< Job 26 >

1 But Job answered and said,
پس ایوب در جواب گفت:۱
2 To whom do you attach yourself, or whom are you going to assist? is it not he that [has] much strength, and [he] who has a strong arm?
«شخص بی‌قوت را چگونه اعانت کردی؟ و بازوی ناتوان را چگونه نجات دادی؟۲
3 To whom have you given counsel? is it not to him who has all wisdom? whom will you follow? is it not one who has the greatest power?
شخص بی‌حکمت را چه نصیحت نمودی؟ وحقیقت امر را به فراوانی اعلام کردی!۳
4 To whom have you uttered words? and whose breath is it that has come forth from you?
برای که سخنان را بیان کردی؟ و نفخه کیست که از توصادر شد؟۴
5 Shall giants be born from under the water and the inhabitants thereof?
ارواح مردگان می‌لرزند، زیر آبها وساکنان آنها.۵
6 Hell is naked before him, and destruction has no covering. (Sheol h7585)
هاویه به حضور او عریان است، وابدون را ستری نیست. (Sheol h7585)۶
7 He stretches out the north wind upon nothing, and he upon nothing hangs the earth;
شمال را بر جو پهن می‌کند، و زمین را بر نیستی آویزان می‌سازد.۷
8 binding water in his clouds, and the cloud is not tore under it.
آبها را در ابرهای خود می‌بندد، پس ابر، زیرآنها چاک نمی شود.۸
9 He keeps back the face of his throne, stretching out his cloud upon it.
روی تخت خود رامحجوب می‌سازد و ابرهای خویش را پیش آن می‌گستراند.۹
10 He has encompassed the face of the water by an appointed ordinance, until the end of light and darkness.
به اطراف سطح آبها حد می‌گذاردتا کران روشنایی و تاریکی.۱۰
11 The pillars of heaven are prostrate and astonished at his rebuke.
ستونهای آسمان متزلزل می‌شود و از عتاب او حیران می‌ماند.۱۱
12 He has calmed the sea with [his] might, and by [his] wisdom the whale has been overthrown.
به قوت خود دریا را به تلاطم می‌آورد، و به فهم خویش رهب را خرد می‌کند.۱۲
13 And the barriers of heaven fear him, and by a command he has slain the apostate dragon.
به روح اوآسمانها زینت داده شد، و دست او مار تیز رو راسفت.۱۳
14 Behold, these are parts of his way; and we will listen to him at the least intimation of his word: but the strength of his thunder who knows, when he shall employ [it]?
اینک اینها حواشی طریق های او است. و چه آواز آهسته‌ای درباره او می‌شنویم، لکن رعد جبروت او را کیست که بفهمد؟»۱۴

< Job 26 >