< Judges 21 >
1 Now the children of Israel swore in Massephath, saying, No man of us shall give his daughter to Benjamin for a wife.
Bet Israēla vīri Micpā bija zvērējuši sacīdami: neviens no mums lai nedod Benjaminiešiem savu meitu par sievu.
2 And the people came to Baethel, and sat there until evening before God: and they lifted up their voice and wept with a great weeping;
Tad tie ļaudis nāca uz Bēteli un tur palika līdz vakaram Dieva priekšā un pacēla savas balsis un raudāja gauži raudādami,
3 and said, Therefore, O Lord God of Israel, has this come to pass, that today one tribe should be counted [as missing] from Israel?
Un tie sacīja: ak Kungs, Tu Israēla Dievs! Kāpēc tas ir noticis iekš Israēla, ka šodien Israēls par vienu cilti ir mazāks kļuvis?
4 And it came to pass on the morrow that the people rose up early, and built there an altar, and offered up whole burnt offerings and peace offerings.
Otrā dienā tie ļaudis cēlās agri un tur uztaisīja altāri, un upurēja dedzināmos upurus un pateicības upurus.
5 And the children of Israel said, Who of all the tribes of Israel, went not up in the congregation to the Lord? for there was a great oath concerning those who went not up to the Lord to Massephath, saying, He shall surely be put to death.
Un Israēla bērni sacīja: kurš tas ir, kas no visām Israēla ciltīm nav atnācis tai draudzes sapulcē pie Tā Kunga? Jo par to, kas nebūtu atnācis pie Tā Kunga uz Micpu, bija ar lielu zvērestu noteikts, ka tam bija tapt nokautam.
6 And the children of Israel relented towards Benjamin their brother, and said, To-day one tribe is cut off from Israel.
Un Israēla bērniem bija žēl par Benjaminu, savu brāli, un tie sacīja: šodien viena cilts no Israēla ir izdeldēta.
7 What shall we do for wives for the rest that remain? whereas we have sworn by the Lord, not to give them of our daughters for wives.
Ko mēs tiem darīsim, ka tie atlikušie dabū sievas? Jo mēs pie Tā Kunga esam zvērējuši, ka tiem no savām meitām nevienu negribam dot par sievu.
8 And they said, What one [man is there] of the tribes of Israel, who went not up to the Lord to Massephath? and, behold, no man came to the camp from Jabis Galaad to the assembly.
Un tie sacīja: vai kāds nav no Israēla ciltīm, kas nav atnācis pie Tā Kunga uz Micpu? Un redzi, no Jabesas Gileādā neviens nebija lēģerī nācis draudzes sapulcē.
9 And the people were numbered, and there was not there a man from the inhabitants of Jabis Galaad.
Jo tie ļaudis tapa skaitīti un redzi, tur nebija neviena no tiem, kas Jabesā Gileādā dzīvoja.
10 And the congregation sent there twelve thousand men of the strongest, and they charged them, saying, Go you and strike the inhabitants of Jabis Galaad with the edge of the sword.
Tad tā draudze uz turieni sūtīja divpadsmit tūkstoš vīrus no tiem stiprākiem un tiem pavēlēja un sacīja: ejat un kaujiet tos, kas Jabesā Gileādā dzīvo ar zobena asmeni līdz ar sievām un bērniņiem.
11 And this shall you do: every male and every woman that has known the lying with man you shall devote [to destruction], but the virgins you shall save alive: and they did so.
Bet šī ir tā lieta, ko jums būs darīt: visus no vīriešu kārtas un visas sievas, kas pie vīra gulējušas, jums būs izdeldēt.
12 And they found amongst the inhabitants of Jabis Galaad four hundred young virgins, who had not known man by lying with him; and they brought them to Selom in the land of Chanaan.
Un tie atrada starp tiem iedzīvotājiem Jabesā Gileādā četrsimt meitas, jaunavas, kas vīru nebija atzinušas, nedz pie vīriem gulējušas, un tās veda uz lēģeri Šīlo, kas ir Kanaāna zemē.
13 And all the congregation sent and spoke to the children of Benjamin in the rock Remmon, and invited them to [make] peace.
