and cymbals, and trumpets.
Давид же и весь Израиль играху пред Богом всею силою и в песнех и в гуслех, и псалтири и тимпанех, и кимвалех и в трубах:
9 And when they had arrived at the threshing floor of Chidon, Uzzah reached out his hand, so that he might support the ark. For indeed, the ox being wanton had caused it to incline a little.
и приидоша ко гумну Хидоню: и простре Оза руку свою, да поддержит кивот, юнец бо уклони его:
10 And so the Lord became angry against Uzzah. And he struck him down because he had touched the ark. And he died there before the Lord.
и прогневася Господь гневом на Озу и порази его ту, того ради, яко простре руку свою (и прикоснуся) кивоту, и умре ту пред Богом.
11 And David was greatly saddened because the Lord had divided Uzzah. And he called that place ‘the Division of Uzzah,’ even to the present day.
И оскорбися Давид, яко пресече Господь пресечением Озу, и нарече место то пресечение Озане, даже до дне сего.
12 And then he feared God, at that time, saying: “How will I be able to bring in the ark of God to myself?”
И убояся Давид Бога в той день, глаголя: како внесу ко мне кивот Божий?
13 And for this reason, he did not bring it to himself, that is, into the City of David. Instead, he turned aside to the house of Obededom, the Gittite.
И не возврати Давид кивота к себе во град Давидов, но возврати и в дом Аведдара Гефеина:
14 Therefore, the ark of God dwelt in the house of Obededom for three months. And the Lord blessed his house and all that he had.
и пребываше кивот Божий в дому Аведдарове три месяцы, и благослови Бог Аведдара и вся, яже имеяше.

< 1 Chronicles 13 >