< Osee 8 >

1 [He shall come] into their midst as the land, as an eagle against the house of the Lord, because they have transgressed my covenant, and have sinned against my law.
Liec bazūni pie savas mutes; Viņš nāk kā ērglis pret Tā Kunga namu, tādēļ ka tie Manu derību pārlauzuši un no Manas bauslības atkāpušies.
2 They shall soon cry out to me, [saying], O God, we know you.
Tad tie uz Mani kliegs: mans Dievs! Mēs, Israēls, mēs Tevi pazīstam.
3 For Israel has turned away from good things; they have pursued an enemy.
Israēls atmet labu, ienaidnieks viņu vajās.
4 They have made kings for themselves, but not by me: they have ruled, but they did not make it known to me: [of] their silver and their gold they have made images to themselves, that they might be destroyed.
Tie ieceļ ķēniņus, bet bez Manis; tie ieceļ virsniekus, bet Es tos nepazīstu, no sava sudraba un no sava zelta tie sev taisa dievekļus, lai tas top izdeldēts.
5 Cast off your calf, O Samaria; mine anger is kindled against them: how long will they be unable to purge themselves in Israel?
Tavs teļš, Samarija, ir riebīgs; Mana dusmība pār tiem iedegusies, - cik ilgi tie nevar palikt nenoziedzīgi?
6 Whereas the workman made it, and it is not God; therefore your calf, Samaria, was a deceiver:
Jo arī tas ir no Israēla, kalējs to ir taisījis, un tas nav nekāds dievs; tāpēc Samarijas teļš taps par gruvešiem.
7 for they sowed blighted [seed], and their destruction shall await them, a sheaf of corn that avails not to make meal; and even if it should produce it, strangers shall devour it.
Jo tie sēj vēju un pļaus auku; viņu druvas necelsies, un kas izplaukst, tas nedos miltus, un jebšu tas ko dotu, tomēr sveši to aprīs.
8 Israel is swallowed up: now is he become amongst the nations as a worthless vessel.
Israēls top aprīts; tie ir starp pagāniem kā trauks, ko neviens negrib,
9 For they have gone up to the Assyrians: Ephraim has been strengthened against himself; they loved gifts.
Tāpēc ka tie skrien pie Asura, kā meža ēzelis, kas skrien par sevi; Efraīms sader drauģeļus par maksu.
10 Therefore shall they be delivered to the nations: now I will receive them, and they shall cease a little to anoint a king and princes.
Kad tie nu saderās(nolīgst sabiedrotos) starp pagāniem, tad tūlīt arī es tos sapulcināšu, un tiem drīz uzies raizes no tā valdnieku ķēniņa nastas.
11 Because Ephraim has multiplied altars, [his] beloved altars are become sins to him.
Jo Efraīms ir vairojis altārus par apgrēkošanos, viņam altāri palikuši par apgrēkošanos.
12 I will write down a multitude [of commands] for him; but his statutes are accounted strange things, [even] the beloved altars.
Es tam uzrakstīju lielu pulku savu baušļu, bet tie tapa turēti kā sveša lieta.
13 For if they should offer a sacrifice, and eat flesh, the lord will not accept them: now will he remember their iniquities, and will take vengeance on their sins: they have returned to Egypt, and they shall eat unclean things amongst the Assyrians.
Par upuru dāvanu tie gan gaļu upurē un to ēd, bet Tam Kungam nav labs prāts pie tiem; un Viņš pieminēs viņu noziegumus un piemeklēs viņu grēkus; tie griežas atpakaļ uz Ēģipti.
14 And Israel has forgotten him that made him, and they have built fanes, and Juda has multiplied walled cities: but I will send fire on his cities, and it shall devour their foundations.
Jo Israēls ir aizmirsis savu Radītāju un cēlis pilis, un Jūda vairo stipras pilsētas, bet Es sūtīšu uguni viņu pilsētās, tas aprīs viņu pilis.

< Osee 8 >