< Leviticus 22 >
1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Yahweh akazungumza na Musa, kusema,
2 Speak to Aaron and to his sons, and let them take heed concerning the holy things of the children of Israel, so they shall not profane my holy name in any of the things which they consecrate to me: I [am] the Lord.
“Ongea na Aroni na wanawe, waambie wajiepushe na vitu vitakatifu vya watu wa Israeli wanavyovitenga kwangu. Wasilinajisi jina langu. Mimi ndimi Yahweh.
3 Say to them, Every man throughout your generations, whoever of all your seed shall approach to the holy things, whatever the children of Israel shall consecrate to the Lord, while his uncleanness is upon him, that soul shall be cut off from me: I [am] the Lord your God.
Waambie, 'Ikiwa mmoja wa wazao wenu katika vizazi vyenu vyote anakaribia vitu vitakatiifu vile ambavyo watu wa Israeli wamevitenga kwa Yahweh, wakati akiwa najisi, sharti mtu huyo akatiliwe mbali atoke mbele zangu. Mimi ndimi Yahweh.
4 And the man of the seed of Aaron the priest, if he should have leprosy or issue of the reins, shall not eat of the holy things, until he be cleansed; and he that touches any uncleanness of a dead body, or the man whose seed of copulation shall have gone out from him,
Hatakuwapo yeyote wa uzao wa Aroni aliye na ungonjwa wa ngozi wa kuambukiza, au maambukizi yatirirkayo kutoka mwilini mwake, atakayekula sehemu yoyote ya dhabihu inatolewayo kwa Yahweh mpaka atakapotakasika. Yeyote agusaye kitu chochote kilichonajisi kwa njia ya kugusa maiti, au kwa kumgusa mtu yeyote aliyetokwa na shahawa,
5 or whoever shall touch any unclean reptile, which will defile him, or [who shall touch] a man, whereby he shall defile him according to all his uncleanness:
au yeyote agusaye mnyama atakayemtia unajisi, au mtu yeyote atakayemfanya najisi, kwa hiyo unajisi wowote unaweza kuwa—
6 whatever soul shall touch them shall be unclean until evening; he shall not eat of the holy things, unless he bathe his body in water,
kuhani yeyote agusaye kitu chochote kisichosafi atakuwa najisi hata jioni. Hatakula chochote cha vitu vitakatifu, isipokuwa ameuosha mwili wake katika maji.
7 and the sun go down, and then he shall be clean; and then shall he eat of all the holy things, for they are his bread.
Jua linapotua, ndipo atakuwa safi. Baada ya machweo anaweza kula kutoka katika vitu vitakatifu, kwasababu hivyo ni vyakuala vyake.
8 He shall not eat that which dies of itself, or is taken of beasts, so that he should be polluted by them: I [am] the Lord.
Asile mzoga wowote uliookotwa au mnyama aliyeraruliwa na wanyama pori, ambaye kwake atajitia unajisi. Mimi ndimi Yahweh.
9 And they shall keep my ordinances, that they do not bear iniquity because of them, and die because of them, if they shall profane them: I [am] the Lord God that sanctifies them.
Ni lazima makuhani wafuate maagizo yangu, ama sivyo watakuwa na hatia ya dhambi na wangeweza kufa kwa kunitia unajisi. Mimi ndimi Yahweh ninayewafanya wao watakatifu.
10 And no stranger shall eat the holy things: one that sojourns with a priest, or a hireling, shall not eat the holy things.
Hakuna mtu kutoka nje ya familia ya kuahani, wakiwemo wageni wa kuhani au watumwa wake wa kuajiliwa, atakayeweza kula kitu chochote kilicho kitakatifu.
11 But if a priest should have a soul purchased for money, he shall eat of his bread; and they that are born in his house, they also shall eat of his bread.
Lakini kama huyo kuhani amenunua mtumwa kwa fedha yake mwenyewe, mtumwa huyo anaweza kula kutoka katika vitu vilivyotengwa kwa Yahweh. Na watu wa familia ya kuhani na watumwa waliozaliwa nyumbani mwake, pia wanaweza kula pamoja naye kutoka katika vitu hivyo.
12 And if the daughter of a priest should marry a stranger, she shall not eat of the offerings of the sanctuary.
Ikiwa binti wa kuhani ameolewa na mtu asiye kuhani, hataweza kula chochote cha mchango wa matoleo matakatifu.
13 And if the daughter of priest should be a widow, or put away, and have no seed, she shall return to her father's house, as in her youth: she shall eat of her father's bread, but no stranger shall eat of it.
Lakini ikiwa huyo binti wa kuhani ni mjane au ametalikiwa, na ikiwa hana mtoto, na anarudi kuishi knyumbani kwa baba yake kama alivyokuwa wakati wa ujana wake, anaweza kula kutoka katika chakula cha baba yake. Lakini hakuna yeyote asiye wa familia ya kikuhani anatakayeruhusiwa kula kutoka katika chakula cha kuhani.
14 And the man who shall ignorantly eat holy things, shall add the fifth part to it, and give the holy thing to the priest.
Kama mtu anakula chakula kitakatifu bila ya kukijua, naye atamlipa kuahani kwa ajili ya hicho; itampasa kuongeza moja ya tano juu yake na kukirejesha kwa kuhani.
