< Michaeas 6 >
1 Hear now a word: the Lord God has said; Arise, plead with the mountains, and let the hills hear your voice.
Klausāties jel, ko Tas Kungs saka: “Celies, tiesājies ar kalniem, un pakalni lai dzird tavu balsi.”
2 Hear you, O mountains, the controversy of the Lord, and [you] valleys [even] the foundations of the earth: for the Lord [has] a controversy with his people, and will plead with Israel.
Klausāties, kalni, Tā Kunga tiesāšanos un jūs stiprie zemes pamati, jo Tam Kungam ir tiesas lieta ar Saviem ļaudīm, un Viņš grib tiesāties ar Israēli.
3 O my people, what have I done to you? or wherein have I grieved you? or wherein have I troubled you? answer me.
“Ak Mana tauta, ko Es tev esmu darījis? Ar ko Es tevi esmu apgrūtinājis? Atbildi Man!
4 For I brought tee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, and sent before you Moses, and Aaron, and Mariam.
Gan Es tevi esmu izvedis no Ēģiptes zemes un tevi izpestījis no vergu nama un tavā priekšā sūtījis Mozu un Āronu un Mirjamu.
5 O my people, remember now, what counsel Balac king of Moab took against you, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him, from the reeds to Galgal; that the righteousness of the Lord might be known.
Mana tauta, piemini jel, ko Balaks, Moaba ķēniņš, izdomāja, un ko Bileāms, Peora dēls, viņam atbildēja, no Sitimas līdz Gilgalai, lai tu atzīsti Tā Kunga taisnību.”
6 Wherewithal shall I reach the Lord, [and] lay hold of my God most high? shall I reach him by whole burnt offerings, by calves of a year old?
Ar ko es iešu pretī Tam Kungam? Kā zemošos tā augstā Dieva priekšā? Vai iešu Viņam pretī ar dedzināmiem upuriem, ar gada veciem teļiem.
7 Will the Lord accept thousands of rams, or ten thousands of fat goats? should I give my firstborn for ungodliness, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
Vai Tam Kungam būtu labs prāts pie tūkstošiem auniem? Vai pie desmit tūkstošām eļļas upēm? Vai došu savu pirmdzimto par savu noziegumu, savas miesas augli par savas dvēseles grēkiem?
8 Has it [not] been told you, O man, what [is] good? or what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and love mercy, and be ready to walk with the Lord your God?
Viņš tev, cilvēks, darījis zināmu, kas labs, un ko Tas Kungs no tevis prasa: tikai taisnību darīt, žēlastību mīlēt un pazemīgi staigāt sava Dieva priekšā.
9 The Lord's voice shall be proclaimed in the city, and he shall save those that fear his name: hear, O tribe; and who shall order the city?
Tā Kunga balss sauc pilsētai un gudrība ir Tavu Vārdu bīties: “Klausies to rīksti(zizli) un Kas to draud.
10 [Is there] not fire, and the house of the wicked heaping up wicked treasures, and [that] with the pride of unrighteousness?
Vai bezdievīga namā vēl paliek netaisnas mantas un tā sasodītā mazā ēfa?
11 Shall the wicked be justified by the balanced, or deceitful weights in the bag,
Vai nenoziedzīgs būšu pie bezdievīga svara un pie maisa ar viltīgiem svara akmeņiem?
12 whereby they have accumulated their ungodly wealth, and they that dwell in the city have uttered falsehoods, and their tongue has been exalted in their mouth?
Viņas bagātie piepildās ar varas darbu, un viņas iedzīvotāji runā melus, un viņu mēle ir viltīga viņu mutē!
13 Therefore will I begin to strike you; I will destroy you in your sins.
Tādēļ arī Es tevi ievainošu, un tevi sitīšu un postīšu tavu grēku dēļ.
14 You shall eat, and shall not be satisfied; and there shall be darkness upon you; and he shall depart from [you], and you shall not escape; and all that shall escape shall be delivered over to the sword.
Tu ēdīsi, bet nepieēdīsies, un tavs vēders būs tukšs; un ko tu nesīsi, to tu neaiznesīsi, un ko tu aiznesīsi, to es nodošu zobenam.
15 You shall sow, but you shall not reap; you shall press the olive, but you shall not anoint yourself with oil; and [shall make] wine, but you shall drink no wine: and the ordinances of my people shall be utterly abolished.
Tu sēsi, bet nepļausi, tu mīsi eļļas ogas, bet ar eļļu nesvaidīsies, un jaunu vīnu(darināsi), bet vīna nedzersi.
16 For you have kept the statues of Zambri, and [done] all the works of the house of Achaab; and you have walked in their ways, that I might deliver you to utter destruction, and those that inhabit the city to hissing: and you shall bear the reproach of nations.
Jo tur cienī Omrus ieradumu un visus Ahaba nama darbus, un jūs staigājat viņu padomos. Tādēļ Es tevi nodošu par postu un viņas iedzīvotājus par apsmieklu, un jūs nesīsiet Manu ļaužu negodu.”