< Jeremias 51 >

1 THE WORD THAT CAME TO JEREMIAS for all the Jews dwelling in the land of Egypt, and for those settled in Magdolo and in Taphnas, and in the land of Pathura, saying,
BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, khenhaw! Babilon hoi Khaldean taminaw e lathueng ka raphoekung kahlîkathout a patoun han.
2 Thus has the Lord God of Israel said; You have seen all the evils which I have brought upon Jerusalem, and upon the cities of Juda; and, behold, they are desolate without inhabitants,
Babilon lathueng vah para patetlah hut hanelah ka patoun vaiteh, amahoima hah kathoungcalah a hut han. Bangkongtetpawiteh, rawk kahmanae hnin dawk, ahnimouh ni kalup awh vaiteh a tuk awh han.
3 because of their wickedness, which they have wrought to provoke me, [by] going to burn incense to other gods, whom you knew not.
Licung ka patuem e tami, a licung hah kâkhoe laipalah sum angki kho laihoi kangdout naseh, a thoundounnaw hah buet touh hai pâhlung laipalah a ransanaw pueng hai he pâmit naseh.
4 yet I sent to you my servants the prophets early in the morning, and I sent, saying, Do not you this abominable thing which I hate.
Khaldean ram dawk thei vaiteh a rawp awh han, kho thung lamnaw dawk kamlet awh vaiteh, pawk a thut awh han.
5 But they listened not to me, and inclined not their ear to turn from their wickedness, so as not to burn incense to strange gods.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, Isarel Tami Kathoung taran laihoi ram teh yonnae hoi ka kawi nakunghai, Isarel hoi Judah teh Cathut ransahu BAWIPA ni cettakhai mahoeh.
6 So mine anger and my wrath dropped [upon them], and was kindled in the gates of Juda, and in the streets of Jerusalem; and they became a desolation and a waste, as at this day.
Babilon kho thung hoi yawng awh nateh, tami pueng ni mae hringnae kârungngang naseh. Sak payonnae naw dawk rawk kahmanae koe lah hno awh hanh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA ni moipathungnae tueng a pha toe. Ama ni moipathung roeroe han toe.
7 And now thus has the Lord Almighty said, Therefore do you commit [these] great evils against your souls? to cut off man and woman of you, infant and suckling from the midst of Juda, to the end that not one of you should be left;
Babilon teh BAWIPA kut dawk e suimanang doeh, talai van pueng ka parui sak e lah ao. Miphunnaw ni misurtui a nei awh dawkvah, miphunnaw e lungthin he a pathu.
8 by provoking me with the works of your hands, to burn incense to other gods in the land of Egypt, into which you entered to dwell there, that you might be cut off, and that you might become a curse and a reproach amongst all the nations of the earth?
Babilon teh vaitalahoi a rawp teh a kahma, ahni hanlah khuikap awh. Dam thai nahanelah awm pawiteh, thingtapi tâsi hah lat pouh awh.
9 Have you forgotten the sins of your fathers, and the sins of the kings of Juda, and the sins of your princes, and the sins of your wives, which they wrought in the land of Juda, and in the streets of Jerusalem?
Babilon teh hawi sak hanlah ka kâcai, hatei hawi thai hoeh.
10 And have not ceased even to this day, and they have not kept to my ordinances, which I set before their fathers.
BAWIPA ni maimae lannae a kamnue sak, tho awh, BAWIPA Cathut ni a sak e hah Zion vah pathang awh sei.
11 Therefore thus says the Lord; Behold I do set my face against [you]
Palanaw hah kata awh nateh, saipheinaw hah patuem awh. BAWIPA ni Midian siangpahrang e muitha hah a thao sak toe. Bangkongtetpawiteh, a kâcai e teh Babilon raphoe hane doeh, bangtelah tetpawiteh, hethateh BAWIPA ni moipathungnae, bawkim moipathungnae doeh.
12 to destroy all the remnant that are in Egypt; and they shall fall by the sword, and by famine, and shall be consumed small and great: and they shall be for reproach, and for destruction, and for a curse.
Babilon kalupnae a kung koevah tarantuknae lukkarei vo awh. Ringnae sak nateh, ramvengnaw hrueng awh. Pawpnae hah kârakueng awh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, Babilon vah kaawmnaw taranlahoi BAWIPA ni a dei e hah ama ni a bangnue teh a cum toe.
13 And I will visit them that dwell in the land of Egypt, as I have visited Jerusalem, with sword and with famine:
Oe! nang, tui papnae koe kho ka sak ni teh hnopai moipap ka tawn e tami, na poutnae a pha toe, na hringnae rui a pet han toe.
