< Genesis 26 >
1 And there was a famine in the land, besides the former famine, which was in the time of Abraam; and Isaac went to Abimelech the king of the Phylistines to Gerara.
Ali nasta glad u zemlji svrh prve gladi koja bješe za vremena Avramova; i Isak otide k Avimelehu caru Filistejskom u Gerar.
2 And the Lord appeared to him and said, Go not down to Egypt, but dwell in the land, which I shall tell you of.
I javi mu se Gospod i reèe: nemoj iæi u Misir, nego sjedi u zemlji koju æu ti kazati.
3 And sojourn in this land; and I will be with you, and bless you, for I will give to you and to your seed all this land; and I will establish my oath which I swore to your father Abraam.
Sjedi u toj zemlji, i ja æu biti s tobom, i blagosloviæu te; jer æu tebi i sjemenu tvojemu dati sve ove zemlje, i potvrdiæu zakletvu, kojom sam se zakleo Avramu ocu tvojemu.
4 And I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven; and I will give to your seed all this land, and all the nations of the earth shall be blest in your seed.
I umnožiæu sjeme tvoje da ga bude kao zvijezda na nebu, i daæu sjemenu tvojemu sve ove zemlje; i u sjemenu tvojem blagosloviæe se svi narodi na zemlji.
5 Because Abraam your father listened to my voice, and kept my injunctions, and my commandments, and my ordinances, and my statutes.
Zato što je Avram slušao glas moj i èuvao naredbu moju, zapovijesti moje, pravila moja i zakone moje.
6 And Isaac lived in Gerara.
I osta Isak u Geraru.
7 And the men of the place questioned him concerning Rebecca his wife, and he said, She is my sister, for he feared to say, She is my wife, lest at any time the men of the place should kill him because of Rebecca, because she was fair.
A ljudi u mjestu onom pitahu za ženu njegovu, a on govoraše: sestra mi je. Jer se bojaše kazati: žena mi je; da me, veli, ne ubiju ovi ljudi radi Reveke, jer je lijepa.
8 And he remained there a long time, and Abimelech the king of Gerara leaned to look through the window, and saw Isaac sporting with Rebecca his wife.
I kad provede mnogo vremena ondje, dogodi se, te pogleda Avimeleh car Filistejski s prozora, i vidje Isaka gdje se šali s Revekom ženom svojom.
9 And Abimelech called Isaac, and said to him, Is she then your wife? why have you said, She is my sister? And Isaac said to him, [I did so], for I said, Lest at any time I die on her account.
I dozva Avimeleh Isaka i reèe: ta to ti je žena; kako si kazao: sestra mi je? A Isak mu odgovori: rekoh: da ne poginem s nje.
10 And Abimelech said to him, Why have you done this to us? one of my kindred within a little had lain with your wife, and you would have brought [a sin of] ignorance upon us.
A Avimeleh reèe: šta si nam uèinio? lako je mogao ko od naroda ovoga leæi s tvojom ženom, te bi nas ti uvalio u grijeh.
11 And Abimelech charged all his people, saying Every man that touches this man and his wife shall be liable to death.
I zapovjedi Avimeleh svemu narodu svojemu govoreæi: ko se dotakne ovoga èovjeka ili žene njegove, poginuæe.
12 And Isaac sowed in that land, and he found in that year barley and hundred-fold, and the Lord blessed him.
I Isak stade sijati u onoj zemlji, i dobi one godine po sto, tako ga blagoslovi Gospod.
13 And the man was exalted, and advancing he increased, till he became very great.
I obogati se èovjek, i napredovaše sve veæma, te posta silan.
14 And he had cattle of sheep, and cattle of oxen, and many tilled lands, and the Phylistines envied him.
I imaše ovaca i goveda i mnogo sluga; a Filisteji mu zaviðahu,
15 And all the wells which the servants of his father had dug in the time of his father, the Phylistines stopped them, and filled them with earth.
Pa sve studence koje bjehu iskopale sluge oca njegova za vremena Avrama oca njegova zaroniše Filisteji, i zasuše ih zemljom.
16 And Abimelech said to Isaac, Depart from us, for you are become much mightier than we.
I Avimeleh reèe Isaku: idi od nas, jer si postao silniji od nas.
17 And Isaac departed thence, and rested in the valley of Gerara, and lived there.
I Isak otide odande, i razape šatore u dolini Gerarskoj, i nastani se ondje.
