< Exodus 40 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Ningĩ Jehova akĩĩra Musa atĩrĩ:
2 On the first day of the first month, at the new moon, you shall set up the tabernacle of witness,
“Ũgaaka hema ĩyo nyamũre, nĩo Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo, mũthenya wa mbere wa mweri wa mbere.
3 and you shall place [in it] the ark of the testimony, and shall cover the ark with the veil,
Nĩũkaiga ithandũkũ rĩa Ũira thĩinĩ wayo, na ũhakanie ithandũkũ rĩu na gĩtambaya gĩa gũcuurio.
4 and you shall bring in the table and shall set forth that which is to be set forth on it; and you shall bring in the candlestick and place its lamps on it.
Ningĩ nĩũgatoonyia metha na ũmĩigĩrĩre indo ciayo, na ũcibange wega. Ningĩ ũtoonyie mũtĩ wa tawa, na ũũigĩrĩre matawa maguo.
5 And you shall place the golden altar, to burn incense before the ark; and you shall put a covering of a veil on the door of the tabernacle of witness.
Ningĩ ũige kĩgongona gĩa thahabu gĩa gũcinĩrwo ũbumba mbere ya Ithandũkũ rĩu rĩa Ũira, na wĩkĩre gĩtambaya gĩa gũcuurio itoonyero-inĩ rĩa hema ĩyo nyamũre.
6 And you shall put the altar of burnt offerings by the doors of the tabernacle of witness, and you shall set up the tabernacle round about, and you shall hallow all that belongs to it round about.
“Iga kĩgongona kĩa maruta ma njino mbere ya itoonyero rĩa hema ĩyo nyamũre, na nĩyo Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo;
ũige kĩraĩ gĩa gwĩthambĩrwo gatagatĩ ka Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo na kĩgongona, na ũgĩĩkĩre maaĩ.
Aka nja ĩmĩthiũrũrũkĩrie, na wĩkĩre gĩtambaya gĩa gũcuurio itoonyero-inĩ rĩa nja ĩyo.
9 And you shall take the anointing oil, and shall anoint the tabernacle, and all things in it; and shall sanctify it, and all its furniture, and it shall be holy.
“Oya maguta ma gũitanĩrĩrio, na ũitĩrĩrie hema ĩyo nyamũre na kĩrĩa gĩothe kĩrĩ thĩinĩ wayo; mĩamũre na indo ciayo ciothe, na nĩĩgatuĩka theru.
10 And you shall anoint the altar of burnt offerings, and all its furniture; and you shall hallow the altar, and the altar shall be most holy.
Ningĩ ũitĩrĩrie maguta kĩgongona kĩa maruta ma njino na indo ciakĩo ciothe; wamũre kĩgongona kĩu, nakĩo nĩgĩgatuĩka gĩtheru mũno.
Itĩrĩria kĩraĩ gĩa gwĩthambĩrwo na kĩgũrũ gĩakĩo maguta, ũciamũre.
12 And you shall bring Aaron and his sons to the doors of the tabernacle of witness, and you shall wash them with water.
“Rehe Harũni na ariũ ake itoonyero-inĩ rĩa Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo, na ũmathambie na maaĩ.
13 And you shall put on Aaron the holy garments, and you shall anoint him, and you shall sanctify him, and he shall minister to me as priest.
Ningĩ ũhumbe Harũni nguo iria theru, ũmũitĩrĩrie maguta, na ũmwamũre nĩguo andungatĩre arĩ mũthĩnjĩri-Ngai.
14 And you shall bring up his sons, and shall put garments on them.
Rehe ariũ ake, ũmahumbe kanjũ.
15 And you shall anoint them as you did anoint their father, and they shall minister to me as priests; and it shall be that they shall have an everlasting anointing of priesthood, throughout their generations.
Maitĩrĩrie maguta o ta ũrĩa ũitĩrĩirie ithe wao, nĩguo mandungatĩre marĩ athĩnjĩri-Ngai. Gũitĩrĩrio maguta kwao nĩkũmatoonyia ũtungata-inĩ wa ũthĩnjĩri-Ngai ũrĩa ũgũtũũra njiarwa-inĩ ciothe iria igooka.”
16 And Moses did all things whatever the Lord commanded him, so did he.
Nake Musa agĩĩka maũndũ mothe o ta ũrĩa Jehova aamwathĩte.
17 And it came to pass in the first month, in the second year after their going forth out of Egypt, at the new moon, that the tabernacle was set up.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio hema ĩyo nyamũre ĩgĩakwo mũthenya wa mbere wa mweri wa mbere, mwaka-inĩ wa keerĩ.
18 And Moses set up the tabernacle, and put on the chapiters, and put the bars into their places, and set up the posts.
Rĩrĩa Musa aakire hema ĩyo nyamũre, nĩaigire itina handũ ha cio, na akĩrũgamia buremu, agĩtoonyia mĩgamba na akĩrũgamia itugĩ.
19 And he stretched out the curtains over the tabernacle, and put the veil of the tabernacle on it above as the Lord commanded Moses.
Ningĩ agĩtambũrũkia hema igũrũ rĩa hema ĩyo nyamũre na akĩigĩrĩra kĩhumbĩri igũrũ rĩa hema o ta ũrĩa Jehova aamwathĩte.
