< Jeremias 29 >
Torej to so besede pisma, ki ga je prerok Jeremija poslal iz Jeruzalema preostanku starešin, ki so bili odvedeni ujeti, duhovnikom, prerokom in vsem ljudstvu, ki jih je Nebukadnezar ujete odvedel iz Jeruzalema v Babilon
2 Behold, waters come up from the north, and shall become a sweeping torrent, and it shall sweep away the land, and its fulness; the city, and them that dwell in it: and men shall cry and all that dwell in the land shall howl,
(potem so bili kralj Jehoníja, kraljica, evnuhi, princi iz Juda in Jeruzalema ter tesarji in kovači odvedeni iz Jeruzalema)
3 at the sound of his rushing, at [the sound of] his hoofs, and at the rattling of his chariots, at the noise of his wheels: the fathers turned not to their children because of the weakness of their hands,
po roki Šafánovega sina Elasá in Hilkijájevega sina Gemarjá (katera je Judov kralj Sedekíja poslal v Babilon k babilonskemu kralju Nebukadnezarju), rekoč:
4 in the day that is coming to destroy all the Philistines: and I will utterly destroy Tyre and Sidon and all the rest of their allies: for the Lord will destroy the remaining [inhabitants] of the islands.
»Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog, vsem, ki so odvedeni ujeti, ki sem jim povzročil, da so odvedeni proč iz Jeruzalema v Babilon:
5 Baldness is come upon Gaza; Ascalon is cast away, and the remnant of the Enakim.
›Zgradite si hiše in prebivajte v njih, zasajajte vrtove in jejte njihov sad,
6 How long will you strike, O sword of the Lord? how long will it be ere you are quiet? return into your sheath, rest, and be removed.
jemljite si žene in zaplodite sinove ter hčere, in vzemite žene za svoje sinove in svoje hčere dajte soprogom, da bodo lahko rodile sinove in hčere, da boste tam lahko povečani in ne zmanjšani.
7 How shall it be quiet, whereas the Lord has given it a commission against Ascalon, and against the regions on the sea-coast, to awake against the remaining [countries]! CONCERNING IDUMEA, thus says the Lord; There is no longer wisdom in Thaeman, counsel has perished from the wise ones, their wisdom is gone,
Iščite mir mestu, kamor sem vam povzročil, da ste bili odvedeni ujeti in zanj molite h Gospodu, kajti v njegovem miru boste vi imeli mir.‹
8 their place has been deceived. Dig deep for a dwelling, you that inhabit Daedam, for he has wrought grievously: I brought trouble upon him in the time at which I visited him.
Kajti tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog: »Naj vas vaši preroki in vaši vedeževalci, ki so v vaši sredi, ne zavajajo, niti ne prisluhnite svojim sanjam, ki ste jim povzročili, da so sanjane.
9 For grape gatherers are come, who shall not leave you a remnant; as thieves by night, they shall lay their hand upon [your possessions].
Kajti lažno vam prerokujejo v mojem imenu. Nisem jih poslal, « govori Gospod.
10 For I have stripped Esau, I have uncovered their secret places; they shall have no power to hide themselves, they have perished [each] by the hand of his brother, my neighbour, and it is impossible
Kajti tako govori Gospod: »Da vas bom po tem, ko bo v Babilonu dovršenih sedemdeset let, obiskal in izvêdel svojo dobro besedo napram vam, v tem, da povzročim, da se vrnete na ta kraj.
11 for your fatherless one to be left to live, but I shall live, and the widows trust in me.
Kajti poznam misli, ki jih mislim napram vam, « govori Gospod, »misli miru in ne zla, da vam dam pričakovan konec.
12 For thus says the Lord; They who were not appointed to drink the cup have drunk [it]; and you shall by no means be cleared:
Takrat boste klicali k meni in boste šli in molili k meni in vam bom prisluhnil.
13 for by myself I have sworn, says the Lord, that you shall be in the midst of her an impassable [land], and a reproach, and a curse; and all her cities shall be desert for ever.
Iskali me boste in me našli, ko me boste iskali z vsem svojim srcem.
14 I have heard a report from the Lord, and he has sent messengers to the nations, [saying, ]Assemble yourselves, and come against her; rise you up to war.
Dal se vam bom najti, « govori Gospod, »in vaše ujetništvo bom odvrnil proč in zbral vas bom izmed vseh narodov in iz vseh krajev, kamor sem vas pregnal, « govori Gospod, »in jaz vas bom ponovno privedel na kraj, od koder sem vam povzročil, da ste bili odvedeni ujeti.
