< Proverbs 3 >
1 [My] son, forget not my laws; but let your heart keep my words:
Mwanakomana wangu, usakanganwa kudzidzisa kwangu, asi uchengete mirayiro yangu mumwoyo mako,
2 for length of existence, and years of life, and peace, shall they add to you.
nokuti zvichawedzera makore mazhinji kuupenyu hwako, uye nokubudirira.
3 Let not mercy and truth forsake you; but bind them about your neck:
Rudo nokutendeka ngazvirege kukusiya; uzvisungirire pamutsipa wako, zvinyore pahwendefa romwoyo wako.
4 so shall you find favour: and do you provide things honest in the sight of the Lord, and of men.
Ipapo uchawana nyasha nezita rakanaka pamberi paMwari navanhu.
5 Trust in God with all your heart; and be not exalted in your own wisdom.
Vimba naJehovha nomwoyo wako wose urege kuzendamira panjere dzako;
6 In all your ways acquaint yourself with her, that she may rightly direct your paths.
munzira dzako dzose umutungamidze, uye acharuramisa nzira dzako.
7 Be not wise in your own conceit; but fear God, and depart from all evil.
Usazviita munhu akachenjera pamaonero ako; itya Jehovha uvenge zvakaipa.
8 Then shall there be health to your body, and good keeping to your bones.
Izvi zvichava utano pamuviri wako uye nokusimbiswa kwamapfupa ako.
9 Honour the Lord with your just labours, and give him the first of your fruits of righteousness:
Kudza Jehovha nepfuma yako, zvokutanga zvezvirimwa zvako;
10 that your storehouses may be completely filled with corn, and that your presses may burst forth with wine.
ipapo matura ako achazadzwa kusvikira pakufashukira, uye makate ako achazara kusvika pamusoro newaini itsva.
11 [My] son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; nor faint when you are rebuked of him:
Mwanakomana wangu, usazvidza kuranga kwaJehovha, uye usatsamwira kutsiura kwake,
12 for whom the Lord loves, he rebukes, and scourges every son whom he receives.
nokuti Jehovha anoranga avo vaanoda, sababa nomwanakomana wavanofarira.
13 Blessed is the man who has found wisdom, and the mortal who knows prudence.
Akaropafadzwa munhu anowana uchenjeri, munhu anowana kunzwisisa,
14 For it is better to traffic for her, than for treasures of gold and silver.
nokuti hwakanyanya kunaka kupfuura sirivha, uye hunopfumisa kupfuura goridhe.
15 And she is more valuable than precious stones: no evil thing shall resist her: she is well known to all that approach her, and no precious thing is equal to her in value.
Hunokosha kupfuura marubhi; zvose zvaunoshuva hazvingafananidzwi nahwo.
16 For length of existence and years of life are in her right hand; and in her left hand are wealth and glory: out of her mouth proceeds righteousness, and she carries law and mercy upon her tongue.
Mazuva mazhinji oupenyu ari muruoko rwahwo rworudyi; muruboshwe rwahwo mune upfumi nokukudzwa.
17 Her ways are good ways, and all her paths are peaceful.
Nzira dzahwo dzinofadza, uye makwara ahwo ose rugare.
18 She is a tree of life to all that lay hold upon her; and she is [a] secure [help] to all that stay themselves on her, as on the Lord.
Ndihwo muti woupenyu kuna vose vanohumbundikira; vose vanohubata vacharopafadzwa.
19 God by wisdom founded the earth, and by prudence he prepared the heavens.
Nouchenjeri Jehovha akateya nheyo dzenyika, nokunzwisisa akaisa matenga munzvimbo dzawo;
20 By understanding were the depths broken up, and the clouds dropped water.
noruzivo rwake mvura dzakadzika dzakapatsanurwa, uye makore akadonhedza dova.
21 [My] son, let [them] not pass from [you], but keep my counsel and understanding:
Mwanakomana wangu, chengetedza kutonga kwakanaka nokungwara, usazvirega zvichibva pameso ako;
22 that your soul may live, and that there may be grace round your neck; and it shall be health to your flesh, and safety to your bones:
zvichava upenyu kwauri, chishongo chakanaka pamutsipa wako.
23 that you may go confidently in peace in all your ways, and that your foot may not stumble.
Ipapo uchafamba panzira yako murugare, uye rutsoka rwako harungagumburwi;
24 For if you rest, you shall be undismayed; and if you sleep, you shall slumber sweetly.
paunovata pasi, haungatyi; paunovata pasi, hope dzako dzichava dzakanaka.
25 And you shall not be afraid of alarm coming upon you, neither of approaching attacks of ungodly men.
Usatya zvako dambudziko rinovhundutsa kana kuparadza kunokunda vakaipa,
26 For the Lord shall be over all your ways, and shall establish your foot that you be not moved.
nokuti Jehovha achava chivimbo chako uye achachengeta rutsoka rwako kuti rurege kubatwa.
27 Forbear not to do good to the poor, whenever your hand may have [power] to help [him].
Usarega kuitira zvakanaka kuno uyo akafanirwa nazvo, kana zviri musimba rako kuzviita.
28 Say not, Come back another time, to-morrow I will give; while you are able to do [him] good: for you know not what the next day will bring forth.
Usati kumuvakidzani wako, “Ugodzoka imwe nguva; ndichazokupa mangwana,” iwe uchitova nazvo pauri.
29 Devise not evil against your friend, living near you and trusting in you.
Usaronga kuitira muvakidzani wako zvakaipa, anogara nechivimbo pedyo newe.
30 Be not ready to quarrel with a man without a cause, lest he do you some harm.
Usapomera munhu mhosva pasina chikonzero, iye asina zvaakutadzira.
31 Procure not the reproaches of bad men, neither do you covet their ways.
Usachiva munhu anoita zvinhu nechisimba, kana kusarudza ipi zvayo yenzira dzake,
32 For every transgressor is unclean before the Lord; neither does he sit amongst the righteous.
nokuti Jehovha anovenga munhu akatsauka, asi anoudza akarurama zvaanoda kuita.
33 The curse of God is in the houses of the ungodly; but the habitations of the just are blessed.
Kutuka kwaJehovha kuri paimba yeakaipa, asi anoropafadza musha womunhu akarurama.
34 The Lord resists the proud; but he gives grace to the humble.
Anoseka vaseki vanozvikudza, asi anoitira nyasha vanozvininipisa.
35 The wise shall inherit glory; but the ungodly have exalted [their own] dishonour.
Vakachenjera vanowana kukudzwa, asi mapenzi anozviwanira kunyadziswa.