< Job 21 >

1 But Job answered and said,
Ipapo Jobho akapindura akati:
2 Hear you, hear you my words, that I may not have this consolation from you.
“Teereresa mashoko angu; uku ngakuve kunyaradza kwaunondipa.
3 Raise me, and I will speak; then you shall not laugh me to scorn.
Ndiitire mwoyo murefu ndichitaura hangu, uye kana ndapedza kutaura, urambe uchiseka hako.
4 What! is my reproof of man? and why should I not be angry?
“Ko, kunyunyuta kwangu kwakanangana nomunhu here? Ndingatadza seiko kuora mwoyo?
5 Look upon me, and wonder, laying your hand upon your cheek.
Nditarire ushamiswe; ufumbire muromo wako noruoko.
6 For even when I remember, I am alarmed, and pains seize my flesh.
Ndinotya, pandinofunga izvi; kudedera kunobata muviri wangu.
7 Therefore do the ungodly live, and grow old even in wealth?
Nemhaka yeiko vakaipa vachirarama, vachikwegura uye vachiwedzerwa simba?
8 Their seed is according to [their] desire, and their children are in [their] sight.
Vanoona vana vavo vachikura ivo vachiri vapenyu, zvizvarwa zvavo pamberi pavo.
9 Their houses are prosperous, neither [have they] any where [cause for] fear, neither is there a scourge from the Lord upon them.
Misha yavo igere zvakanaka uye haina chainotya; shamhu yaMwari haisi pamusoro pavo.
10 Their cow does not cast her calf, and their [beast] with young is safe, and does not miscarry.
Hando dzavo hadzikonewi kubereka, mhou dzavo dzinobereka mhuru dzisingasvodzi.
11 And they remain as an unfailing flock, and their children play before [them], taking up the lute and harp;
Vanobudisa vana vavo seboka ramakwai; vapwere vavo vanopembera vachitamba.
12 and they rejoice at the voice of a song.
Vanoimba vachiridzirwa tambureni nembira; vanofarira kurira kwenyere.
13 And they spend their days in wealth, and fall asleep in the rest of the grave. (Sheol h7585)
Vanopedza makore avo mukubudirira uye vanopinda muguva nenguva isipi. (Sheol h7585)
14 Yet [such a man] says to the Lord, Depart from me; I desire not to know your ways.
Kunyange zvakadaro vanoti kuna Mwari, ‘Tisiyei takadaro! Hatina hanya nokuziva nzira dzenyu.
15 What is the Mighty One, that we should serve him? and what profit is there that we should approach him?
Wamasimba Ose ndianiko, kuti timushumire? Tinowaneiko kana tikamunamata?’
16 For their good things were in [their] hands, but he regards not the works of the ungodly.
Asi kubudirira kwavo hakusi mumaoko avo, naizvozvo ndinomira kure nerangano yevakaipa.
17 Nevertheless, the lamp of the ungodly also shall be put out, and destruction shall come upon them, and pangs of vengeance shall seize them.
“Kunyange zvakadaro, kanganiko kanodzimwa mwenje wevakaipa? Kanganiko vachiwirwa nenjodzi, magumo anotarwa naMwari mukutsamwa kwake?
18 And they shall be as chaff before the wind, or as dust which the storm has taken up.
Vanofanana namakoto anopeperetswa nemhepo runganiko, sehundi inokukurwa nedutu?
19 Let his substance fail [to supply] his children: [God] shall recompense him, and he shall know it.
Zvinonzi, ‘Mwari anochengetera vana vomunhu kutongwa.’ Ngaamutsive iye amene, kuitira kuti agozviziva!
20 Let his eyes see his own destruction, and let him not be saved by the Lord.
Meso ake pachake ngaaone kuparadzwa kwake; iye ngaanwe kutsamwa kwoWamasimba Ose.
21 For his desire is in his house with him, and the number of his months has been suddenly cut off.
Nokuti ane hanya yeiko nemhuri yaanosiya shure, mwedzi yaakagoverwa zvoyopera?
22 Is it not the Lord who teaches understanding and knowledge? and does not he judge murders?
“Ko, pane munhu angagona kudzidzisa ruzivo kuna Mwari here, iye achitonga kunyange vari pamusoro-soro?
23 One shall die in his perfect strength, and wholly at ease and prosperous;
Mumwe munhu anofa achine simba rake rizere, akachengetedzeka uye akagadzikana,
24 and his inwards are full of fat, and his marrow is diffused [throughout him].
muviri wake wakagwinya, mapfupa ake azere nomwongo.
25 And another dies in bitterness of soul, not eating any good thing.
Mumwe munhu anofa ane shungu dzomwoyo, asina kumbonakidzwa nezvipi zvazvo zvakanaka.
26 But they lie down in the earth together, and corruption covers them.
Vanovata muguruva pamwe chete, uye honye dzinovafukidza vose.
27 So I know you, that you presumptuously attack me:
“Ndinoziva chose zvamunofunga, iwo mano amungandikanganisa nawo.
28 so that you will say, Where is the house of the prince? and where is the covering of the tabernacles of the ungodly?
Imi munoti, ‘Imba yomunhu mukuru iripiko zvino, iwo matende aigarwa navanhu vakaipa?’
29 Ask those that go by the way, and do not disown their tokens.
Hauna kumbobvunza vafambi vaya here? Hauna kuva nehanya nenhoroondo dzavo here,
30 For the wicked hastens to the day of destruction: they shall be led away for the day of his vengeance.
dzokuti munhu akaipa anodarikwa pazuva renjodzi, kuti anorwirwa pazuva rokutsamwa?
31 Who will tell him his way to his face, whereas he has done [it]? who shall recompense him?
Ndianiko anotsoropodza mafambiro ake pachena? Ndianiko anomuripira pane zvaakaita?
32 And he has been led away to the tombs, and he has watched over the heaps.
Iye anotakurwa achiendeswa kuguva, uye rinda rake rinorindwa.
33 The stones of the valley have been sweet to him, and every man shall depart after him, and [there are] innumerable [ones] before him.
Ivhu romunhika rinotapira kwaari; vanhu vose vanomutevera, uye anotungamirirwa navazhinji vasingaverengeki.
34 How then do you comfort me in vain? whereas I have no rest from your molestation.
“Saka mungandinyaradza sei nezvisina maturo? Hapana chasara pakupindura kwenyu asi nhema dzoga!”

< Job 21 >