< Numbers 9 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sina in the second year after they had gone forth from the land of Egypt, in the first month, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu v Sinajski divjini, v prvem mesecu drugega leta, potem ko so prišli iz egiptovske dežele, rekoč:
2 Speak, and let the children of Israel keep the passover in its season.
»Naj Izraelovi otroci tudi pasho praznujejo ob njenem določenemu času.
3 On the fourteenth day of the first month at even, you shall keep it in its season; you shall keep it according to its law, and according to its ordinance.
Na štirinajsti dan tega meseca, zvečer, jo boste praznovali ob določenem času, glede na vse njene zakone in glede na vse njene ceremonije, jo boste praznovali.«
4 And Moses ordered the children of Israel to sacrifice the passover,
In Mojzes je govoril Izraelovim otrokom, da naj praznujejo pasho.
5 on the fourteenth day of the first month in the wilderness of Sina, as the Lord appointed Moses, so the children of Israel did.
Pasho so praznovali na štirinajsti dan prvega meseca zvečer v Sinajski divjini. Glede na vse, kar je Gospod zapovedal Mojzesu, tako so Izraelovi otroci storili.
6 And there came men who were unclean by reason of a dead body, and they were not able to keep the passover on that day; and they came before Moses and Aaron on that day.
Tam pa so bili neki možje, ki so se omadeževali pri človeškem truplu, da na ta dan niso mogli praznovati pashe in na ta dan so prišli pred Mojzesa in pred Arona
7 And those men said to Moses, We are unclean by reason of the dead body of a man: shall we therefore fail to offer the gift to the Lord in its season in the midst of the children of Israel?
in ti možje so mu rekli: »Omadeževani smo s človeškim truplom. Zakaj smo zadržani, da ne moremo darovati Gospodove daritve ob določenem času med Izraelovimi otroki?«
8 And Moses said to them, stand there, and I will hear what charge the Lord will give concerning you.
Mojzes jim je rekel: »Mirno stojte, jaz pa bom poslušal, kaj bo glede vas zapovedal Gospod.«
9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
10 Speak to the children of Israel, saying, Whatever man shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or on a journey far off, amongst you, or amongst your posterity; he shall then keep the passover to the Lord,
»Govori Izraelovim otrokom, rekoč: ›Če bo katerikoli moški izmed vas ali izmed vašega potomstva postal nečist zaradi razloga trupla, ali bo na potovanju daleč stran, bo vendar praznoval pasho Gospodu.
11 in the second month, on the fourteenth day; in the evening they shall offer it, with unleavened bread and bitter herbs shall they eat it.
Štirinajsti dan drugega meseca zvečer jo bodo praznovali in jo jedli z nekvašenim kruhom in grenkimi zelišči.
12 They shall not leave of it until the morrow, and they shall not break a bone of it; they shall sacrifice it according to the ordinance of the passover.
Od tega ne bodo ničesar pustili do jutra niti zlomili nobene njegove kosti. Glede na vse odredbe pashe jo bodo praznovali.
13 And whatever man shall be clean, and is not far off on a journey, and shall fail to keep the passover, that soul shall be cut off from his people, because he has not offered the gift to the Lord in its season: that man shall bear his iniquity.
Toda mož, ki je čist in ni na potovanju in se ogiba praznovati pasho, celo ista duša bo iztrebljena izmed svojega ljudstva. Ker ob določenem času ni prinesel daru Gospodu, bo ta mož nosil svoj greh.
14 And if there should come to you a stranger in your land, and should keep the passover to the Lord, he shall keep it according to the law of the passover and according to its ordinance: there shall be one law for you, both for the stranger, and for the native of the land.
Če bo tujec začasno prebival med vami in bo praznoval pasho Gospodu, bo tako storil glede na odredbe pashe in glede na njen določeni način. Imeli boste eno odredbo, tako za tujca kakor za tistega, ki je bil rojen v deželi.‹«
15 And in the day in which the tabernacle was pitched the cloud covered the tabernacle, the place of the testimony; and in the evening there was upon the tabernacle as the appearance of fire till the morning.
Na dan, ko je bilo šotorsko svetišče vzdignjeno, je oblak pokril šotorsko svetišče, namreč šotor pričevanja in zvečer je bilo nad šotorskim svetiščem kakor bi bil to videz ognja do jutra.
16 So it was continually: the cloud covered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night.
Vedno je bilo tako; oblak ga je pokrival podnevi in videz ognja ponoči.
17 And when the cloud went up from the tabernacle, then after that the children of Israel departed; and in whatever place the cloud rested, there the children of Israel encamped.
Ko je bil oblak dvignjen od šotorskega svetišča, so za tem Izraelovi otroci odpotovali in na kraju, kjer je oblak obstal, tam so Izraelovi otroci postavili svoje šotore.
18 The children of Israel shall encamp by the command of the Lord, and by the command of the Lord they shall remove: all the days in which the cloud overshadows the tabernacle, the children of Israel shall encamp. And whenever the cloud shall be drawn over the tabernacle for many days, then the children of Israel shall keep the charge of God, and they shall not remove.
Na Gospodovo zapoved so Izraelovi otroci odpotovali in na Gospodovo zapoved so se utaborili. Kolikor dolgo je oblak ostajal nad šotorskim svetiščem, so počivali v svojih šotorih.
19 And it shall be, whenever the cloud overshadows the tabernacle a number of days, they shall encamp by the word of the Lord, and shall remove by the command of the Lord.
Ko se je oblak mnogo dni zadrževal nad šotorskim svetiščem, potem so Izraelovi otroci pazili na Gospodovo naročilo in niso odpotovali.
20 And it shall come to pass, whenever the cloud shall remain from the evening till the morning, and in the morning the cloud shall go up, then shall they remove by day or by night.
In bilo je, ko je bil oblak malo dni nad šotorskim svetiščem; glede na Gospodovo zapoved, so ostajali v svojih šotorih in glede na Gospodovo zapoved so odpotovali.
21 When the cloud continues a full month overshadowing the tabernacle, the children of Israel shall encamp, and shall not depart.
In bilo je, ko je oblak ostajal od večera celo do jutra in da se je oblak zjutraj dvignil, potem so odpotovali, bodisi je bilo to podnevi ali ponoči, ko se je oblak dvignil, so odpotovali.
22 For they shall depart by the command of the Lord: - they kept the charge of the Lord by the command of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
Ali če je bilo to dva dni ali mesec ali leto, da je oblak ostajal nad šotorskim svetiščem, ostajajoč nad njim, so Izraelovi otroci ostali v svojih šotorih in niso odpotovali, toda ko je bil ta dvignjen, so odpotovali.
Na Gospodovo zapoved so počivali v šotorih in na Gospodovo zapoved so odpotovali; pazili so na Gospodovo naročilo, na Gospodovo zapoved, po Mojzesovi roki.

< Numbers 9 >