< Esias 32 >
1 For, behold, a righteous king shall reign, and princes shall govern with judgement.
Ecce in iustitia regnabit rex, et principes in iudicio praeerunt.
2 And a man shall hide his words, and be hidden, as from rushing water, and shall appear in Sion as a rushing river, glorious in a thirsty land.
Et erit vir sicut qui absconditur a vento, et celat se a tempestate, sicut rivi aquarum in siti, et umbra petrae prominentis in terra deserta.
3 And they shall no more trust in men, but they shall incline their ears to hear.
Non caligabunt oculi videntium, et aures audientium diligenter auscultabunt.
4 And the heart of the weak ones shall attend to hear, and the stammering tongues shall soon learn to speak peace.
Et cor stultorum intelliget scientiam, et lingua balborum velociter loquetur et plane.
5 And they shall no more at all tell a fool to rule, and your servants shall no more at all say, Be silent.
Non vocabitur ultra is, qui insipiens est, princeps: neque fraudulentus appellabitur maior:
6 For the fool shall speak foolish words, and his heart shall meditate vanities, and to perform lawless deeds and to speak error against the Lord, to scatter hungry souls, and he will cause the thirsty souls to be empty.
stultus enim fatua loquetur, et cor eius faciet iniquitatem, ut perficiat simulationem, et loquatur ad Dominum fraudulenter, et vacuam faciat animam esurientis, et potum sitienti auferat.
7 For the counsel of the wicked will devise iniquity, to destroy the poor with unjust words, and ruin the cause of the poor in judgement.
Fraudulenti vasa pessima sunt: ipse enim cogitationes concinnavit ad perdendos mites in sermone mendacii, cum loqueretur pauper iudicium.
8 But the godly have devised wise [measures], and this counsel shall stand.
Princeps vero ea, quae digna sunt principe, cogitabit, et ipse super duces stabit.
9 Rise up, you rich women, and hear my voice; you confident daughters, listen to my words.
Mulieres opulentae surgite, et audite vocem meam: filiae confidentes percipite auribus eloquium meum.
10 Remember for a full year in pain, yet with hope: the vintage has been cut off; it has ceased, it shall by no means come again.
Post dies enim, et annum vos conturbabimini confidentes: consummata est enim vindemia, collectio ultra non veniet.
11 Be amazed, be pained, you confident ones: strip you, bare yourselves, gird your loins;
Obstupescite opulentae, conturbamini confidentes: exuite vos, et confundimini, accingite lumbos vestros.
12 and beat your breasts, because of the pleasant field, and the fruit of the vine.
Super ubera plangite, super regione desiderabili, super vinea fertili.
13 [As for] the land of my people, the thorn and grass shall come upon [it], and joy shall be removed from every house.
Super humum populi mei spinae et vepres ascendent: quanto magis super omnes domos gaudii civitatis exultantis?
14 [As for] the rich city, the houses are deserted; they shall abandon the wealth of the city, [and] the pleasant houses: and the villages shall be caves for ever, the joy of wild asses, shepherds' pastures;
Domus enim dimissa est, multitudo urbis relicta est, tenebrae et palpatio factae sunt super speluncas usque in aeternum. Gaudium onagrorum pascua gregum,
15 until the Spirit shall come upon you from on high, and Chermel shall be desert, and Chermel shall be counted for a forest.
donec effundatur super nos spiritus de excelso: et erit desertum in charmel, et charmel in saltum reputabitur.
16 Then judgement shall abide in the wilderness, and righteousness shall dwell in Carmel.
Et habitabit in solitudine iudicium, et iustitia in charmel sedebit.
17 And the works of righteousness shall be peace; and righteousness shall ensure rest, and [the righteous] shall be confident for ever.
Et erit opus iustitiae pax, et cultus iustitiae silentium, et securitas usque in sempiternum.
18 And his people shall inhabit a city of peace, and dwell in [it] in confidence, and they shall rest with wealth.
Et sedebit populus meus in pulchritudine pacis, et in tabernaculis fiduciae, et in requie opulenta.
19 And if the hail should come down, it shall not come upon you; and they that dwell in the forests shall be in confidence, as those in the plain country.
Grando autem in descensione saltus, et humilitate humiliabitur civitas.
20 Blessed are they that sow by every water, where the ox and ass tread.
Beati, qui seminatis super omnes aquas, immittentes pedem bovis et asini.