< Jezekiel 31 >
1 And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the third month, on the first [day] of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Et factum est in anno undecimo, tertio mense, una mensis, factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
2 Son of man, say to Pharao king of Egypt, and to his multitude; To whom have you compared yourself in your haughtiness?
Fili hominis dic Pharaoni regi Ægypti, et populo eius: Cui similis factus es in magnitudine tua?
3 Behold, the Assyrian was a cypress in Libanus, and was fair in shoots, and high in stature: his top reached to the midst of the clouds.
Ecce Assur quasi cedrus in Libano, pulcher ramis, et frondibus nemorosus, excelsusque altitudine, et inter condensas frondes elevatum est cacumen eius.
4 The water nourished him, the depth made him grow tall; she led her rivers round about his plants, and she sent forth her streams to all the trees of the field.
Aquæ nutrierunt illum, abyssus exaltavit illum: flumina eius manabant in circuitu radicum eius, et rivos suos emisit ad universa ligna regionis.
5 Therefore was his stature exalted above all the trees of the field, and his branches spread far by the help of much water.
Propterea elevata est altitudo eius super omnia ligna regionis: et multiplicata sunt arbusta eius, et elevati sunt rami eius præ aquis multis.
6 All the birds of the sky made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches all the wild beasts of the field bred; the whole multitude of nations lived under his shadow.
Cumque extendisset umbram suam, in ramis eius fecerunt nidos omnia volatilia cæli, et sub frondibus eius genuerunt omnes bestiæ saltuum, et sub umbraculo illius habitabat cœtus gentium plurimarum.
7 And he was fair in his height by reason of the multitude of his branches: for his roots were amidst much water.
Eratque pulcherrimus in magnitudine sua, et in dilatatione arbustorum suorum: erat enim radix illius iuxta aquas multas.
8 And such cypresses [as this] were in the paradise of God; and there were no pines like his shoots, and there were no firs like his branches: no tree in the paradise of God was like him in his beauty,
Cedri non fuerunt altiores illo in Paradiso Dei, abietes non adæquaverunt summitatem eius, et platani non fuerunt æquæ frondibus illius: omne lignum Paradisi Dei non est assimilatum illi, et pulchritudini eius.
9 because of the multitude of his branches: and the trees of God's paradise of delight envied him.
Quoniam speciosum feci eum, et multis, condensisque frondibus: et æmulata sunt eum omnia ligna voluptatis, quæ erant in Paradiso Dei.
10 Therefore thus says the Lord; Because you are grown great, and have set your top in the midst of the clouds, and I saw when he was exalted;
Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod sublimatus est in altitudine, et dedit summitatem suam virentem atque condensam, et elevatum est cor eius in altitudine sua:
11 therefore I delivered him into the hands of the prince of the nations, and he wrought his destruction.
Tradidi eum in manu fortissimi Gentium, faciens faciet ei: iuxta impietatem eius eieci eum.
12 And ravaging strangers from the nations have destroyed him, and have cast him down upon the mountains: his branches fell in all the valleys, and his boughs were broken in every field of the land; and all the people of the nations are gone down from their shelter, and have laid him low.
Et succident eum alieni, et crudelissimi nationum, et proiicient eum super montes, et in cunctis convallibus corruent rami eius, et confringentur arbusta eius in universis rupibus terræ: et recedent de umbraculo eius omnes populi terræ, et relinquent eum.
13 All the birds of the sky have settled on his fallen trunk, and all the wild beasts of the field came upon his boughs:
In ruina eius habitaverunt omnia volatilia cæli, et in ramis eius fuerunt universæ bestiæ regionis.
14 in order that none of the trees by the water should exalt themselves by reason of their size: whereas they set their top in the midst of the clouds, yet they continued not in their high state in their place, all that drank water, all were consigned to death, to the depth of the earth, in the midst of the children of men, with them that go down to the pit.
Quam ob rem non elevabuntur in altitudine sua omnia ligna aquarum, nec ponent sublimitatem suam inter nemorosa atque frondosa, nec stabunt in sublimitate sua omnia, quæ irrigantur aquis: quia omnes traditi sunt in mortem ad terram ultimam in medio filiorum hominum ad eos, qui descendunt in lacum.
15 Thus says the Lord God; In the day wherein he went down to Hades, the deep mourned for him: and I stayed her floods, and restrained her abundance of water: and Libanus saddened for him, all the trees of the field fainted for him. (Sheol )
Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: In die quando descendit ad inferos, induxi luctum, operui eum abysso: et prohibui flumina eius, et coercui aquas multas: contristatus est super eum Libanus, et omnia ligna agri concussa sunt. (Sheol )
16 At the sound of his fall the nations quaked, when I brought him down to Hades with them that go down to the pit: and all the trees of Delight comforted him in the heart, and the choice of [plants] of Libanus, all that drink water. (Sheol )
A sonitu ruinæ eius commovi Gentes, cum deducerem eum ad infernum cum his, qui descendebant in lacum: et consolata sunt in terra infima omnia ligna voluptatis egregia, atque præclara in Libano, universa quæ irrigabantur aquis. (Sheol )
17 For they went down to hell with him amongst the slain with the sword; and his seed, [even] they that lived under his shadow, perished in the midst of their life. (Sheol )
Nam et ipsi cum eo descendent in infernum ad interfectos gladio: et brachium uniuscuiusque sedebit sub umbraculo eius in medio nationum. (Sheol )
18 To whom are you compared? descend, and be you debased with the trees of paradise to the depth of the earth: you shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that are slain by the sword. Thus shall Pharao be, and the multitude of his host, says the Lord God.
Cui assimilatus es o inclyte atque sublimis inter ligna voluptatis? Ecce deductus es cum lignis voluptatis ad terram ultimam: in medio incircumcisorum dormies, cum eis, qui interfecti sunt gladio, ipse est Pharao, et omnis multitudo eius, dicit Dominus Deus.