< Psalms 147 >

1 Alleluia, [a Psalm] of Aggaeus and Zacharias. Praise you the Lord: for psalmody is a good thing; let praise be sweetly sung to our God.
Kathutkung: Panuekhoeh BAWIPA teh pholen awh. Maimae Cathut hah la sak laihoi pholen e teh ahawi. Pholen e teh atangcalah, a kamcu teh ngai ao poung.
2 The Lord builds up Jerusalem; and he will gather together the dispersed of Israel.
BAWIPA ni Jerusalem kho a sak teh pâlei lah kaawm e Isarelnaw hah a kamkhueng sak.
3 He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds.
A lungthin kareknaw hah a dam sak teh, ahnimae hmânaw hah a kawm pouh.
4 He numbers the multitudes of stars; and calls them all by names.
Âsinaw hah a parei teh, ahnimae minnaw hai koung a phung.
5 Great is our Lord, and great is his strength; and his understanding is infinite.
Maimae Bawipa teh a len teh, thaonae dawk bahu ao, thaipanueknae dawk khori tawn hoeh.
6 The Lord lifts up the meek; but brings sinners down to the ground.
BAWIPA ni kârahnoum e naw hah a tawm, tamikathoutnaw hah talai dawk rek a payan.
7 Begin [the song] with thanksgiving to the Lord; sing praises on the harp to our God:
Lunghawilawkdeinae laihoi BAWIPA koe la sak awh. Ratoung kueng laihoi maimae Cathut hah pholen awh.
8 who covers the heaven with clouds, who prepares rain for the earth, who causes grass to spring up on the mountains, [[and green herb for the service of men; ]]
Kalvan hah tâmai hoi a huem teh, talai hanelah kho a rak sak teh, monruinaw dawk phonaw a pâw sak.
9 and gives cattle their food, and to the young ravens that call upon him.
Moithangnaw hoi kacaikaringe vongacanaw hah rawca a poe.
10 He will not take pleasure in the strength of a horse; neither is he well-pleased with the legs of a man.
Bawipa ni marang tha lunghawikhai hoeh. Tami e khoknaw lunghawikhai hoeh.
11 The Lord takes pleasure in them that fear him, and in all that hope in his mercy.
Bawipa ni ama ka taket e taminaw hoi amae pahrennae ka ngaihawi e taminaw doeh a lunghawikhai
12 Alleluia, a Psalm of Aggaeus and Zacharias. Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise your God, O Sion.
Oe Jerusalem, BAWIPA hah pholen haw. Oe Zion, na Cathut hah pholen haw.
13 For he has strengthened the bars of your gates; he has blessed your children within you.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, Bawipa ni nange kholongkha khannae hah a caksak teh, nang thung kaawm e camonaw hah yawhawi a poe.
14 He makes your borders peaceful, and fills you with the flour of wheat.
Bawipa ni nange thungup vah roumnae ao sak teh, katuipounge rawca hoi na von a paha sak han.
15 He sends his oracle to the earth: his word will run swiftly.
Ama e kâpoelawk hah, talai van a patoun. A lawk teh, karang poung lah a yawng.
16 He gives snow like wool: he scatters the mist like ashes.
Tadamtui hah tumuen patetlah a poe. Tadamtui kamkak e hah hraba patetlah a dan.
17 Casting [forth] his ice like morsels: who shall stand before his cold?
Ama e rounnaw hah vaiyei kanuinaw patetlah a pabo. Bawipa ni a pâding sak e hah apinimaw a khang thai han.
18 He shall send out his word, and melt them: he shall blow [with] his wind, and the waters shall flow.
A lawk hah a patoun teh, hotnaw hah a kamyawt sak. Ama e kahlî a tho sak toteh, tuinaw teh a lawng awh.
19 He sends his word to Jacob, his ordinances and judgements to Israel.
A lawk hah Jakop miphun koe thoseh, phung hoi lawkcengnae teh Isarel miphun koe thoseh, a pâpho.
20 He has not done so to any [other] nation; and he has not shown them his judgements.
A louk e apipatet e miphun koehai hettelah sak boihoeh. Hote Jentelnaw teh, Lawkcengnae hah panuek awh hoeh. BAWIPA teh pholen awh.

< Psalms 147 >