< Nehemiah 12 >

1 Now these [are] the priests and the Levites that went up with Zorobabel the son of Salathiel and Jesus: Saraia, Jeremia, Esdra,
Torej to so duhovniki in Lévijevci, ki so prišli gor z Zerubabélom, Šealtiélovim sinom in Ješúom: Serajá, Jeremija, Ezra,
2 Amaria, Maluch,
Amarjá, Malúh, Hatúš,
3 Sechenia.
Šehanjá, Rehúm, Meremót,
Idó, Ginetó, Abíja,
Mijamín, Maadjá, Bilgá,
Šemajá, Jojaríb, Jedajája,
7 These [were] the chiefs of the priests, and their brethren in the days of Jesus.
Salú, Amók, Hilkijá, Jedajája. Ti so bili vodje duhovnikov in njihovih bratov v dneh Ješúa.
8 And the Levites [were], Jesus, Banui, Cadmiel, Sarabia, Jodae, Matthania: he [was] over the bands,
Poleg tega Lévijevci: Ješúa, Binúj, Kadmiél, Šerebjá, Juda in Matanjá, ki je bil nad zahvaljevanjem, on in njegovi bratje.
9 and his brethren [were appointed] to the daily courses.
Tudi Bakbukjá in Uní, njihova brata, sta bila njim nasproti na stražah.
10 And Jesus begot Joakim, and Joakim begot Eliasib, and Eliasib [begot] Jodae,
Ješúa je zaplodil Jojakíma, Jojakím je zaplodil tudi Eljašíba, Eljašíb je zaplodil Jojadá,
11 and Jodae begot Jonathan, and Jonathan begot Jadu.
Jojadá je zaplodil Jonatana in Jonatan je zaplodil Jadúa.
12 And in the days of Joakim, his brethren the priests and the heads of families [were, belonging] to Saraia, Amaria; to Jeremia, Anania;
V dneh Jojakíma so bili duhovniki, vodja očetov: od Serajáma Merajá, od Jeremija Hananjá,
13 to Esdra, Mesulam; to Amaria, Joanan;
od Ezra Mešulám, od Amarjá Johanán,
14 to Amaluch, Jonathan; to Sechenia, Joseph;
od Melicuja Jonatan, od Šebanjá Jožef,
15 to Are, Mannas; to Marioth, Elcai;
od Haríma Adná, od Merajóta Helkáj,
16 to Adadai, Zacharia; to Ganathoth, Mesolam;
od Idója Zaharija, od Ginetóna Mešulám,
17 to Abia, Zechri; to Miamin, Maadai; to Pheleti, [one];
od Abíja Zihrí, od Minjamína, od Moadjája Piltáj,
18 to Balgas, Samue; to Semia, Jonathan;
od Bilgája Šamúa, od Šemajája Jehonatan,
19 to Joarib, Matthanai; to Edio, Ozi;
in od Jojaríba Matenáj, od Jedajája Uzí,
20 to Salai, Callai; to Amec, Abed;
od Salája Kaláj, od Amóka Eber,
21 to Elkia, Asabias; to Jedeiu, Nathanael.
od Hilkijá Hašabjá, od Jedajája, Netanél.
22 The Levites in the days of Eliasib, Joada, and Joa, and Joanan, and Idua, [were] recorded heads of families: also the priests, in the reign of Darius the Persian.
Lévijevci v dneh Eljašíba, Jojadája, Johanána in Jadúa so bili zabeleženi vodje očetov, tudi duhovniki, do kraljevanja Perzijca Dareja.
23 And the sons of Levi, heads of families, [were] written in the book of the chronicles, even to the days of Joanan son of Elisue.
Lévijevi sinovi, vodje očetov so bili zapisani v kroniški knjigi, celo do dni Eljašíbovega sina Johanána.
24 And the heads of the Levites [were] Asabia, and Sarabia, and Jesu: and the sons of Cadmiel, and their brethren over against them, were to sing hymns of praise, according to the commandment of David the man of God, course by course.
Vodje Lévijevcev: Hašabjá, Šerebjá in Kadmiélov sin Ješúa z njihovimi brati nasproti njih, da hvalijo in da se zahvaljujejo, glede na zapoved Davida, Božjega moža, straža nasproti straži.
25 When I gathered the porters,
Matanjá in Bakbukjá, Obadjá, Mešulám, Talmón, Akúb so bili vratarji, ki so varovali stražo pri pragovih velikih vrat.
26 [it was] in the days of Joakim son of Jesus, son of Josedec, and in the days of Neemia: and Esdras the priest [was] scribe.
Ti so bili v dneh Jojakíma, sina Ješúa, sinú Jocadákovega in v dneh voditelja Nehemija in preroka Ezra, pisarja.
27 And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites in their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep a feast of dedication and gladness with thanksgiving, and they sounded cymbals with songs, and [had] lutes and harps.
Ob posvetitvi jeruzalemskega obzidja so iskali Lévijevce iz vseh njihovih krajev, da jih privedejo v Jeruzalem, da ohranjajo posvetitev z veseljem, tako z zahvaljevanjem kakor s petjem, s cimbalami, plunkami in harfami.
28 And the sons of the singers were assembled both from the neighbourhood round about to Jerusalem, and from the villages,
Sinovi pevcev so se zbrali skupaj, tako iz ravne dežele okoli Jeruzalema kakor iz vasi Netófčanov,
29 and from the country: for the singers built themselves villages by Jerusalem.
tudi iz hiše Gilgála in iz gebskih in azmávetskih polj, kajti pevcem so zgradili vasi okoli Jeruzalema.