18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water, which the servants of his father Abraam had dug, and the Phylistines had stopped them, after the death of his father Abraam; and he gave them names, according to the names by which his father named them.
I stade Isak otkopavati studence, koji bjehu iskopani za vremena Avrama oca njegova, i koje zaroniše Filisteji po smrti Avramovoj; i prozva ih imenima koja im bješe nadio otac njegov.
19 And the servants of Isaac dug in the valley of Gerara, and they found there a well of living water.
I kopajuæi sluge Isakove u onom dolu naðoše studenac žive vode.
20 And the shepherds of Gerara strove with the shepherds of Isaac, saying that the water was theirs; and they called the name of the well, Injury, for they injured him.
Ali se svadiše pastiri Gerarski s pastirima Isakovim govoreæi: naša je voda. I nadjede ime onom studencu Esek, jer se svadiše s njim.
21 And having departed thence he dug another well, and they strove also for that; and he named the name of it, Enmity.
Poslije iskopaše drugi studenac, pa se i oko njega svadiše, zato ga nazva Sitna.
22 And he departed thence and dug another well; and they did not strive about that; and he named the name of it, Room, saying, Because now the Lord has made room for us, and has increased us upon the earth.
Tada se podiže odande, i iskopa drugi studenac, i oko njega ne bi svaðe; zato ga nazva Rehovot, govoreæi: sad nam dade Gospod prostora da rastemo u ovoj zemlji.
23 And he went up thence to the well of the oath.
I otide odande gore u Virsaveju.
24 And the Lord appeared to him in that night, and said, I am the God of Abraam your father; fear not, for I am with you, and I will bless you, and multiply your seed for the sake of Abraam your father.
I istu noæ javi mu se Gospod, i reèe: ja sam Bog Avrama oca tvojega. Ne boj se, jer sam ja s tobom, i blagosloviæu te i umnožiæu sjeme tvoje Avrama radi sluge svojega.
25 And he built there an altar, and called on the name of the Lord, and there he pitched his tent, and there the servants of Isaac dug a well in the valley of Gerara.
I naèini ondje žrtvenik, i prizva ime Gospodnje; i ondje razape šator svoj; i sluge Isakove iskopaše ondje studenac.
26 And Abimelech came to him from Gerara, and so did Ochozath his friend, and Phichol the commander-in-chief of his army.
I doðe k njemu Avimeleh iz Gerara s Ohozatom prijateljem svojim i s Fiholom vojvodom svojim.
27 And Isaac said to them, Therefore have you come to me? whereas you hated me, and sent me away from you.
A Isak im reèe: što ste došli k meni, kad mrzite na me i otjeraste me od sebe?
28 And they said, We have surely seen that the Lord was with you, and we said, Let there be an oath between us and you, and we will make a covenant with you,
A oni rekoše: vidjesmo zaista da je Gospod s tobom, pa rekosmo: neka bude zakletva izmeðu nas, izmeðu nas i tebe; hajde da uhvatimo vjeru s tobom:
29 that you shall do no wrong by us, as we have not abhorred you, and according as we have treated you well, and have sent you forth peaceably; and now you are blessed of the Lord.
Da nam ne èiniš zla, kao što se mi tebe ne dotakosmo i kao što mi tebi samo dobro èinismo, i pustismo te da ideš na miru, i eto si blagosloven od Gospoda.
30 And he made a feast for them, and they ate and drank.
Tada ih on ugosti; te jedoše i piše.
31 And they arose in the morning, and swore each to his neighbour; and Isaac sent them forth, and they departed from him in safety.
A sjutradan ustavši rano, zakleše se jedan drugome, i otpusti ih Isak i otidoše od njega s mirom.
32 And it came to pass in that day, that the servants of Isaac came and told him of the well which they had dug; and they said, We have not found water.
Isti dan došavši sluge Isakove kazaše mu za studenac koji iskopaše, i rekoše mu: naðosmo vodu.
33 And he called it, Oath: therefore he called the name of that city, the Well of Oath, until this day.
I nazva ga Saveja; otuda se zove grad onaj Virsaveja do današnjega dana.
34 And Esau was forty years old; and he took as wife Judith the daughter of Beoch the Chettite, and Basemath, daughter of Helon the Chettite.
A kad bi Isavu èetrdeset godina, uze za ženu Juditu kæer Veoha Hetejina, i Vasematu kæer Elona Hetejina.
35 And they were provoking to Isaac and Rebecca.
I one zadavahu mnogo jada Isaku i Reveci.