< Jeremias 40 >
1 And the word of the Lord came to Jeremias the second time, when he was yet bound in the court of the prison, saying,
Ovo je riječ koju Jahve uputi Jeremiji pošto ga Nebuzaradan, zapovjednik tjelesne straže, bijaše pustio iz Rame. Odvojio ga je kad je već, u lance okovan, bio među svim jeruzalemskim i judejskim izgnanicima koje vođahu u Babilon.
2 Thus says the Lord, who made the earth and formed it, to establish it; the Lord is his name;
Odvojivši ga, dakle, zapovjednik tjelesne straže reče mu: “Jahve, Bog tvoj, zaprijetio je nesrećom ovome mjestu.
3 Cry to me, and I will answer you, and I will declare to you great and mighty things, which you know not.
Izvršio je i učinio kako bijaše zaprijetio, jer ste griješili protiv Jahve i niste slušali glasa njegova. Zato vas je i snašlo ovo zlo.
4 For thus says the Lord concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the king of Juda, which have been pulled down for mounds and fortifications,
Evo, sada driješim okove s ruku tvojih. Ako ti je po volji da ideš sa mnom u Babilon, pođi sa mnom i oko će moje bdjeti nad tobom. Ako ti nije volja ići sa mnom u Babilon, ti ostani. Gle, sva je zemlja pred tobom: možeš ići kamo ti oko želi i gdje će ti biti dobro.
5 to fight against the Chaldeans, and to fill it with the corpses of men, whom I struck in mine anger and my wrath, and turned away my face from them, for all their wickedness:
Ako, dakle, hoćeš ostati, možeš poći Gedaliji, sinu Šafanova sina Ahikama, koga je kralj babilonski postavio nad gradovima judejskim, i ostati kod njega usred naroda, ili pak možeš ići kamo ti drago.” Zatim mu zapovjednik tjelesne straže dade hrane i k tomu dar te ga otpusti.
6 Behold, I bring upon her healing and cure, and I will show [myself] to them, and will heal her, and make both peace and security.
Tada se Jeremija otputi u Mispu, Gedaliji, sinu Ahikamovu, te osta kod njega među narodom koji je ostao u zemlji.
7 And I will turn the captivity of Juda, and the captivity of Israel, and will build them, even as before.
Svi vojni zapovjednici i njihovi ljudi uokolo saznaše da je kralj babilonski postavio zemlji za namjesnika Ahikamova sina Gedaliju te mu povjerio muževe, žene i djecu i siromahe koji još ne bijahu odvedeni u babilonsko sužanjstvo.
8 And I will cleanse them from all their iniquities, whereby they have sinned against me, and will not remember their sins, whereby they have sinned against me, and revolted from me.
I dođoše pred Gedaliju u Mispu: Netanijin sin Jišmael, Kareahov sin Johanan; Tanhumetov sin Seraja, Zatim sinovi Efaja Netofljanina, Makatijev sin Jaazanija - oni i njihovi ljudi.
9 And it shall be for joy and praise, and for glory to all the people of the earth, who shall hear all the good that I will do: and they shall fear and be provoked for all the good things and for all the peace which I will bring upon them.
Gedalija, sin Šafanova sina Ahikama, zakle se njima i njihovim ljudima i reče: “Ne bojte se služiti Kaldejcima, ostanite u zemlji, budite odani babilonskom kralju i bit će vam dobro.
10 Thus says the Lord; There shall yet be heard in this place, of which you say, it is destitute of men and cattle, in the cities of Juda, and in the streets of Jerusalem, [the places] that have been made desolate for lack of men and cattle,
A ja ću, evo, ostati u Mispi na službu Kaldejcima koji dolaze k nama. Vi pak potrgajte grožđe, poberite voće i masline, pohranite u sudove i ostanite u gradovima što ih zaposjedoste.”
11 the voice of gladness, and the voice of joy, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of men saying, Give thanks to the Lord Almighty: for the Lord is good; for his mercy [endures] fore ever: and they shall bring gifts into the house of the Lord; for I will turn all the captivity of that land as before, said the Lord.
I svi Judejci što se zatekoše u Moabu, kod sinova Amonovih, i u Edomu, po svim zemljama, saznadoše da je kralj babilonski ostavio ostatak u Judeji i da je postavio nad njim Gedaliju, sina Šafanova sina Ahikama.
12 Thus says the Lord of hosts; There shall yet be in this place, that is desert for lack of man and beast, in all the cities thereof, resting-places for shepherds causing their flocks to lie down.
I onda se vratiše svi Judejci iz svih mjesta kamo ih bijahu raspršili, vratiše se u zemlju judejsku Gedaliji u Mispu te nabraše veoma mnogo grožđa i drugoga voća.
13 In the cities of the hill country, and in the cities of the valley, and in the cities of the south, and in the land of Benjamin, and in the [cities] round about Jerusalem, and in the cities of Juda, flocks shall yet pass under the hand of him that numbers [them], says the Lord.
A Johanan, sin Kareahov, i svi vojni zapovjednici pođoše Gedaliji u Mispu
te mu rekoše: “A znaš li ti da je amonski kralj Baalis poslao Jišmaela, sina Netanijina, da te ubije?” Ali im Gedalija, sin Ahikamov, ne povjerova.
Tada reče Johanan, sin Kareahov, potajno Gedaliji u Mispi: “Idem da ubijem Jišmaela, sina Netanijina, tako da nitko neće doznati. Zašto da on tebe ubije i da se opet rasprše svi Judejci što se oko tebe skupiše? I zašto da propadne ostatak Judejaca?”
Ali Gedalija, sin Ahikamov, uzvrati Johananu, sinu Kareahovu: “Nemoj toga raditi! Jer je laž što govoriš o Jišmaelu.”