15 I have made you small amongst the nations, utterly contemptible amongst men.
Ker ste rekli: › Gospod nam je v Babilonu vzdignil preroke; ‹
16 Your insolence has risen up against you, the fierceness of your heart has burst the holes of the rocks, it has seized upon the strength of a lofty hill; for as an eagle he set his nest on high: thence will I bring you down.
vedite, da tako govori Gospod o kralju, ki sedi na Davidovem prestolu in o vsemu ljudstvu, ki prebiva v tem mestu in o vaših bratih, ki niso šli z vami naprej v ujetništvo; «
17 And Idumea shall be a desert: every one that passes by shall hiss at it.
tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki: »Poglejte, nadnje bom poslal meč, lakoto in kužno bolezen in naredil jih bom kot ogabne fige, ki se ne morejo pojesti, ker so tako zle.
18 As Sodom was overthrown and Gomorrha and they that sojourned in her, says the Lord Almighty, no man shall dwell there, nor shall any son of man inhabit there.
Preganjal jih bom z mečem, z lakoto in s kužno boleznijo in izročil jih bom, da bodo odstranjeni k vsem kraljestvom zemlje, da bodo prekletstvo, osuplost, posmeh in graja med vsemi narodi, kamor sem jih pregnal,
19 Behold, he shall come up as a lion out of the midst of Jordan to the place of Aetham: for I will speedily drive them from it, and do you set the young men against her: for who is like me? and who will withstand me? and who [is] this shepherd, who shall confront me?
ker niso prisluhnili mojim besedam, « govori Gospod, »ki sem jim jih pošiljal po svojih služabnikih prerokih, jih zgodaj vzdigoval in pošiljal; toda vi niste hoteli poslušati, « govori Gospod.
20 Therefore hear you the counsel of the Lord, which he has framed against Idumea; and his device, which he has devised against the inhabitants of Thaeman: surely the least of the sheep shall be swept off; surely their dwelling shall be made desolate for them.
»Poslušajte torej besedo od Gospoda, vsi vi iz ujetništva, ki sem vas poslal iz Jeruzalema v Babilon.
21 For at the sound of their fall the earth was scared, and the cry of the sea was not heard.
Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog o Kolajájevemu sinu Ahábu, in o Maasejájevemu sinu Sedekíju, ki vam prerokujeta laž v mojem imenu: ›Glejte, izročil ju bom v roko babilonskega kralja Nebukadnezarja in ta ju bo ubil pred vašimi očmi.‹
22 Behold, he shall look [upon her] as an eagle, and spread forth [his] wings over her strongholds; and the heart of the mighty men of Idumea shall be in that day as the heart of a woman in her pangs.
Od njiju bo vse Judovo ujetništvo, ki je v Babilonu, povzelo prekletstvo, rekoč: › Gospod naj ti stori kakor Sedekíju in kakor Ahábu, ki ju je babilonski kralj pekel na ognju, ()
ker sta zagrešila podlost v Izraelu in zagrešila zakonolomstvo z ženami svojih sosedov in v mojem imenu govorila lažnive besede, ki jima jih nisem zapovedal. Celo vedel sem in sem priča, ‹ govori Gospod.
› Tako boš tudi ti govoril Šemajáju Nehelaméjcu, rekoč:
›Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog, rekoč: ›Ker si v svojem imenu poslal pisma vsemu ljudstvu, ki so v Jeruzalemu in k duhovniku Cefanjáju, Maasejájevemu sinu in vsem duhovnikom, rekoč:
› Gospod te je postavil za duhovnika namesto duhovnika Jojadája, da bi bili častniki v Gospodovi hiši, za vsakega človeka, ki je zmešan in se dela preroka, da ga bi vtaknil v ječo in v klade.
Zdaj torej, zakaj nisi grajal Jeremija iz Anatóta, ki se vam dela prerok?
Kajti zato je poslal k nam v Babilon, rekoč: ›To ujetništvo je dolgo. Zgradite si hiše in prebivajte v njih, zasadite vrtove in jejte sad od njih.‹«
Duhovnik Cefanjá je to pismo prebral v ušesa preroka Jeremija.
Potem je prišla Gospodova beseda Jeremiju, rekoč:
»Pošlji k vsem tem iz ujetništva, rekoč: ›Tako govori Gospod glede Šemajája Nehelaméjca: ›Zato, ker je ta Šemajá prerokoval zoper vas, pa ga nisem poslal jaz in vam je storil, da zaupate v laž,
zato tako govori Gospod: ›Glejte, kaznoval bom Šemajája Nehelaméjca in njegovo seme. Ne bo imel človeka, da prebiva med tem ljudstvom; niti ne bo gledal dobrega, ki ga bom storil za svoje ljudstvo, ‹ govori Gospod; ›ker je učil upor zoper Gospoda.‹«