30 And the priests and the Levites purified themselves, and they purified the people, and the porters, and the wall.
Duhovniki in Lévijevci so očistili sebe, očistili ljudstvo in velika vrata ter obzidje.
31 And they brought up the princes of Juda on the wall, and they appointed two great [companies] for thanksgiving, and they passed on the right hand on the wall of the dung-gate.
Potem sem na obzidje privedel Judove prince in določil dve veliki skupini tistih, ki so dajali zahvalo, od katerih je ena odšla na desno roko, po obzidju, h Gnojnim velikim vratom.
32 And after them went Osaia, and half the princes of Juda,
Za njimi je odšel Hošajá in polovica Judovih princev
33 and Azarias, and Esdras, and Mesollam,
Azarjá, Ezra, Mešulám,
34 and Juda, and Benjamin, and Samaias and Jeremia.
Juda, Benjamin, Šemajá in Jeremija.
35 And [some] of the sons of the priest with trumpets, Zacharias son of Jonathan, son of Samaias, son of Matthania, son of Michaia, son of Zacchur, son of Asaph:
Nekateri izmed duhovnikovih sinov s trobentami, namreč Zeharjá, sin Jonatana, sinú Šemajá, sinú Matanjá, sinú Mihajája, sinú Zahúrja, sinú Asáfa
36 and his brethren, Samaia, and Oziel, Gelol, Jama, Aia, Nathanael, and Juda, Anani, to praise with the hymns of David the man of God; and Esdras the scribe [was] before them,
in njegovi bratje: Šemajá, Azarél, Milaláj, Gilaláj, Maáj, Netanél, Juda in Hananí z glasbenimi instrumenti Davida, Božjega moža in pisar Ezra pred njimi.
37 at the gate, to praise before them, and they went up by the steps of the city of David, in the ascent of the wall, above the house of David, even to the water-gate
Pri Studenčnih velikih vratih, ki so bila nasproti njim, so se po stopnicah Davidovega mesta povzpeli ob vzponu obzidja, nad Davidovo hišo, celo do Vodnih velikih vrat proti vzhodu.
Druga skupina izmed tistih, ki so dajali zahvalo, pa je šla nasproti njim in jaz za njimi in polovica ljudstva na zidu od onstran stolpa talilnih peči, celo do širokega zidu
39 of Ephraim, and to the fish-gate, and by the tower of Anameel, and as far as the sheep-gate.
in nad Efrájimovimi velikimi vrati, nad Starimi velikimi vrati, nad Ribjimi velikimi vrati in [mimo] stolpa Hananéla in stolpa Mea, torej do Ovčjih velikih vrat in so mirno obstali pri Jetniških velikih vratih.
Tako sta stali dve skupini izmed tistih, ki so dajali zahvalo v Božji hiši ter jaz in polovica vladarjev z menoj
in duhovniki: Eljakím, Maasejája, Minjamín, Mihajá, Eljoenáj, Zeharjá in Hananjá s trobentami
42 And the singers were heard, and were numbered.
ter Maasejája, Šemajá, Eleazar, Uzí, Johanán, Malkijája, Elám in Ecer. Pevci so glasno peli z Jizrahjájem, njihovim nadzornikom.
43 And in that day they offered great sacrifices, and rejoiced; for God had made them very joyful: and their wives and their children rejoiced: and the joy in Jerusalem was heard from afar off.
Ta dan so darovali tudi veliko klavnih daritev in se veselili, kajti Bog jih je pripravil, da se veselijo z veliko radostjo. Tudi žene in otroci so se veselili, tako da je bilo veselje iz Jeruzalema slišati celo od daleč.
44 And in that day they appointed men over the treasuries, for the treasures, the first fruits, and the tithes, and [for] the chiefs of the cities who were assembled amongst them, [to furnish] portions for the priests and Levites: for [there was] joy in Juda over the priests and over the Levites that waited.
Ob tistem času so bili nekateri določeni nad sobe za zaklade, za daritve, za prve sadove in za desetine, da zberejo vanje iz mestnih polj deleže od postave za duhovnike in Lévijevce, kajti Juda se je veselil zaradi duhovnikov in Lévijevcev, ki so čakali.
45 And they kept the charges of their God, and the charges of the purification, and [ordered] the singers and the porters, according to the commandments of David and his son Solomon.
Tako pevci kakor vratarji so varovali službo svojega Boga in službo očiščevanja, glede na zapoved Davida in njegovega sina Salomona.
46 For in the days of David Asaph was originally first of the singers, and [they sang] hymns and praise to God.
Kajti v dneh Davida in Asáfa, so bili tam od davnine vodje pevcev s pesmimi hvaljenja in zahvaljevanja Bogu.
47 And all Israel in the days of Zorobabel, and in the days of Neemias, gave the portions of the singers and the porters, a daily rate: and consecrated them to the Levites: and the Levites consecrated them to the sons of Aaron.
Ves Izrael je v dneh Zerubabéla in v dneh Nehemija dal deleže pevcem in vratarjem, vsak dan njegov delež. Svete stvari pa so posvetili Lévijevcem in Lévijevci so jih posvetili Aronovim otrokom.

< Nehemiah 12 >