< Esias 16 >

1 I will send as it were reptiles on the land: is [not] the mount of the daughter of Sion a desolate rock?
उजाड-स्‍थानको सेलाको देशबाट सियोन पर्वतको छोरीको शासकलाई थुमाहरू पठाओ ।
2 For you shall be as a young bird taken away from a bird that has flown: [even] you shall be [so], daughter of Moab: and then do you, O Arnon,
जसरी चराहरू भौंतारिन्‍छन् र जसरी गुँड छरपष्‍ट पारिन्‍छ, मोआबका स्‍त्रीहरू अर्नोनका जाँघारहरूमा तेस्‍तै भएका छन् ।
3 take farther counsel, and continually make you a shelter from grief: they flee in darkness at mid-day; they are amazed; be not you led captive.
“निर्देशन दओ, न्याय गर । मध्य दिनमा पनि रातको जस्तै केही सितलता प्रदान गर । भगौडाहरूलाई लुकाओ । भगौडाहरूलाई धोका नदेओ ।
4 The fugitives of Moab shall sojourn with you; they shall be to you a shelter from the face of the pursuer: for your alliance has been taken away, and the oppressing ruler has perished from off the earth.
मोआबबाट आएका शरणार्थीहरू तिमीहरूको माझमा बसोवास गरून् । विनाश गर्नेबाट तिनीहरूका निम्ति लुक्‍ने ठाउँ होओ ।” किनकि अत्याचार रोकिनेछ, र विनाश अन्त हुनेछ, कुल्चनेहरू देशबाट लोप भएर जानेछन् ।
5 And a throne shall be established with mercy; and one shall sit upon it with truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and earnestly seeking judgements, and hasting righteousness.
करारको विश्‍वस्ततामा सिंहासनलाई स्थापित गरिनेछ । अनि दाऊदको पालबाट आएका एक जना विश्‍वस्‍ततासाथ त्यसमा विराजमान हुनुहुनेछ । उहाँले न्‍यायको खोजी गर्नुहुँदा र धार्मिकतासाथ व्‍यवहार गर्नुहुँदा उहाँले इन्‍साफ गर्नुहुनेछ ।
6 We have heard of the pride of Moab; he is very proud. I have cut off his pride: your prophecy shall not be thus, [no] not thus.
मोआबको घमण्ड, त्यसको अहङ्कार र त्यसको रिसको बारेमा हामीले सुनेका छौं । तर त्यसका घमण्डहरू खोक्रा शब्दहरू हुन् ।
7 Moab shall howl; for all shall howl in the land of Moab: but you shall care for them that dwell in Seth, and you shall not be ashamed.
त्यसैले मोआबले मोआबको निम्ति विलाप गर्नेछ— तिनीहरू सबैले विलाप गर्नेछन् । कीर-हरेशेतको किशमिशको झुप्‍पाको निम्‍ति पुर्ण रूपमा विनाश भएकाहरूले विलाप गर ।
8 The plains of Esebon shall mourn, the vine of Sebama: swallowing up the nations, trample you her vines, even to Jazer: you shall not come together; wander you in the desert: they that were sent are deserted, for they have gone over to the sea.
हेश्बोनका खेतहरू साथै सिब्माका दाखहरू सुकेका छन् । याजेरमा पुगेको र मरुभूमिमा फैलिएको उत्तम दाखहरूलाई, जातिहरूका शासकहरूले कुल्चेका छन् । त्‍यसका टुसाहरू बाहिर देशमा फैलिए । ती समुद्रमाथि गए ।
9 Therefore will I weep as with the weeping of Jazer for the vine of Sebama; Esebon and Eleale have cast down your trees; for I will trample on your harvest and on your vintages, and all [your plants] shall fall.
साँच्‍चै, सिब्माको दाखबारीको निम्ति म याजेरसँगै रुनेछु । ए हेश्बोन र एलाले, मेरो आँसुले म तँलाई भिजाउनेछु । किनकि तेरो गृष्मका फलहरू र कटनीको आनन्दको आवाजलाई मैले अन्त गरेको छु ।
10 And gladness and rejoicing shall be taken away from the vineyards; and they shall not at all tread wine into the vats; for [the vintage] has ceased.
फलका रूखहरूबाट खुसी र आनन्द लुटिएको छ । अनि दाखबारीमा कुनै किसिमको गीत वा आवाज छैन । दाखको कोलमा कसैले पनि दाख पेल्दैन, किनकि दाख पाल्‍नेहरूको आवाज मैले अन्त गरेको छु ।
11 Therefore my belly shall sound as a harp for Moab, and you have repaired my inward parts as a wall.
त्यसैले मेरो हृदयले मोआबको निम्ति र मेरो अन्तस्करणले कीर-हरेशेतको निम्ति वीणाले झैं सुस्केरा हाल्छ ।
12 And it shall be to your shame, (for Moab is wearied at the altars, ) that he shall go in to the idols thereof to pray, but they shall not be at all able to deliver him.
जब मोआबले आफूलाई उच्‍च स्थानमा थकित बनाउँछ र प्रार्थना गर्न आफ्‍नो मन्दिरमा प्रवेश गर्छ, त्यसको प्रार्थनाले केही काम गर्नेछैन ।
13 This is the word which the Lord spoke against Moab, when he spoke.
परमप्रभुले मोआबको बारेमा पहिले नै बोल्नुभएको वचन यही हो ।
14 And now I say, in three years, of the years of an hireling, the glory of Moab shall be dishonoured [with] all his great wealth; and he shall be left few in number, and not honoured.
फेरि परमप्रभु भन्‍नुहुन्छ, “मोआबको गौरव तिन वर्षभित्र हराउनेछ । त्यसको धेरै मानिहरू भए पनि बाँकी रहेकाहरू अति थोरै र नगण्य हुनेछन् ।”

< Esias 16 >