15 And they shall not profane the holy things of the children of Israel, which they offer to the Lord.
Haiwapasi watu wa Israeli kutoheshimu vitu vitakatifu ambavyo vimeinuliwa juu na kuletwa kwa Yahweh,
16 So should they bring upon themselves the iniquity of trespass in their eating their holy things: for I [am] the Lord that sanctifies them.
kisha wakajisababishia wenyewe kuchukua dhambi amabyo ingewafanya kuwa na hatia ya kula chakula kitakatifu, kwa kuwa mimi ndimi Yahweh awafanyaye wao watakatifu.”
17 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Yahweh akazungumza na Musa, akasema,
18 Speak to Aaron and his sons, and to all the congregation of Israel, and you shall say to them, Any man of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that abide amongst them in Israel, who shall offer his gifts according to all their confession and according to all their choice, whatever they may bring to the Lord for whole burnt offerings—
“Sema na Aroni na wanawe, na kwa watu wa Israeli wote. Waambie, Mwisraeli yeyote, au Mgeni anayeishi katika Israeli, waletapo dhabihu—iwe ni kutimiza kiapo, au iwe ni sadaka ya hiari, au wanaleta kwa Yahweh sadaka ya kuteketezwa kwa moto,
19 your free will offerings [shall] be males without blemish of the herds, or of the sheep, or of the goats.
ikiwa wanataka ikubalike, ni lazima watowe mnyama dume asiye na dosari, kutoka kwenye kundi la ng'ombe, kondoo au mbuzi
20 They shall not bring to the Lord anything that has a blemish in it, for it shall not be acceptable for you.
Lakini hamtatoa chochote kilicho na dosari. Sitakipokea kwa niaba yenu.
21 And whatever man shall offer a peace-offering to the Lord, discharging a vow, or in the way of free will offering, or an offering in your feasts, of the herds or of the sheep, it shall be without blemish for acceptance: there shall be no blemish in it.
Yeyote atoae dhabihu ya sadaka ya ushirika kutoka katika kundi la ng'ombe au la kondoo kwa Yahweh ili kutimiza kiapo, au kama sadaka ya hiari, ili ikubalike, ni lazima isiwe na kilema. Ni lazima pasiweko na kasoro katika mnyama.
22 One that is blind, or broken, or has its tongue cut out, or is troubled with warts, or has a malignant ulcer, or tetters, they shall not offer these to the Lord; neither shall you offer any of them for a burnt offering on the altar of the Lord.
Msitoe kabisa wanyama waliovipofu, waliojeruhiwa, wala walio na kilema, wenye upele, vidonda vitokavyo usaha, wala wenye vigaga. Msiwatoe hawa kuwa dhabihu ya kuteketezwa kwa moto iliyotolewa kwa Yahweh juu ya madhabahu.
23 And a calf or a sheep with the ears cut off, or that has lost its tail, you shall kill them for yourself; but they shall not be accepted for your vow.
Unaweza kumleta makisai au mwana-kondoo mlemavu au aliyedumaa kuwa sadaka ya hiari, lakini sadaka kama hiyo kwa ajili kutimiza kiapo, haitapokelewa.
24 That which has broken testicles, or is crushed or gelt or mutilated, —you shall not offer them to the Lord, neither shall you sacrifice them upon your land.
Usitoe kwa Yahweh mnyama yeyote aliyetiwa jeraha, kupondwa, au kukatwa korodani zake.
25 Neither shall you offer the gifts of your God of all these things by the hand of a stranger, because there is corruption in them, a blemish in them: these shall not be accepted for you.
Usifanye haya katika nchi yako. Usilete mkate wa Mungu wako kutoka mkononi mwa mgeni. Hao wanyama wenye vilema na dosari ndani yao, hawatapokelewa kabisa kwa ajili yako.
26 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Yahweh akamwambia Musa na akasema,
27 As for a calf, or a sheep, or a goat, whenever it is born, then shall it be seven days under its mother; and on the eighth day and after they shall be accepted for sacrifices, a burnt offering to the Lord.
“Wakati ndama, mwana—kondo au mwana—mbuzi azaliwapo, sharti abaki na mama yake kwa muda wa siku saba. Ndipo kuanzia siku ya nane na kuendelea, anaweza kupokelewa kuwa dhabihu iliyofanywa kwa moto kwa Yahweh.
28 And a bullock and a ewe, it and its young, you shall not kill in one day.
Usimchinje ng'ombe jike pamoja na ndama wake au mbuzi jike pamoja na kitoto chake kwa siku moja.
29 And if you should offer a sacrifice, a vow of rejoicing to the Lord, you shall offer it so as to be accepted for you.
Utoapo sadaka ya shukrani kwa Yahweh utaitoa kwa njia iliyokubalika.
30 In that same day it shall be eaten; you shall not leave of the flesh till the morrow: I am the Lord.
Ni lazima iliwe siku iyo hiyo inayotolewa. Hutakiwi kubakiza chochote hata asubuhi. Mimi ndimi Yahweh.
31 And you shall keep my commandments and do them.
Kwa hiyo imewapasa kuzishika amri zangu na kuzifuata. Mimi ndimi Yahweh.
32 And you shall not profane the name of the Holy One, and I will be sanctified in the midst of the children of Israel. I [am] the Lord that sanctifies you,
Msiliabishe jina langu takatifu. Ni lazima nitambuliwe kuwa ni mtakatifu na watu wa Israeli. Mimi ndimi Yahweh niwafanyaye ninyi watakatifu,
33 who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I [am] the Lord.
ambaye amewaleta kutoka katika nchi ya Misri ili niwe Mungu wenu: Mimi ndimi Yahweh.”