< Esias 21 >

1 THE VISION OF THE DESERT. As though a whirlwind should pass through the desert, coming from a desert, [even] from such a land,
समुद्र नजिकको मरुभूमिको बारेमा एउटा घोषणा । नेगेवमा चल्ने आँधीहुरी जस्तै मरुभूमि र डरलाग्‍दो देशबाट यो आउँछ ।
2 [so] a fearful and a grievous vision was declared to me: he that is treacherous deals treacherously, the transgressor transgresses. The Elamites are upon me, and the ambassadors of the Persians come against me: now will I groan and comfort myself.
मलाई एउटा कष्‍टप्रद दर्शन दिइएको छः “धोकेबाजले धोकापुर्ण किसिमले काम गर्छ र विनाश गर्नेले विनाश गर्छ । ए एलाम, माथि जा र आक्रमण गर् । ए मादी घेरा हाल् । त्यसको सबै शोकलाई म रोक्‍नेछु ।
3 Therefore are my loins filled with feebleness, and pangs have seized me as a travailing woman: I dealt wrongfully that I might not hear; I hasted that I might not see.
यसकारण मेरो कमर दुखेको छ । स्‍त्रीको प्रसव पीडाजस्‍तो पीडाले मलाई समातेको छ । मैले जे सुनेको छु त्यसद्वारा म झुकेको छु । मैले जे देखेको छु सोद्वारा म व्याकुल भएको छु ।
4 My heart wanders, and transgression overwhelms me; my soul is occupied with fear.
मेरो मुटु धड्कन्छ । म डरले काँप्छु । मैले साँझको इच्छा गरें, तर त्‍यसले ममा त्रास ल्यायो ।
5 Prepare the table, eat, drink: arise, you princes, and prepare [your] shields.
तिनीहरू टेबल तयार गर्छन्, तिनीहतरू राडी ओछ्याउँछन्, अनि खान्छन् र पिउँछन् । ए शासकहरू उठ, आफ्‍ना ढालहरूमा तेल लगाओ ।
6 For thus said the Lord to me, Go and station a watchman for yourself, and declare whatever you shall see.
किनकि परमप्रभुले मलाई यसो भन्‍नुभयो, “जा, एक जना पहरेदार राख । उसले जे देख्‍छ सो बताउनुपर्छ ।
7 And I saw two mounted horsemen, and a rider on an ass, and a rider on a camel.
जब उसले एउटा रथ, एक जोडी घोडचढी, गधामाथि चढ्नेहरू र उँटमाथि चढ्नेहरू देख्छ, तब उसले ध्यान दिनुपर्छ र निकै सजग हुनुपर्छ ।”
8 Listen with great attention, and call you Urias to the watch-tower: the Lord has spoken. I stood continually during the day, and I stood in the camp all night:
पहरेदार कराउँछ, “हे परमप्रभु, म दिनभरि, हरेक दिन पहरा बस्‍ने धरहरमाथि बस्छु, अनि आफ्‍नो अखडामा म रातभरि खडा रहन्छु ।”
9 and, behold, he comes riding in a chariot and pair: and he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all her images and her idols have been crushed to the ground.
यहाँ एक जना मानिस र एक जोडी घोडचढी लिएर एउटा रथ आउँछ । उसले भन्छ, “बेबिलोनको पतन भएको छ, पतन भएको छ र यसका कुँदेका सबै देवताहरूका मूर्तीहरू जमिनमा चकनाचूर भएका छन् ।”
10 Hear, you that are left, and you that are in pain, hear what things I have heard of the Lord of hosts [which] the God of Israel has declared to us. THE VISION OF IDUMEA.
ए मेरा चुटिएका र निफनिएकाहरू हो, मेरा खलाका सन्तानहरू हो! सर्वशक्तिमान् परमप्रभु इस्राएलका परमेश्‍वरबाट मैले जे सुनेको छु सो मैले तिमीहरूलाई घोषणा गरेको छु ।
11 Call to me out of Seir; guard you the bulwarks.
दुमाको बारेमा एउटा घोषणा । कसैले मलाई सेइरबाट बोलाउँछ, “ए पहरेदार, रात कति बाँकी छ? ए पहरेदार, रात कति बाँकी छ?”
12 I watch in the morning and the night: if you would enquire, enquire, and dwell by me.
पहरेदारले भन्‍यो, “बिहान आउँछ र रात पनि आउँछ । तिमीलाई सोध्‍नुछ भने सोध । अनि फेरि फेर्केर आऊ ।”
13 You may lodge in the forest in the evening, or in the way of Daedan.
अरब देशको बारेमा एउटा घोषणा । तिमीहरू ददानीहरूका यात्री दलहरूले अरबको मरुभूमिमा रात बिताओ ।
14 You that dwell in the country of Thaeman, bring water to meet him that is thirsty;
तिर्खाउनेहरूका निम्ति पानी ल्याओ । ए तेमा देशका बासिन्दाहरू, रोटी लिएर भगौडाहरूलाई भेट ।
15 meet the fugitives with bread, because of the multitude of the slain, and because of the multitude of them that lose their way, and because of the multitude of swords, and because of the multitude of bent bows, and because of the multitude of them that have fallen in war.
किनकि तिनीहरू तरवार, थुतेको तरवाट, ताँदो चढाएको धनुबाट र युद्धको भारबाट भागेका छन् ।
16 For thus said the Lord to me, Yet a year, as the year of an hireling, [and] the glory of the sons of Kedar shall fail:
किनकि परमप्रभुले मलाई यसो भन्‍नुभयो, “एक वर्षभित्रमा नै ज्यालामा लिइएको श्रमिकले यो देख्‍नेछ, केदारको सारा गौरवको अन्‍त हुनेछ ।
17 and the remnant of the strong bows of the sons of Kedar shall be small: for the Lord God of Israel has spoken [it].
केदारका धनुर्धारी अर्थात् योद्धाहरूमध्ये केही मात्र रहेनेछन्,” किनकि परमप्रभु इस्राएलका परमेश्‍वरले यसो भन्‍नुभएको छ ।

< Esias 21 >