< Job 14 >
1 For a mortal born of a woman [is] short lived, and full of wrath.
人为妇人所生, 日子短少,多有患难;
2 Or he falls like a flower that has bloomed; and he departs like a shadow, and can’t continue.
出来如花,又被割下, 飞去如影,不能存留。
3 Hast you not taken account even of him, and caused him to enter into judgement before you?
这样的人你岂睁眼看他吗? 又叫我来受审吗?
4 For who shall be pure from uncleanness? not even one;
谁能使洁净之物出于污秽之中呢? 无论谁也不能!
5 if even his life should be [but] one day upon the earth: and his months are numbered by him: you have appointed [him] for a time, and he shall by no means exceed [it].
人的日子既然限定, 他的月数在你那里, 你也派定他的界限,使他不能越过,
6 Depart from him, that he may be quiet, and take pleasure in his life, [though] as a hireling.
便求你转眼不看他,使他得歇息, 直等他像雇工人完毕他的日子。
7 For there is hope for a tree, even if it should be cut down, [that] it shall blossom again, and its branch shall not fail.
树若被砍下, 还可指望发芽, 嫩枝生长不息;
8 For though its root should grow old in the earth, and its stem die in the rock;
其根虽然衰老在地里, 干也死在土中,
9 it will blossom from the scent of water, and will produce a crop, as one newly planted.
及至得了水气,还要发芽, 又长枝条,像新栽的树一样。
10 But a man that has died is utterly gone; and when a mortal has fallen, he is no more.
但人死亡而消灭; 他气绝,竟在何处呢?
11 For the sea wastes in [length of] time, and a river fails and is dried up.
海中的水绝尽, 江河消散干涸。
12 And man that has lain down [in death] shall certainly not rise again till the heaven be dissolved, and they shall not awake from their sleep.
人也是如此,躺下不再起来, 等到天没有了,仍不得复醒, 也不得从睡中唤醒。
13 For oh that you had kept me in the grave, and had hidden me until your wrath should cease, and you should set me a time in which you would remember me! (Sheol )
惟愿你把我藏在阴间, 存于隐密处,等你的忿怒过去; 愿你为我定了日期,记念我。 (Sheol )
14 For if a man should die, shall he live [again], having accomplished the days of his life? I will wait till I exist again?
人若死了岂能再活呢? 我只要在我一切争战的日子, 等我被释放的时候来到。
15 Then shall you call, and I will listen to you: but do not you reject the work of your hands.
你呼叫,我便回答; 你手所做的,你必羡慕。
16 But you have numbered my devices: and not one of my sins shall escape you?
但如今你数点我的脚步, 岂不窥察我的罪过吗?
17 An you have sealed up my transgressions in a bag, and marked if I have been guilty of any transgression unawares.
我的过犯被你封在囊中, 也缝严了我的罪孽。
18 And verily a mountain falling will utterly be destroyed, and a rock shall be worn out of its place.
山崩变为无有; 磐石挪开原处。
19 The waters wear the stones, and waters falling headlong [overflow] a heap of the earth: and you destroy the hope of man.
水流消磨石头, 所流溢的洗去地上的尘土; 你也照样灭绝人的指望。
20 You drive him to an end, and he is gone: you set your face against him, and send him away;
你攻击人常常得胜,使他去世; 你改变他的容貌,叫他往而不回。
21 and though his children be multiplied, he knows [it] not; and if they be few, he is not aware.
他儿子得尊荣,他也不知道, 降为卑,他也不觉得。
22 But his flesh is in pain, and his soul mourns.
但知身上疼痛, 心中悲哀。