< Genesis 29 >
1 And Jacob started and went to the land of the east to Laban, the son of Bathuel the Syrian, and the brother of Rebecca, mother of Jacob and Esau.
Yacquubna sodcaalkiisii buu iska sii watay, oo wuxuu yimid dalkii reer bari.
2 And he looks, and behold! a well in the plain; and there were there three flocks of sheep resting at it, for out of that well they watered the flocks, but there was a great stone at the mouth of the well.
Kolkaasuu wax fiiriyey, oo wuxuu arkay ceel berrinka ku dhex yaal, oo waxaa joogay saddex qaybood oo ido ah oo agtiisa jiifjiifa, maxaa yeelay, ceelkaasay idaha ka waraabin jireen. Dhagaxa ceelka afkiisa saarnaana aad buu u weynaa.
3 And there were all the flocks gathered, and they used to roll away the stone from the mouth of the well, and water the flocks, and set the stone again in its place on the mouth of the well.
Oo halkaasaa idaha oo dhan lagu soo ururin jiray: kolkaasay dhagaxa ceelka afkiisa ka rogi jireen, oo idaha ka waraabin jireen, markaasay mar labaad dhagaxa ceelka afkiisa saari jireen oo ku celin jireen meeshiisii.
4 And Jacob said to them, Brethren, whence are you? and they said, We are of Charrhan.
Markaasaa Yacquub ku yidhi, Walaalahayow, xaggaad ka timaadeen? Iyana waxay yidhaahdeen, Waxaannu ka nimid Haaraan.
5 And he said to them, Know you Laban, the son of Nachor? and they said, We do know [him].
Markaasuu ku yidhi, Ma taqaaniin Laabaan oo ah ina Naaxoor? Markaasay ku yidhaahdeen, Waannu naqaan.
6 And he said to them, Is he well? And they said, He is well. And behold Rachel his daughter came with the sheep.
Markaasuu ku yidhi, Ma nabad qabaa? Iyana waxay yidhaahdeen, Haah, wuu nabad qabaa. Waa taas gabadhiisii Raaxeel idaha soo kaxaynaysa.
7 And Jacob said, it is yet high day, it is not yet time that the flocks be gathered together; water you the flocks, and depart and feed them.
Oo wuxuu ku yidhi iyagii, Bal eega, weli waa maalin weyn, mana aha goortii xoolaha la soo wada ururin lahaa. Idaha waraabiya, oo kaxeeya oo daajiya.
8 And they said, We shall not be able, until all the shepherds be gathered together, and they shall roll away the stone from the mouth of the well, then we will water the flocks.
Iyana waxay yidhaahdeen, Ma yeeli karno taas, jeeray idoyowga oo dhammu isu yimaadaan, oo dhagaxa ceelka afkiisa laga rogo; markaasaannu idaha waraabinaynaa.
9 While he was yet speaking to them, behold, Rachel the daughter of Laban came with her father's sheep, for she fed the sheep of her father.
Oo intuu weli la hadlayay ayaa Raaxeel keentay idihii aabbeheed, waayo, iyadaa ilaalin jirtay.
10 And it came to pass when Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban, his mother's brother, and the sheep of Laban, his mother's brother, that Jacob came and rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well, and watered the sheep of Laban, his mother's brother.
Oo Yacquub markuu arkay Raaxeel oo ahayd gabadhii abtigiis Laabaan, iyo idihii abtigiis Laabaan, ayuu u dhowaaday, oo dhagaxii ka rogay ceelka afkiisa, oo uu waraabiyey idihii abtigiis Laabaan.
11 And Jacob kissed Rachel, and cried with a loud voice and wept.
Markaasuu Yacquub Raaxeel dhunkaday, wuuna qayliyey oo ooyay.
12 And he told Rachel that he was the near relative of her father, and the son of Rebecca; and she ran and reported to her father according to these words.
Yacquubna wuxuu Raaxeel u sheegay inuu yahay aabbeheed xigaalkiis, oo uu yahay wiilkii Rebeqah; kolkaasay orodday oo u sheegtay aabbeheed.
13 And it came to pass when Laban heard the name of Jacob, his sister's son, he ran to meet him, and embraced and kissed him, and brought him into his house; and he told Laban all these sayings.
Oo Laabaan markuu maqlay warkii Yacquub oo ahaa wiilkii walaashiis ayuu ku orday inuu ka hor tago, markaasuu isku duubay, oo dhunkaday, oo uu gurigiisii keenay. Isna wuxuu Laabaan u sheegay waxyaalahan oo dhan.
14 And Laban said to him, You are of my bones and of my flesh; and he was with him a full month.
Laabaanna wuxuu ku yidhi isagii, Hubaal waxaad tahay laftayda iyo jidhkayga. Wuxuuna la joogay isagii intii bil ah.
15 And Laban said to Jacob, Surely you shall not serve me for nothing, because you are my brother; tell me what your reward is to be.
Markaasaa Laabaan Yacquub ku yidhi, Walaalkayga aad tahay aawadeed ma habboon tahay inaad mushahaarola'aan iigu shaqaysid? Bal ii sheeg, mushahaaradaadu maxay ahaan doontaa?
16 Now Laban had two daughters, the name of the elder was Lea, and the name of the younger, Rachel.
Laabaanna wuxuu lahaa laba gabdhood: midda weyn magaceedu wuxuu ahaa Lee'ah, tan yar magaceeduna wuxuu ahaa Raaxeel.
17 And the eyes of Lea were weak. But Rachel was beautiful in appearance, and exceedingly fair in countenance.
Lee'ahna way indha darnayd, laakiinse Raaxeel way quruxsanayd, suurad wanaagsanna way lahayd.
