< Jeremias 34 >

1 Thus said the Lord; Make to yourself bonds and yokes, and put [them] about your neck,
Ko te kupu i puta mai ki a Heremaia na Ihowa, i a Nepukaneha kingi o Papurona ratou ko tana ope katoa, ko nga kingitanga katoa o te whenua i raro i tona mana, me nga iwi katoa, i whawhai ai ki Hiruharama me ona pa katoa; i mea ia,
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, a te Atua o Iharaira, Haere, korero ki a Terekia kingi o Hura, mea atu ki a ia, Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, Nana, ka hoatu e ahau tenei pa ki te ringa o te kingi o Papurona, a ka tahuna e ia ki te ahi.
3 and you shall send them to the king of Idumea, and to the king of Moab, and to the king of the children of Ammon, and to the king of Tyre, and to the king of Sidon, by the hands of their messengers that come to meet them at Jerusalem to Sedekias king of Juda.
A e kore koe e mawhiti i roto i tona ringa, engari ka mau pu koe, ka tukua hoki ki tona ringa; a ka kite ou kanohi i nga kanohi o te kingi o Papurona, a ka korero ia ki a koe he mangai ki te mangai, ka tae ano hoki koe ki Papurona.
4 And you shall commission them to say to their lords, Thus said the Lord God of Israel; Thus shall you say to your lords;
Whakarongo ano hoki ki te kupu a Ihowa, e Terekia kingi o Hura; ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa mou, E kore koe e mate i te hoari;
5 I have made the earth by my great power, and with my high arm, and I will give it to whoever it shall seem [good] in mine eyes.
Engari ka mate koe i runga i te rangimarie; na, ko nga tahunga o ou matua, o nga kingi o mua, i mua atu i a koe, ka pena ano he tahunga mou; a ka tangi ratou ki a koe, ka mea, Aue, e te Ariki! naku nei hoki te kupu i korero, e ai ta Ihowa.
6 I gave the earth to Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon to serve him, and the wild beasts of the field to labour for him.
Katahi a Heremaia poropiti ka korero i enei kupu katoa ki a Terekia kingi o Hura i Hiruharama.
I te mea e whawhai ana te ope o te kingi o Papurona ki Hiruharama, ki nga pa katoa o Hura i mahue, ki Rakihi, ki Ateka: ko enei anake hoki o nga pa o Hura i mahue, he pa taiepa.
8 And the nation and kingdom, all that shall not put their neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, with sword and famine will I visit them, says the Lord, until they are consumed by his hand.
Ko te kupu i puta mai ki a Heremaia na Ihowa, i muri i te whakaritenga kawenata a Kingi Terekia ki te hunga katoa i Hiruharama, kia karangatia ki a ratou te haere noa;
9 And listen you not to your false prophets, nor to them that divine to you, nor to them that foretell events by dreams to you, nor to your auguries, nor your sorcerers, that say, You shall by no means work for the king of Babylon:
Kia tukua e tera, e tera, tana pononga tane, tana pononga wahine, ki te mea he tane, he wahine ranei no nga Hiperu, kia haere noa atu; kia kaua tetahi e whakamahi i a ratou, ara i tona teina, i te Hurai:
10 for they prophesy lies to you, to remove you far from your land.
A ka rongo nga rangatira katoa ratou ko te iwi katoa i uru nei ki te kawenata, kia tukua e tera, e tera, tana pononga tane, tana pononga wahine, kia haere noa atu, kia kaua e whakamahia ratou i muri atu; na rongo tonu ratou, a tukua atu ana e ra tou.
11 But the nation which shall put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him, I will even leave it upon its land, and it shall serve him, and dwell in it.
Engari i muri iho ka tahuri ano ratou, a meinga ana e ratou kia hoki mai nga pononga tane, me nga pononga wahine i tukua ra e ratou kia haere noa atu, whakataurekarekatia iho ratou hei pononga tane, hei pononga wahine:
12 I spoke also to Sedekias king of Juda according to all these words, saying, Put your neck into [the yoke], and serve the king of Babylon.
