< Jeremias 27 >
유다 왕 요시야의 아들 여호야김의 즉위한지 오래지 아니하여서 여호와께서 말씀으로 나 예레미야에게 이르시니라
2 Proclaim you amongst the Gentiles, and cause the tidings to be heard, and suppress [them] not: say you, Babylon is taken, Belus is confounded; the fearless, the luxurious Maerodach is delivered up.
여호와께서 이같이 내게 이르시되 너는 줄과 멍에를 만들어 네 목에 얹고
3 For a nation has come up against her from the north, he shall utterly ravage her land, and there shall be none to dwell in it, neither man nor beast.
유다 왕 시드기야를 보러 예루살렘에 온 사신들의 손에도 그것을 붙여 에돔 왕과 모압 왕과 암몬 자손의 왕과 두로왕과 시돈 왕에게 보내며
4 In those days, and at that time, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Juda together; they shall proceed, weeping as they go, seeking the Lord their God.
그들에게 명하여 그 주에게 이르게 하기를 만군의 여호와 이스라엘의 하나님이 말씀하시되 너희는 너희 주에게 이같이 고하라
5 They shall ask the way till [they come to] Sion, for that way shall they set their face; and they shall come and flee for refuge to the Lord their God; for the everlasting covenant shall not be forgotten.
나는 내 큰 능과 나의 든 팔로 땅과 그 위에 있는 사람과 짐승들을 만들고 나의 소견에 옳은 대로 땅을 사람에게 주었노라
6 My people have been lost sheep: their shepherds thrust them out, they caused them to wander on the mountains: they went from mountain to hill, they forgot their resting-place.
이제 내가 이 모든 땅을 내 종 바벨론 왕 느부갓네살의 손에 주고 또 들짐승들을 그에게 주어서 부리게 하였나니
7 All that found them consumed them: their enemies said, Let us not leave them alone, because they have sinned against the Lord: he that gathered their fathers [had] a pasture of righteousness.
열방이 그와 그 아들과 손자를 섬기리라 그의 땅의 기한이 이르면 여러 나라와 큰 왕이 그로 자기를 섬기게 하리라마는
8 Flee you out of the midst of Babylon, and from the land of the Chaldeans, and go forth, and be as serpents before sleep.
나 여호와가 이르노라 바벨론 왕 느부갓네살을 섬기지 아니하는 국민이나 그 목으로 바벨론 왕의 멍에를 메지 아니하는 백성은 내가 그의 손으로 진멸시키기까지 칼과 기근과 염병으로 벌하리라
9 For, behold, I stir up against Babylon the gatherings of nations out of the land of the north; and they shall set themselves in array against her: thence shall she be taken, as the dart of an expert warrior shall not return empty.
너희는 너희 선지자나 너희 복술이나 너희 꿈꾸는 자나 너희 술사나 너희 요술객이 너희 에게 이르기를 너희가 바벨론 왕을 섬기지 아니하리라 하여도 듣지 말라
10 And Chaldea shall be a spoil: all that spoil her shall be satisfied.
그들은 너희에게 거짓을 예언하여서 너희로 너희 땅에서 멀리 떠나게 하며 또 나로 너희를 몰아내게 하며 너희를 멸하게 하느니라
11 Because you rejoiced, and boasted, [while] plundering mine heritage; because you exulted as calves in the grass, and pushed with the horn as bulls.
오직 그 목으로 바벨론 왕의 멍에를 메고 그를 섬기는 나라는 내가 그들을 그 땅에 머물러서 밭을 갈며 거기 거하게 하리라 하셨다 하라 여호와의 말이니라
12 Your mother is greatly ashamed; your mother that bore you for prosperity is confounded: [she is] the last of the nations, desolate,
내가 이 모든 말씀대로 유다 왕 시드기야에게 고하여 가로되 왕과 백성은 목으로 바벨론 왕의 멍에를 메고 그와 그 백성을 섬기소서 그리하면 살리이다
13 by reason of the Lord's anger: it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be all a desolation; and every one that passes through Babylon shall scowl, and they shall hiss at all her plague.
어찌하여 왕과 왕의 백성이 여호와께서 바벨론 왕을 섬기지 아니하는 나라에 대하여 하신 말씀같이 칼과 기근과 염병에 죽으려 하나이까?
14 Set yourselves in array against Babylon round about, all you that bend the bow; shoot at her, spare not your arrows,
왕과 백성에게 바벨론 왕을 섬기지 아니하리라 하는 선지자의 말을 듣지 마소서 그들은 거짓을 예언하나이다
15 and prevail against her: her hands are weakened, her bulwarks are fallen, and her wall is broken down: for it is vengeance from God: take vengeance upon her; as she has done, do to her.
여호와께서 말씀하시되 내가 그들을 보내지 아니하였거늘 그들이 내 이름으로 거짓을 예언하니 내가 너희를 몰아내며 너희와 너희에게 예언하는 선지자들을 멸망시키기에 이르리라 하셨나이다
16 Utterly destroy seed out of Babylon, [and] him that holds a sickle in time of harvest: for fear of the Grecian sword, they shall return every one to his people, and every one shall flee to his own land.
