< Genesis 16 >
1 And Sara the wife of Abram bore him no children; and she had an Egyptian maid, whose name was Agar.
Basi Sarai, mkewe Abramu, alikuwa hajamzalia watoto. Lakini alikuwa na mtumishi wa kike Mmisri jina lake Hagari,
2 And Sara said to Abram, Behold, the Lord has restrained me from bearing, go therefore in to my maid, that I may get children for myself through her. And Abram listened to the voice of Sara.
hivyo Sarai akamwambia Abramu, “Bwana amenizuilia kupata watoto. Nenda, ukakutane kimwili na mtumishi wangu wa kike, huenda nitaweza kupata watoto kupitia kwake.” Abramu akakubaliana na lile Sarai alilosema.
3 So Sara the wife of Abram having taken Agar the Egyptian her handmaid, after Abram had lived ten years in the land of Chanaan, gave her to Abram her husband as a wife to him.
Hivyo baada ya Abramu kuishi katika nchi ya Kanaani miaka kumi, Sarai akamchukua mtumishi wake wa kike wa Kimisri, Hagari na kumpa mumewe awe mke wake.
4 And he went in to Agar, and she conceived, and saw that she was with child, and her mistress was dishonoured before her.
Akakutana kimwili na Hagari, naye akapata mimba. Hagari alipojua kuwa ana mimba, alianza kumdharau Sarai.
5 And Sara said to Abram, I am injured by you; I gave my handmaid into your bosom, and when I saw that she was with child, I was dishonoured before her. The Lord judge between me and you.
Ndipo Sarai akamwambia Abramu, “Unawajibika na manyanyaso ninayoyapata. Nilimweka mtumishi wangu mikononi mwako, sasa kwa vile anajua kwamba ana mimba, ananidharau mimi. Bwana na aamue kati yako na mimi.”
6 And Abram said to Sara, Behold your handmaid is in your hands, use her as it may seem good to you. And Sara afflicted her, and she fled from her face.
Abramu akamwambia, “Mtumishi wako yuko mikononi mwako. Mtendee lolote unalofikiri ni bora zaidi.” Ndipo Sarai akamtesa Hagari, hivyo akamtoroka.
7 And an angel of the Lord found her by the fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Sur.
Malaika wa Bwana akamkuta Hagari karibu na chemchemi huko jangwani; ilikuwa chemchemi ile iliyokuwa kando ya barabara iendayo Shuri.
8 And the angel of the Lord said to her, Agar, Sara's maid, whence come you, and wither go you? and she said, I am fleeing from the face of my mistress Sara.
Malaika akamwambia, “Hagari, mtumishi wa Sarai, umetokea wapi, na unakwenda wapi?” Akamjibu, “Ninamkimbia bibi yangu Sarai.”
9 And the angel of the Lord said to her, Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hands.
Ndipo malaika wa Bwana akamwambia, “Rudi kwa bibi yako ukajishushe chini yake.”
10 And the angel of the Lord said to her, I will surely multiply your seed, and it shall not be numbered for multitude.
Malaika akaendelea akasema, “Nitazidisha wazao wako, hivi kwamba watakuwa wengi mno wasiohesabika.”
11 And the angel of the Lord said to her, Behold you are with child, and shall bear a son, and shall call his name Ismael, for the Lord has listened to your humiliation.
Pia malaika wa Bwana akamwambia: “Wewe sasa una mimba nawe utamzaa mwana. Utamwita jina lake Ishmaeli, kwa sababu Bwana amesikia juu ya huzuni yako.
12 He shall be a wild man, his hands against all, and the hands of all against him, and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
Atakuwa punda-mwitu katikati ya wanadamu, mkono wake utakuwa dhidi ya kila mtu na mkono wa kila mtu dhidi yake, naye ataishi kwa uhasama na ndugu zake wote.”
13 And she called the name of the Lord God who spoke to her, You are God who see me; for she said, For I have openly seen him that appeared to me.
Hagari akampa Bwana aliyezungumza naye jina hili: “Wewe ndiwe Mungu unionaye mimi,” kwa maana alisema, “Sasa nimemwona yeye anayeniona mimi.”
14 Therefore she called the well, The well of him whom I have openly seen; behold it is between Cades and Barad.
Ndiyo sababu kisima kile kikaitwa Beer-Lahai-Roi, ambacho bado kipo huko hata leo kati ya Kadeshi na Beredi.
15 And Agar bore a son to Abram; and Abram called the name of his son which Agar bore to him, Ismael.
Hivyo Hagari akamzalia Abramu mwana, naye Abramu akamwita huyo mwana Hagari aliyemzalia, Ishmaeli.
16 And Abram was eighty-six years old, when Agar bore Ismael to Abram.
Abramu alikuwa na umri wa miaka themanini na sita wakati Hagari alipomzalia Ishmaeli.