18 And Jacob loved Rachel, and said, I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel.
Yacquubna wuxuu jeclaa Raaxeel; markaasuu yidhi, Toddoba sannadood baan kuugu shaqayn gabadhaada yar oo Raaxeel ah.
19 And Laban said to him, [It is] better that I should give her to you, than that I should give her to another man; dwell with me.
Laabaanna wuxuu yidhi, Waa wanaagsan tahay inaan adiga ku siiyo intii aan iyada nin kale siin lahaa, ee ila joog.
20 And Jacob served for Rachel seven years, and they were before him as a few days, by reason of his loving her.
Yacquubna toddoba sannadood buu u shaqaynayay Raaxeel aawadeed; waxayna la ahaayeen maalmo yar, waana jacaylkii uu iyada u qabay aawadiis.
21 And Jacob said to Laban, Give me my wife, for my days are fulfilled, that I may go in to her.
Yacquubna wuxuu Laabaan ku yidhi, Maalmahaygii way dhammaystirmeen; ee naagtayda i sii, si aan ugu tago iyada.
22 And Laban gathered together all the men of the place, and made a marriage-feast.
Markaasuu Laabaan soo ururiyey nimankii meeshaas joogay oo dhan, oo wuxuu sameeyey diyaafad.
23 And it was even, and he took his daughter Lea, and brought her in to Jacob, and Jacob went in to her.
Oo waxay noqotay inuu fiidkii kaxeeyey gabadhiisii Lee'ah, oo uu u geeyey isagii; isna wuu u tegey iyadii.
24 And Laban gave to his daughter Lea, Zelpha his handmaid, as a handmaid for her.
Laabaanna wuxuu gabadhiisii Lee'ah siiyey Silfah oo isaga addoon u ahayd inay iyada addoon u noqoto.
25 And it was morning, and behold it was Lea; and Jacob said to Laban, What is this that you have done to me? did I not serve you for Rachel? and therefore have you deceived me?
Yacquubna wuxuu aroortii arkay inay tahay Lee'ah, oo wuxuu Laabaan ku yidhi, Waa maxay waxan aad igu samaysay? Miyaanan Raaxeel kuugu shaqaynayn? De maxaad haddaba ii khiyaanaysay?
26 And Laban answered, It is not done thus in our country, to give the younger before the elder.
Laabaanna wuxuu yidhi, Dhulkayaga sidaas laguma sameeyo in tan yar curadda la dhaafiyo.
27 Fulfil then her sevens, and I will give to you her also in return for your labour, which you labour with me, yet seven other years.
Bal tan toddobaadkeeda dhammee, tan kalena waxaannu kugu siin doonnaa shuqulka aad toddoba sannadood oo kale ii shaqayn doontid.
28 And Jacob did so, and fulfilled her sevens; and Laban gave him his daughter Rachel to wife.
Yacquubna sidii buu yeelay, toddobaadkeediina wuu dhammeeyey. Markaasuu Laabaan Yacquub siiyey gabadhiisii Raaxeel inay naag u noqoto.
29 And Laban gave to his daughter his handmaid Balla, for a handmaid to her.
Laabaanna wuxuu gabadhiisii Raaxeel siiyey Bilhah oo isaga addoon u ahayd inay iyada addoon u noqoto.
30 And he went in to Rachel; and he loved Rachel more than Lea; and he served him seven other years.
Oo Raaxeelna wuu u tegey, oo isna Raaxeel aad buu uga jeclaa Lee'ah, toddoba sannadood oo kalena wuu u shaqeeyey isaga.
31 And when the Lord God saw that Lea was hated, he opened her womb; but Rachel was barren.
Rabbiguna wuxuu arkay in Lee'ah la nebcaaday, markaasuu maxalkeedii furay; laakiinse Raaxeel waxay ahayd madhalays.
32 And Lea conceived and bore a son to Jacob; and she called his name, Ruben; saying, Because the Lord has looked on my humiliation, and has given me a son, now then my husband will love me.
Lee'ahna way uuraysatay, oo waxay dhashay wiil, magiciisiina waxay u bixisay Ruubeen, oo waxay tidhi, Sababtu waxaa weeye inuu Rabbigu dhibaatadayda arkay, oo haatan ninkaygu wuu i jeclaan doonaa.
33 And she conceived again, and bore a second son to Jacob; and she said, Because the Lord has heard that I am hated, he has given to me this one also; and she called his name, Simeon.
Oo haddana way uuraysatay mar labaad, waxayna dhashay wiil, oo waxay tidhi, Rabbigu waa maqlay in lay nebcaaday, oo haddaba taas aawadeed ayuu ii siiyey wiilkanna; magiciisiina waxay u bixisay Simecoon.
34 And she conceived yet again, and bore a son, and said, In the present time my husband will be with me, for I have born him three sons; therefore she called his name, Levi.
Oo haddana mar kalay uuraysatay, oo waxay dhashay wiil, waxayna tidhi, Haatan ninkayga ayaa ila jiri doona, maxaa yeelay, saddex wiil baan u dhalay isaga; sidaas daraaddeed magiciisii waxaa loo bixiyey Laawi.
35 And having conceived yet again, she bore a son, and said, Now yet again this time will I give thanks to the Lord; therefore she called his name, Juda; and ceased bearing.
Oo haddana way uuraysatay, oo waxay dhashay wiil; oo waxay tidhi, Haatan Rabbigaan ammaani, sidaas daraaddeed waxay magiciisii u bixisay Yahuudah; wayna dhalmo daysay.