내가 또 제사장들과 그 모든 백성에게 고하여 가로되 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시되 여호와의 집 기구를 이제 바벨론에서 속히 돌려오리라고 너희에게 예언하는 선지자들의 말을 듣지 말라 이는 그들이 거짓을 예언함이니라 하셨나니
17 Israel is a wandering sheep; the lions have driven him out: the king of Assyria first devoured him, and afterward this king of Babylon [has gnawed] his bones.
너희는 그들을 듣지 말고 바벨론 왕을 섬기라 그리하면 살리라 어찌하여 이 성으로 황무지가 되게 하겠느냐
18 Therefore thus says the Lord; Behold, I [will] take vengeance on the king of Babylon, and upon his land, as I took vengeance on the king of Assyria.
만일 그들이 선지자이고 여호와의 말씀이 그들에게 있을진대 그들이 여호와의 집에와 유다 왕의 집에와 예루살렘에 남아 있는 기구가 바벨론으로 옮겨가지 않도록 만군의 여호와께 구하여야 할 것이니라
19 And I will restore Israel to his pasture, and he shall feed on Carmel and on mount Ephraim and in Galaad, and his soul shall be satisfied.
만군의 여호와께서 기둥들과 놋바다와 받침들과 및 이 성에 남아있는 기구에 대하여 이같이 말씀하시나니
20 In those days, and at that time, they shall seek for the iniquity of Israel, and there shall be none; and for the sins of Juda, and they shall not be found: for I will be merciful to them that are left
이것은 바벨론 왕 느부갓네살이 유다 왕 여호야김의 아들 여고니야와 유다와 예루살렘 모든 귀족을 예루살렘에서 바벨론으로 사로잡아 옮길 때에 취하지 아니하였던 것이라
21 on the land, says the Lord. Go up against it roughly, and against them that dwell on it: avenge, O sword, and destroy utterly, says the Lord, and do according to all that I command you.
만군의 여호와 이스라엘의 하나님이 여호와의 집에와 유다 왕의 집에와 예루살렘에 남아 있는 그 기구에 대하여 이같이 말씀하시되
22 A sound of war, and great destruction in the land of the Chaldeans!
그것들이 바벨론으로 옮김을 입고 내가 이것을 돌아보는 날까지 거기 있을 것이니라 그 후에 내가 그것을 옮겨 이 곳에 다시 두리라 여호와의 말이니라
23 How is the hammer of the whole earth broken and crushed! How is Babylon become a desolation amongst the nations!
24 They shall come upon you, and you shall not know it, Babylon, that you will even be taken captive: you are found and taken, because you did resist the Lord.
25 The Lord has opened his treasury, and brought forth the weapons of his anger: for the Lord God [has] a work in the land of the Chaldeans.
26 For her times are come: open you her storehouses: search her as a cave, and utterly destroy her: let there be no remnant of her.
27 Dry you up all her fruits, and let them go down to the slaughter: woe to them! for their day is come, and the time of their retribution.
28 A voice of men fleeing and escaping from the land of Babylon, to declare to Sion the vengeance [that comes] from the Lord our God.
29 Summon many against Babylon, [even] every one that bends the bow: camp against her round about; let no one of her [people] escape: render to her according to her works; according to all that she has done, do to her: for she has resisted the Lord, the Holy God of Israel.
30 Therefore shall her young men fall in the streets, and all her warriors shall be cast down, says the Lord.
31 Behold, I am against you the haughty one, says the Lord: for your day is come, and the time of your retribution.
32 And your pride shall fail, and fall, and there shall be no one to set it up again: and I will kindle a fire in her forest, and it shall devour all things round about her.
33 Thus says the Lord; The children of Israel and the children of Juda have been oppressed: all they that have taken them captive have oppressed them together; for they would not let them go.
34 But their Redeemer is strong; the Lord Almighty is his name: he will enter into judgement with his adversaries, that he may destroy the earth;
35 and he will sharpen a sword against the Chaldeans, and against the inhabitants of Babylon, and upon her nobles and upon her wise men;
36 a sword upon her warriors, and they shall be weakened: a sword upon their horses, and upon their chariots:
37 a sword upon their warriors and upon the mixed people in the midst of her; and they shall be as women: a sword upon the treasures, and they shall be scattered upon her water,
38 and they shall be ashamed: for it is a land of graven [images]; and in the islands, where they boasted.
39 Therefore shall idols dwell in the islands, and the young of monsters shall dwell in it: it shall not be inhabited any more for ever.
40 As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities bordering upon them, says the Lord: no man shall dwell there, and no son of man shall sojourn there.
41 Behold, a people comes from the north, and a great nation, and many kings shall be stirred up from the end of the earth; holding bow and dagger:
42 [the people] is fierce, and will have no mercy: their voices shall sound as the sea, they shall ride upon horses, prepared for war, like fire, against you, O daughter of Babylon.
43 The king of Babylon heard the sound of them, and his hands were enfeebled: anguish overcame him, pangs as of a woman in travail.
44 Behold, he shall come up as a lion from Jordan to Gaethan; for I will speedily drive them from her, and I will set all the youths against her: for who is like me? and who will resist me? and who is this shepherd who will stand before me?
45 Therefore hear you the counsel of the Lord, which he has taken against Babylon; and his devices, which he has devised upon the Chaldeans inhabiting [it]: surely lambs of their flock shall be destroyed: surely pasture shall be cut off from them.
46 For at the sound of the taking of Babylon the earth shall quake, and a cry shall be heard amongst the nations.