< Esias 15 >
1 THE WORD AGAINST THE LAND OF MOAB. By night the land of Moab shall be destroyed; for by night the wall of the land of Moab shall be destroyed.
论摩押的默示: 一夜之间,摩押的亚珥变为荒废, 归于无有; 一夜之间,摩押的基珥变为荒废, 归于无有。
2 Grieve for yourselves; for even Debon, where your altar is, shall be destroyed: there shall you go up to weep, over Nabau of the land of Moab: howl you: baldness shall be on every head, [and] all arms [shall be] wounded.
他们上巴益,又往底本, 到高处去哭泣。 摩押人因尼波和米底巴哀号, 各人头上光秃, 胡须剃净。
3 Gird yourselves with sackcloth in her streets: and lament upon her roofs, and in her streets, and in her ways; howl all of you with weeping.
他们在街市上都腰束麻布, 在房顶上和宽阔处俱各哀号, 眼泪汪汪。
4 For Esebon and Eleale have cried: their voice was heard to Jassa: therefore the loins of the region of Moab cry aloud; her soul shall know.
希实本和以利亚利悲哀的声音达到雅杂, 所以摩押带兵器的高声喊嚷, 人心战兢。
5 The heart of the region of Moab cries within her to Segor; for it is [as] a heifer of three years old: and on the ascent of Luith they shall go up to you weeping by the way of Aroniim: she cries, Destruction, and trembling.
我心为摩押悲哀; 他的贵胄逃到琐珥, 到伊基拉·施利施亚。 他们上鲁希坡,随走随哭; 在何罗念的路上,因毁灭举起哀声。
6 The water of Nemerim shall be desolate, and the grass thereof shall fail: for there shall be no green grass.
因为宁林的水成为干涸, 青草枯干,嫩草灭没, 青绿之物,一无所有。
7 Shall [Moab] even thus be delivered? for I [will] bring the Arabians upon the valley, and they shall take it.
因此,摩押人所得的财物 和所积蓄的都要运过柳树河。
8 For the cry has reached the border of the region of Moab, [even] of Agalim; and her howling [has gone] as far as the well of Aelim.
哀声遍闻摩押的四境; 哀号的声音达到以基莲; 哀号的声音达到比珥·以琳。
9 And the water of Dimon shall be filled with blood: for I will bring Arabians upon Dimon, and I will take away the seed of Moab, and Ariel, and the remnant of Adama.
底们的水充满了血; 我还要加增底们的灾难, 叫狮子来追上摩押逃脱的民 和那地上所余剩的人。