14 and there shall not one be preserved of the remnant of Juda that sojourn in the land of Egypt, to return to the land of Juda, to which they hope in their hearts to return: they shall not return, but only they that escape.
Ransahu BAWIPA ni mahoima noe lahoi thoe a kâbo toe. Samtong patetlah taminaw hoi na kawi sak han, hotnaw ni na hram sin awh han.
15 Then all the men that knew that their wives burnt incense, and all the women, a great multitude, and all the people that lived in the land of Egypt, in Pathura, answered Jeremias, saying,
A hnotithainae ni talai a sak teh a lungangnae ni talaivan a kangdue sak teh, a thaipanueknae ni kalvan hah a sak.
16 [As for] the word which you have spoken to us in the name of the Lord, we will not listen to you.
A lawk a tâco toteh kalvan hoi tui a cairing teh talai poutnae koehoi tâmai a luen sak. Khorak teh sumpapalik sak Hnoim dawk hoi kahlî a tho sak.
17 For we will surely perform every word that shall proceed out of our mouth, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour drink-offerings to her, as we and our fathers have done, and our kings and princes, in the cities of Juda, and in the streets of Jerusalem: and [so] we were filled with bread, and were well, and saw no evils.
Tami pueng mae lungangnae lahoi teh saring hoi doeh a kâvan. Sui dêikathoum e tam ni sak e meikaphawk ni yeirai a po sak. Bangkongtetpawiteh, meikaphawk a thuk e teh laithoe doeh. Hothah kâha tawn hoeh.
18 But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, we have all been brought low, and have been consumed by sword and by famine.
Reknae ao toteh, bang hoeh e kâdumnae lah ao teh a kahma han.
19 And whereas we burnt incense to the queen of heaven, and poured drink-offerings to her, did we make cakes to her, and pour drink-offerings to her, without our husbands?
Jakop e a ham teh hottelah nahoeh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, bangpuengpa ka sak e lah ao teh, Isarel teh râw lah a coe e miphun doeh. A min teh ransahu Jehovah doeh.
20 Then Jeremias answered all the people, the mighty men, and the women, and all the people that returned him [these] words for answer, saying,
Nang teh ka tarantuknae cakâ hoi senehmaica lah na o teh, nang hno lahoi miphunnaw hah ka dêi, nang hno lahoi uknaeramnaw hah ka raphoe han.
21 Did not the Lord remember the incense which you burnt in the cities of Juda, and in the streets of Jerusalem, you, and your fathers, and your kings, and your princes, and the people of the land? and came it not into his heart?
Nang hno lahoi rangleng dawk kâcuinaw ka khoe teh, nang hno lahoi leng dawk kâcuinaw hah ka khoe.
22 And the Lord could no longer bear [you], because of the wickedness of your doings, and because of your abominations which you wrought; and so your land became a desolation and a waste, and a curse, as at this day;
Nang hno lahoi napui tongpanaw ka khoe teh, nang hno lahoi matawng hoi nawsainaw ka khoe. Nang hno lahoi thoundounnaw, tanglanaw hah ka khoe.
23 because of your burning incense, and [because] of the things wherein you sinned against the Lord: and you have not listened to the voice of the Lord, and have not walked in his ordinances, and in his law, and in his testimonies; and so these evils have come upon you.
Nang hno lahoi tukhoumkung hoi tunaw ka khoe teh, nang hno lahoi law kasaknaw e thenaw ka khoe, nang hno lahoi ram ukkungnaw hoi kabawmkungnaw hah ka khoe.
24 And Jeremias said to the people, and to the women, Hear you the word of the Lord.
Nange mithmu roeroe vah Zion dawk hawihoehnae a sak awh e naw pueng hah Babilon hoi Khaldean taminaw lathueng vah moi ka pathung han, telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
25 Thus has the Lord God of Israel said; You women have spoken with your mouth, and you fulfilled [it] with your hands, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour drink-offerings to her: full well did you keep to your vows, and you have indeed performed [them].
Khenhaw! talai van pueng ka raphoe e, Oe! raphoekung kalenpounge mon, kai ni na taran telah BAWIPA ni a dei. Na lathueng vah kut ka dâw vaiteh, ka rasang e lungha koehoi pâlei han. He ka kang e mon patetlah na o sak han.
26 Therefore hear you the word of the Lord, all Jews dwelling in the land of Egypt; Behold, I have sworn by my great name, says the Lord, my name shall no longer be in the mouth of every Jew to say, The Lord lives, in all the land of Egypt.
