< Jezekiel 4 >
1 And you, son of man, take you a brick, and you shall set it before your face, and shall portray on it the city, [even] Jerusalem.
»Tudi ti, človeški sin, si vzemi opeko in jo položi pred seboj in na njej upodobi mesto, celó [prestolnico] Jeruzalem,
2 And you shall besiege it, and build works against it, and throw up a mound round about it, and pitch camps against it, and set up engines round about.
in postavi obleganje zoper njo in zgradi utrdbo zoper njo in nasuj nasip zoper njo. Postavi tudi tabor zoper njo in naokoli zoper njo razpostavi oblegovalne ovne.
3 And take you to yourself an iron pan, and you shall set it [for] an iron wall between you and the city: and you shall set your face against it, and it shall be in a siege, and you shall besiege it. This is a sign to the children of Israel.
Poleg tega si vzemi železno ponev in jo postavi za železen zid med seboj in mestom, in naravnaj svoj obraz zoper njo in ta bo oblegana, ti pa boš postavil oblegovanje zoper njo. To bo znamenje Izraelovi hiši.
4 And you shall lie upon your left side, and lay the iniquities of the house of Israel upon it, according to the number of the hundred and fifty days [during] which you shall lie upon it: and you shall bear their iniquities.
Lezi tudi na svojo levo stran in nanjo položi krivičnost Izraelove hiše. Glede na število dni, ko boš ležal na tej, boš nosil njihovo krivičnost.
5 For I have appointed you their iniquities for a number of days, for a hundred and ninety days: so you shall bear the iniquities of the house of Israel.
Kajti nate sem položil leta njihove krivičnosti, glede na število dni, tristo devetdeset dni. Tako boš nosil krivičnost Izraelove hiše.
6 And you shall accomplish this, and [then] shall lie on your right side, and shall bear the iniquities of the house of Juda forty days: I have appointed you a day for a year.
Ko jih dopolniš, ponovno lezi na svojo desno stran in štirideset dni boš nosil krivičnost Judove hiše. Določil sem ti vsak dan za leto.
7 So you shall set your face to the siege of Jerusalem, and shall strengthen your arm, and shall prophesy against it.
Zato boš svoj obraz naravnal proti obleganju [prestolnice] Jeruzalem in tvoj laket bo odkrit in prerokoval boš zoper njo.
8 And, behold, I have prepared bonds for you, land you may not turn from your one side to the other, until the days of your siege shall be accomplished.
Glej, nate bom položil vezi in ne boš se obrnil iz ene strani na drugo, dokler ne dokončaš dni svojega obleganja.
9 Take you also to you wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and bread-corn; and you shall cast them into one earthen vessel, and shall make them into loaves for yourself; and you shall eat them a hundred and ninety days, according to the number of the days [during] which you sleep on your side.
K sebi vzemi tudi pšenico, ječmen, fižol, lečo, proso in piro ter jih stresi v eno posodo in iz tega zamesi kruh; glede na število dni, ki jih boš preležal na svoji strani, tristo devetdeset dni boš jedel od tega.
10 And you shall eat your food by weight, twenty shekels a day: from time to time shall you eat them.
Tvoja hrana, ki jo boš jedel, bo po teži, dvajset šeklov na dan. Od časa do časa jo boš jedel.
11 And you shall drink water by measure, even from time to time you shall drink the sixth part of a hin.
Tudi vodo boš pil po meri, šesti del vrča. Od časa do časa [jo] boš pil.
12 And you shall eat them [as] a barley cake: you shall bake them before their eyes in man's dung.
To boš jedel kakor ječmenove kolače in to boš spekel z iztrebkom, ki prihaja iz človeka, v njihovem pogledu.«
13 And you shall say, Thus says the Lord God of Israel; Thus shall the children of Israel eat unclean things amongst the Gentiles.
Gospod je rekel: »Celo tako bodo Izraelovi otroci jedli svoj omadeževani kruh med pogani, kamor jih bom pognal.«
14 Then I said, Not so, Lord God of Israel: surely my soul has not been defiled with uncleanness; nor have I eaten, that which died of itself or was torn of beasts from my birth until now; neither has any corrupt flesh entered into my mouth.
Potem sem rekel: »Ah, Gospod Bog! Glej, moja duša ni bila oskrunjena, kajti od svoje mladosti, celo do sedaj, nisem jedel od tega, kar samo umre ali je raztrgano na koščke; niti v moja usta ni prišlo gnusno meso.«
15 And he said to me, Behold, I have given you dung of oxen instead of man's dung, and you shall prepare your loaves upon it.
Potem mi je rekel: »Glej! Dajem ti kravji iztrebek za človeški iztrebek in svoj kruh boš pripravil s tem.«
16 And he said to me, Son of man, behold, I break the support of bread in Jerusalem: and they shall eat bread by weight and in lack; and shall drink water by measure, and in a state of ruin:
Poleg tega mi je rekel: »Človeški sin, glej, zlomil bom oporo kruha v [prestolnici] Jeruzalem. Kruh bodo jedli po teži in s skrbnostjo in vodo bodo pili po meri in z osuplostjo,
17 that they may lack bread and water; and a man and his brother shall be brought to ruin, and they shall pine away in their iniquities.
da jim bo lahko primanjkovalo kruha in vode in bodo osupli eden z drugim in shirali zaradi svoje krivičnosti.«