Na reira ka puta mai te kupu a Ihowa ki a Heremaia, he mea na Ihowa; i ki ia,
Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, a te Atua o Iharaira, I whakaritea e ahau he kawenata ki o koutou matua i te ra i kawea mai ai ratou e ahau i te whenua o Ihipa, i te whare pononga; i mea ahau,
14 For they prophesy unrighteous [words] to you,
I te mutunga o nga tau e whitu me tuku e koutou tona tuakana, tona teina, ki te mea he Hiperu i hokona ki a koe, a kua mahi ki a koe e ono nga tau, me tuku e koe kia haere noa atu i tou taha: otira kihai o koutou matua i rongo ki ahau, kihai ano o ratou taringa i anga mai.
15 for I sent them not, says the Lord; and they prophesy [in] my name unjustly, that I might destroy you, and you should perish, and your prophets, who unrighteously prophesy lies to you.
Na i tahuri nei koutou i tenei ra, i mahi i te mea e tika ana ki taku titiro, i te karangatanga ai he haere noa atu e tera, e tera, ki tona hoa, ki tona hoa; a i whakaritea e koutou he kawenata ki toku aroaro i roto i te whare kua huaina nei tok u ingoa ki reira:
16 I spoke to you, and to all this people, and to the priests, saying, Thus said the Lord; Listen not to the words of the prophets that prophesy to you, saying, Behold, the vessels of the Lord's house shall return from Babylon: for they prophesy to you unrighteous [words].
Otiia tahuri ana koutou, whakapokea ana e koutou toku ingoa, whakahokia ana e koutou tana pononga tane, tana pononga wahine i tukua ra e koutou kia haere noa atu ki ta ratou i pai ai, whakataurekarekatia iho ratou e koutou hei pononga tane, hei pononga wahine ma koutou.
17 I sent them not.
Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa; Kihai koutou i rongo ki ahau, ki te karanga i te haere noa atu ki tona teina, ki tona tuakana, ki tona hoa, ki tona hoa: nana, maku e karanga ki a koutou he haere noa atu, e aita Ihowa, ma te hoari, ma te mate uruta, ma te matekai; a ka meinga koutou e ahau kia poipoia haeretia i waenganui i nga kingitanga katoa o te whenua.
18 If they are prophets, and if the word of the Lord is in them, let them meet me, for thus has the Lord said.
Ka hoatu hoki e ahau nga tangata i whakataka nei i taku kawenata, a kihai i whakamana i nga kupu o te kawenata i whakaritea e ratou i toku aroaro, i a ratou i tapahi ai i te kuao kau kia rua, a haere ana i waenganui i ona wahi;
19 And as for the remaining vessels,
Nga rangatira o Hura, nga rangatira hoki o Hiruharama, nga unaka, nga tohunga, me te iwi katoa o te whenua i haere nei i waenganui o nga wahi o te kuao kau;
20 which the king of Babylon took not, when he carried Jechonias prisoner out of Jerusalem,
Ka tino hoatu ratou e ahau ki te ringa o o ratou hoariri, ki te ringa hoki o te hunga e whai ana kia whakamatea ratou: a hei kai o ratou tinana ma te manu o te rangi, ma te kararehe o te whenua.
Ka hoatu ano e ahau a Terekia kingi o Hura ratou ko ana rangatira, ki te ringa o o ratou hoariri, ki te ringa hoki o te hunga e whai ana kia whakamatea ratou, ki te ringa ano o te ope o te kingi o Papurona i haere atu nei i a koutou.
22 they shall go into Babylon, says the Lord.
Nana, maku e whakahau, e ai ta Ihowa, a ka meinga ratou kia hoki mai ki tenei pa; a ka whawhai ratou ki reira, ka horo hoki i a ratou, a ka tahuna ki te ahi: a ka meinga e ahau nga pa o Hura kia ururuatia, te ai he tangata hei noho.

< Jeremias 34 >