< Esias 25 >
1 O Lord God, I will glorify you, I will sing to your name; for you have done wonderful things, [even] an ancient [and] faithful counsel. So be it.
Yahwe wewe ni Mungu wangu; nitakutukuza wewe, nitalisifu jina lako; maana umetenda matendo ya ajabu, mambo uliyoyapanga toka zamaini, kwa uaminifu na ukamilifu.
2 For you have made cities a heap, [even] cities [made] strong that their foundations should not fall: the city of ungodly men shall not be built for ever.
Maana umeufanya mji kuwa chungu, ngome ya mji, uharibifu na ngome ya wageni kuwa si mji.
3 Therefore shall the poor people bless you, and cities of injured men shall bless you.
Hivyo basi watu wenye nguvu watakutukuza wewe; na mji waishio watu wasio na ukatili watakuogopa wewe.
4 For you have been a helper to every lowly city, and a shelter to them that were disheartened by reason of poverty: you shall deliver them from wicked men: [you have been] a shelter of them that thirst, and a refreshing air to injured men.
Maana umekuwa katika eneo salama kwa aliye masikni, makazi kwa mhitaji ambaye yuko kwenye dhiki- makazi kwa aliyeko kwenye dhoruba na kivuli kwa aliyeko kwenye jua. Pale punzi ya watu wakatili imekuwa kama dhoruba dhidi ya ukuta,
5 [We were] as faint-hearted men thirsting in Sion, by reason of ungodly men to whom you did deliver us.
na jua kwenye aridhi kavu, na watazuia kelele za wageni, kama vile jua linavyozuiliwa na kivuli cha mawingu, hivyo basi nyimbo wasio na makosa zimejibiwa.
6 And the Lord of hosts shall make [a feast] for all the nations: on this mount they shall drink gladness, they shall drink wine:
Katika mlima huu Yahwe wa majeshi atafanya kwa watu sikukuu ya ya vitu vilivyonona, na mvinyo uliochaguliwa, zabuni ya nyama na sikuku juu ya sira.
7 they shall anoint themselves with ointment in this mountain. Impart you all these things to the nations; for this is [God's] counsel upon all the nations.
Na katika mlima huu atauharibu mfuniko uliowekwa juu watu wote, na mtandao wa kusuka juu ya mataifa.
8 Death has prevailed and swallowed [men] up; but again the Lord God has taken away every tear from every face. He has taken away the reproach of [his] people from all the earth: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.
Atameza kifo daima, na Bwana Yahwe atayafuta machozi katika nyuso zetu; na aibu ya watu wake itatupwa mbali kutoka duniani kote, maana Yahwe amesema hivyo.
9 And in that day they shall say, behold our God in whom we have trusted, and he shall save us: this [is] the Lord; we have waited for him, and we have exulted, and will rejoice in our salvation.
Yatazungumzwa katika siku hiyo, ''Huyu ni Mungu wetu; na tunayemngoja, na atatuokoa. Huyu ni Yahwe; tuliyemngoja, tutafurahia na kushangilia wokovu wake.''
10 God will give rest on this mountain, and the country of Moab shall be trodden down, as they tread the floor with waggons.
Maana katika mlima huu mkono wa Bwana utashuka; na Moabu itakanyagwakangwa chini kwenye eneo lake, na hata majani yatakanyagwakanyagwa chini katika shimo lililojaa mbolea.
11 And he shall spread forth his hands, even as he also brings down [man] to destroy [him]: and he shall bring low his pride [in regard to the thing] on which he has laid his hands.
Wataitawnya mikono yao katikati yao, kama vile mpiga mbizi atawanyavyo mikono yake wakati akipiga mbizi. Lakini Bwana atashusha kiburi chao chini japo kuwa na ujuzi katika mikono yao.
12 And he shall bring down the height of the refuge of the wall, and it shall come down even to the ground.
Na ataiangusha chini kwenye aridhi kuta za ngome, kwenye mavumbi.