Tad visa draudze nosūtīja un runāja uz Benjamina bērniem, kas bija pie Rimona klints, un tiem lika mieru pasludināt.
14 And Benjamin returned to the children of Israel at that time, and the children of Israel gave them the women whom they [had] save alive of the daughters of Jabis Galaad; and they were content.
Tā tanī laikā Benjaminieši griezās atpakaļ; un tie viņiem deva tās sievas, ko tie bija dzīvas pametuši no Jabesas sievām Gileādā, bet tur viņiem nepietika,
15 And the people relented for Benjamin, because the Lord had made a breach in the tribes of Israel.
Tad tiem ļaudīm bija žēl par Benjaminu, ka Tas Kungs plaisu bija darījis Israēla ciltīs.
16 And the elders of the congregation said, What shall we do for wives for them that remain? for the women have been destroyed out of Benjamin.
Un tie draudzes vecaji sacīja: ko mēs darīsim, ka tie atlikušie sievas dabū? Jo tās sievas no Benjamina ir izdeldētas.
17 And they said, [There must be] an inheritance of them that are escaped of Benjamin; and [so] a tribe shall not be destroyed out of Israel.
Tad tie sacīja: Benjaminiešu zemes daļu pienākas iemantot tiem, kas izglābušies, lai neviena Israēla cilts netop izdeldēta.
18 For we shall not be able to give them wives of our daughters, because we swore amongst the children of Israel, saying, Cursed [is] he that gives a wife to Benjamin.
Bet mēs tiem no savām meitām sievas nevaram dot, jo Israēla bērni ir apzvērējušies sacīdami: nolādēts lai ir, kas Benjaminiešiem dod sievu.
19 And they said, Behold! now [there is] a feast of the Lord from year to year in Selom, which is on the north of Baethel, eastward on the way that goes up from Baethel to Sychem, and from the south of Lebona.
Un tie sacīja: redzi, Šīlo ir Tā Kunga svētki ik gadus, Bētelei pret ziemeļa pusi, pret rītiem tam ceļam, kur iet no Bēteles uz Šehemi un pret dienas vidu Libonai.
20 And they charged the children of Benjamin, saying, Go and lie in wait in the vineyards;
Un tie pavēlēja Benjamina bērniem un sacīja: ejat un paslēpjaties vīna kalnos.
21 and you shall see; and behold! if there come out the daughters of the inhabitants of Selom to dance in dances, then shall you go out of the vineyards and seize for yourselves every man a wife of the daughters of Selom, and go you into the land of Benjamin.
Un skatāties, un redzi, kad Šīlo meitas diedamas ar stabulēm iznāks, tad izejiet jūs no tiem vīna kalniem un sagrābiet ikviens sev sievu no Šīlo meitām un noejat uz Benjamina zemi.
22 And it shall come to pass, when their fathers or their brethren come to dispute with us, that we will say to them, Grant them freely to us, for we have not taken every man his wife in the battle: because you did not give to them according to the occasion, you transgressed.
Un kad viņu tēvi vai viņu brāļi nāks mūsu priekšā tiesāties, tad mēs uz tiem sacīsim: atvēliet mums tās, jo mēs ikvienam sievu ar karošanu neesam dabūjuši; jo jūs viņiem tās neesat devuši; tad jums tagad būtu vaina.
23 And the children of Benjamin did so; and they took wives according to their number from the dancers whom they seized: and they went and returned to their inheritance, and built the cities, and lived in them.
Un Benjamina bērni darīja tā un ņēma sievas pēc sava skaita no tām, kas tur dejoja; tās tie laupīja. Un nogāja un griezās atpakaļ uz savām mājām, un uztaisīja pilsētas un dzīvoja iekš tām.
24 And the children of Israel went thence at that time every man to his tribe and his kindred; and they went thence every man to his inheritance.
Un Israēla bērni tanī laikā no turienes cēlās ikviens pie savas cilts un pie saviem radiem, un izgāja no turienes ikviens uz savām mājām.
25 And in those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own sight.
Tanīs dienās ķēniņa nebija iekš Israēla; ikviens darīja, kā tam patika.