Nang koehoi adu talung hoi takinlung ka lat mahoeh. Hatei yungyoe hoi kingdi lah na o han telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
27 For I have watched over them, to hurt them, and not to do them good: and all the Jews dwelling in the land of Egypt shall perish by sword and by famine, until they are utterly consumed.
Hote ram dawk tarantuknae lukkarei vo awh nateh, miphunnaw rahak mongka ueng awh. Ama tuk hanelah miphunnaw kârakueng awh. Ahni tuk hanelah uknaeram pueng kaw awh. Ararat, Minni, Askenaz ramnaw, ama tuk hanelah hram awh, ama tuk hanlah ransanaw tat awh, samtongnaw patetlah marangnaw hah pâkhueng awh.
28 And they that escape the sword shall return to the land of Juda few in number, and the remnant of Juda, who have continued in the land [of] Egypt to dwell there, shall know whose word shall stand.
Ama ka tuk hane miphunnaw kârakueng awh. Midian siangpahrang hoi ka ukkungnaw kahrawikungnaw hoi kâ a tawnnae ramnaw pueng hoi,
29 And this [shall be] a sign to you, that I will visit you for evil.
Hote ram teh patawnae khang laihoi a pâyaw teh Babilon ram hah kho ka sak e tami awm laipalah pahma hanlah Babilon lathueng BAWIPA ni a kâcai e a cak sak han.
30 Thus said the Lord; Behold, I [will] give Uaphres king of Egypt into the hands of his enemy, and into the hands of one that seeks his life; as I gave Sedekias king of Juda into the hands of Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, his enemy, and who sought his life.
Babilon athakaawme taminaw tarantuk laipalah ao awh teh, rapanimnaw dawk a kâhro awh. Taranhawinae a kahma pouh teh, napui patetlah doeh ao awh toe. A khosaknae hmuennaw he a kak teh tho tarennae pueng a kâkhoe.
31 THE WORD WHICH JEREMIAS THE PROPHET spoke to Baruch son of Nerias, when he wrote these words in the book from the mouth of Jeremias, in the fourth year of Joakim the son of Josias king of Juda.
Babilon siangpahrang koe, khopui teh avangvanglah hoi he a man awh toe tie dei hanelah patoune ka yawng e ni tami alouke a kâhmo teh patoun e ni alouke bout a kâhmo.
32 Thus has the Lord said to you, O Baruch.
palang rakhannae a rakhan awh teh, lungpumkungnaw hah a sawi awh teh, tarankatuknaw hai he a yawng awh.
33 Whereas you have said, Alas! alas! for the Lord has laid a grievous trouble upon me; I lay down in groaning, I found no rest;
Isarel Cathut ransahu BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, Babilon canu teh cangkatinnae hmuen patetlah ao. Nâsittouh ao hoehnahlan cangkatinnae tue a pha han.
34 say you to him, Thus says the Lord; Behold, I pull down those whom I have built up, and I pluck up those whom I have planted.
Babilon siangpahrang Nebukhadnezar ni na ca awh, na ai awh teh, kathounge hlaam lah na coung sak. Khorui patetlah na payawp teh, katui e kaie moi hoi a vawn paha sak teh bout na pâlei awh.
35 And will you seek great things for yourself? seek [them] not: for, behold, I bring evil upon all flesh, says the Lord: but I will give [to you] your life for a spoil in every place whither you shall go.
Kai hoi ka thitak kong dawk hawihoehnae thaw he Babilon lathueng awm naseh, telah Zion e kho kasaknaw ni ati awh han. Ka thipaling teh Khaldean taminaw e lathueng awm seh telah, Jerusalem ni ati han.
Hatdawkvah, BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei. Nang koe lah kampang vaiteh moi na pathung pouh han. A talî ka hak sak vaiteh, a tuiim hai ka phui sak han.
Babilon teh songnawng kahrawnguinaw khosaknae, kângairu e, hoi pathoenae, kingdinae hmuen lah ao han.
Sendek thakasai patetlah huk awh vaiteh, sendekcanaw patetlah a cairing awh han.
A parui lahun awh navah, rawca ka paca vaiteh, banghai panuek laipalah ka parui sak han, kâhlaw toung laipalah pou a i awh nahan telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
Tuca thei hane patetlah ka pâkhi han. Tutan hoi hmaetan patetlah.
Sheshak teh la e lah ao han, talai van pueng ni oup e hah man e lah ao han. Babilon teh miphunnaw rahak kingdi lah ao han.
Babilon teh tuipui ni a ramuk han. Tuicapa patawpoung lah ka thaw e ni a ramuk han.
