< Esias 52 >
1 Awake, awake, Sion; put on your strength, O Sion; and o you put on your glory, Jerusalem the holy city: there shall no more pass through you, the uncircumcised and unclean.
Uzmosties, uzmosties! Apvelc savu stiprumu, Ciāna! Apvelc savas goda drēbes, svētā pilsēta Jeruzāleme! Jo neviens, kas neapgraizīts un nešķīsts, pie tevis vairs nenāks.
2 Shake off the dust and arise; sit down, Jerusalem: put off the band of your neck, captive daughter of Sion.
Nokrati pīšļus, celies, apsēdies, Jeruzāleme! Atraisi sava kakla saites, apcietinātā Ciānas meita!
3 For thus says the Lord, You have been sold for nothing; and you shall not be ransomed with silver.
Jo tā saka Tas Kungs: jūs esat par velti pārdoti, jūs arī bez naudas tapsiet atpirkti.
4 Thus says the Lord, My people went down before to Egypt to sojourn there; and were carried away forcibly to the Assyrians.
Jo tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: vecos laikos Mani ļaudis nogāja uz Ēģipti, tur piemist, un Asurs tos bez vainas apbēdinājis.
5 And now why are you here? Thus says the Lord, Because my people was taken for nothing, wonder you and howl. Thus says the Lord, On account of you my name is continually blasphemed amongst the Gentiles.
Un nu, kas nu Man še? Saka Tas Kungs. Jo Mani ļaudis ir par velti atņemti, viņu pārvarētāji gavilē, saka Tas Kungs, un Mans Vārds top zaimots bez mitēšanās cauru dienu.
6 Therefore shall my people know my name in that day, for I am he that speaks: I am present,
Tādēļ Mani ļaudis Manu Vārdu pazīs tai dienā, ka Es tas esmu, kas saka: še Es esmu.
7 as a season of beauty upon the mountains, as the feet of one preaching glad tidings of peace, as one preaching good news: for I will publish your salvation, saying, O Sion, your God shall reign.
Cik jaukas ir uz kalniem prieka vēstnešu kājas, kas sludina mieru, sola labumu, sludina pestīšanu un uz Ciānu saka: tavs Dievs ir ķēniņš!
8 For the voice of them that guard you is exalted, and with the voice together they shall rejoice: for eyes shall look to eyes, when the Lord shall have mercy upon Sion.
Klau, tavu sargu balss! Tie paceļ balsi un gavilē visi, jo tie acīm redz, ka Tas Kungs Ciānu atkal ved atpakaļ.
9 Let the waste places of Jerusalem break forth [in] joy together, because the Lord has had mercy upon her, and has delivered Jerusalem.
Sauciet, gavilējiet, visas Jeruzālemes mūru drupas, jo Tas Kungs Savus ļaudis ir iepriecinājis, Viņš Jeruzālemi atpestījis.
10 And the Lord shall reveal his holy arm in the sight of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation that [comes] from our God.
Tas Kungs ir atsedzis Savu svēto elkoni priekš visu pagānu acīm, un visas zemes gali redzēs mūsu Dieva pestīšanu.
11 Depart you, depart, go out from thence, and touch not the unclean thing; go you out from the midst of her; separate yourselves, you that bear the vessels of the Lord.
Ārā, ārā, izejiet no turienes ārā, neaizskariet nešķīstu, ejat ārā no viņu vidus, šķīstaties, kas Tā Kunga rīkus nesat.
12 For you shall not go forth with tumult, neither go by flight: for the Lord shall go first in advance of you; and the God of Israel shall be he that brings up your rear.
Neizejat steigšus un neejat projām bēgšus, jo Tas Kungs ies jūsu priekšā, un jums pakaļ ies Israēla Dievs.
13 Behold, my servant shall understand, and be exalted, and glorified exceedingly.
Redzi, Mans kalps darīs prātīgi, viņš būs paaugstināts un augsti celts un ļoti augsti turēts.
14 As many shall be amazed at you, so shall your face be without glory from men, and your glory [shall not be honoured] by the sons of men.
Kā daudz tevis dēļ ir iztrūkušies, - tik nejauks bija viņa vaigs un ne pēc cilvēka, un viņa ģīmis ne pēc cilvēka bērniem, -
15 Thus shall many nations wonder at him; and kings shall keep their mouths shut: for they to whom no report was brought concerning him, shall see; and they who have not heard, shall consider.
Tā viņš iztrūcinās daudz tautas, un ķēniņi saturēs savu muti viņa priekšā. Jo kam par to nebija sludināts, tie to redzēs, un kas to nebija dzirdējuši, tie to samanīs.