20 And he took the testimonies, and put them into the ark; and he put the staves by the sides of the ark.
Agĩcooka akĩoya ihengere cia Ũira, na agĩciiga thĩinĩ wa ithandũkũ rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro. Akĩnyiitithania mĩtĩ ĩrĩa mĩraaya na ithandũkũ, na akĩiga gĩtĩ gĩa tha igũrũ rĩa ithandũkũ rĩu.
21 And he brought the ark into the tabernacle, and put on [it] the covering of the veil, and covered the ark of the testimony, as the Lord commanded Moses.
Ningĩ akĩrehe ithandũkũ rĩa kĩrĩkanĩro thĩinĩ wa hema ĩyo nyamũre, na agĩĩkĩra gĩtambaya gĩa kũhakania na akĩhakania ithandũkũ rĩa Ũira o ta ũrĩa Jehova aamwathĩte.
22 And he put the table in the tabernacle of witness, on the north side without the veil of the tabernacle.
Musa akĩiga metha thĩinĩ wa Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo mwena wa gathigathini wa hema ĩyo nyamũre, nja ya gĩtambaya gĩa gũcuurio
23 And he put on it the show bread before the Lord, as the Lord commanded Moses.
na akĩigĩrĩra mĩgate igũrũ rĩayo o hau mbere ya Jehova, o ta ũrĩa Jehova aamwathĩte.
24 And he put the candlestick into the tabernacle of witness, on the side of the tabernacle towards the south.
Akĩiga mũtĩ wa kũigĩrĩrwo matawa thĩinĩ wa Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo ũngʼetheire metha mwena wa gũthini wa hema ĩyo nyamũre,
25 And he put on it its lamps before the Lord, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
na agĩakia matawa macio mbere ya Jehova, o ta ũrĩa Jehova aamwathĩte.
26 And he put the golden altar in the tabernacle of witness before the veil;
Musa agĩtoonyia kĩgongona gĩa thahabu thĩinĩ wa Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo hau mbere ya gĩtambaya gĩa gũcuurio,
27 and he burnt on it incense of composition, as the Lord commanded Moses.
na agĩcinĩra ũbumba ũrĩa mũnungi wega ho o ta ũrĩa Jehova aamwathĩte.
Ningĩ agĩcuuria gĩtambaya itoonyero-inĩ rĩa hema ĩyo nyamũre.
29 And he put the altar of the burnt offerings by the doors of the tabernacle.
Ningĩ akĩiga kĩgongona kĩa maruta ma njino hakuhĩ na itoonyero rĩa hema ĩyo nyamũre, nĩyo Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo, na akĩrutĩra magongona ma njino igũrũ rĩakĩo o na magongona ma ngano, o ta ũrĩa Jehova aamwathĩte.
Nĩaigire kĩraĩ gĩa gwĩthambĩrwo gatagatĩ ka Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo na kĩgongona na agĩgĩĩkĩra maaĩ ma gwĩthamba,
31 And he set up the court round about the tabernacle and the altar; and Moses accomplished all the works.
nake Musa na Harũni na ariũ ake magĩtũmĩra maaĩ macio gwĩthamba moko na magũrũ.
Nĩmethambaga hĩndĩ ciothe magĩtoonya Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo kana magĩkuhĩrĩria kĩgongona o ta ũrĩa Jehova aathĩte Musa.
Ningĩ Musa agĩaka nja gũthiũrũrũka hema ĩyo nyamũre na kĩgongona na agĩĩkĩra gĩtambaya gĩa gũcuurio itoonyero rĩa nja ĩyo. Na nĩ ũndũ ũcio Musa akĩrĩkia wĩra ũcio.
34 And the cloud covered the tabernacle of witness, and the tabernacle was filled with the glory of the Lord.
Hĩndĩ ĩyo itu rĩkĩhumbĩra Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo, naguo riiri wa Jehova ũkĩiyũra hema ĩyo nyamũre.
35 And Moses was not able to enter into the tabernacle of testimony, because the cloud overshadowed it, and the tabernacle was filled with the glory of the Lord.
Musa ndangĩahotire gũtoonya Hema-ya-Gũtũnganwo tondũ itu rĩaikarĩte igũrũ rĩayo, naguo riiri wa Jehova ũkaiyũra hema ĩyo nyamũre.
36 And when the cloud went up from the tabernacle, the children of Israel prepared to depart with their baggage.
Ngʼendo-inĩ ciothe cia andũ a Isiraeli-rĩ, hĩndĩ ĩrĩa yothe itu rĩoyagwo na igũrũ kuuma hema ĩyo nyamũre, nĩguo moimagaraga;
37 And if the cloud went not up, they did not prepare to depart, till the day when the cloud went up.
no itu rĩĩaga kuoywo na igũrũ, nao makaaga kuumagara, nginya mũthenya ũrĩa rĩkoywo na igũrũ.
38 For a cloud was on the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night before all Israel, in all their journeyings.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio itu rĩa Jehova rĩaikaraga igũrũ wa hema ĩyo nyamũre mũthenya, naguo mwaki wakoragwo itu-inĩ rĩu ũtukũ, rĩgakĩonagwo nĩ nyũmba yothe ya Isiraeli mahinda mothe ngʼendo-inĩ ciao ciothe.

< Exodus 40 >