A khopuinaw hah raphoe vaiteh, ramke, ram kingdi, tami ohoehnae, tami ca pinihai pâtam boihoeh e ram lah ao han.
Babilon e Bel hah ka rek han. A padoun tangcoung e hai a kâko thung hoi ka rasa vaiteh, miphunnaw ahni koe bout kamkhueng mahoeh toe. Babilon e rapan teh a tip han.
Ka taminaw Babilon thung hoi tâcawt awh, takithopoung e BAWIPA lungkhueknae thung hoi mahoima e hringnae kârungngang awh.
Na lungthin tawn hanh naseh, ram dawk e kamthang hai taket hanh awh. Kum touh hoi kum touh kamthang a tho han, siangpahrang hoi siangpahrang kâtuk vaiteh, rektapnae ao han.
Hatdawkvah, khenhaw! Babilon ni thuk e meikaphawknaw lathueng vah lawkkaceng teh a ram pueng kaya laihoi a onae tueng a pha vaiteh, a lathueng vah thei e naw a rawp awh han.
Hat toteh, talai hoi kalvan athung kaawmnaw pueng atunglae ram dawk hoi raphoekungnaw ahnimouh koe a pha han, telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
Thei e Isarelnaw Babilon ni a rawp sak e patetlah Babilon vah ram dawk e tami thei e naw a rawp awh van han.
Nangmouh tahloi dawk hoi kahloutnaw, cet awh nateh, duem kangdout rumram awh hanh. Lamhlanae koehoi BAWIPA hah pou panuek awh nateh, a lungthin dawk Jerusalem doun naseh.
Tamthoe lawk ka thai dawkvah, ka kaya teh ka minhmai a mathoe. Bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA im hmuen kathoung dawk ram alouke tami a kâen toe.
Hatdawkvah thai awhaw! ahnimae meikaphawknaw lathueng lawkcengnae hnin hoi a ram pueng lathueng a hmâ patawnae dawk kâhramnae hnin a pha han, telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
Babilon teh kalvan kâbet totouh a rasang teh, rapan kacakpoung nakunghai, a lathueng vah kai koehoi raphoekung ka pha sak roeroe han, telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
Babilon hoi khuikanae kamthang a pha teh, Khaldean ram dawk hoi ka patawpoung e rawk kahmanae kamthang a pha.
BAWIPA ni Babilon hah a raphoe teh, kacaipounge a kamthang hah a roum sak. Ahnimouh kâroenae pawlawk, tui moikapap e pawlawk patetlah ao teh, thouk a hramki awh.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, a lathueng hoi Babilon e lathueng raphoekung a pha teh a tami thakasainaw hah a man. Tami pueng e linaw he a khoe pouh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA teh moipathung e Cathut lah ao teh moi a pathung roeroe han.
Kahrawikungnaw, tami lungkaangnaw, ukkungnaw, kabawmkungnaw, hoi tami thakasainaw ka parui sak han. Mat ip awh vaiteh, kâhlaw awh mahoeh toe, telah ka Bawi Poung, a min ransahu siangpahrang Jehovah ni a dei.
Ransahu BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, Babilon rapan katha poung e tim vaiteh, longkha rasangpoung e he a kak han. A taminaw ni houng laipalah a tawk awh ei, miphunnaw ni hmaisawi hanelah doeh ao.
Judah siangpahrang a bawi kum 4 nah Babilon lah a cei nah ahni koe ka cet van e Seraiah, Neraiah capa Maaseiah capa koevah, profet Jeremiah e kâpoe lawk, Bangkongtetpawiteh, Seraiah teh siangpahrang imthung dawk kahrawikung kacue pouh lah ao.
Jeremiah ni Babilon lathueng ka tho hane rawkphainae pueng, Babilon kong dawk a thut e canaw pueng hete cauk dawk a thut.
Jeremiah ni Seraiah koevah, Babilon na pha navah, hete lawknaw pueng he touk loe.
Hat toteh, nang ni, Oe BAWIPA hete hmuen taranlahoi apihai, tami hoi saring hai, khosak laipalah ao teh, yungyoe hoi raphoe hanelah lawk na dei toe, telah na ti han.
Hahoi, hete cauk heh na touk toteh, talung hoi pâkhit nateh Euphrates palang dawk na tâkhawng han.
Babilon teh hettelah a bo han. A lathueng vah rawkphainae ka pha sak hane dawkvah, bout thaw mahoeh toe. A hmawtcei awh han telah na dei han, telah atipouh. Hethateh Jeremiah e lawk doeh.

< Jeremias 51 >